贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > nada the lily(百合娜达) >


nada the lily(百合娜达)-第62章

小说: nada the lily(百合娜达) 字数: 每页4000字

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〃I will not do that; father;〃 he answered。 〃I will dwell beneath the
shadow of the Ghost Mountain while I may。〃

〃And so will I;〃 said Galazi; 〃or rather among its rocks。 What! shall
my wolves lack a master when they would go a…hunting? Shall Greysnout
and Blackfang; Blood and Deathgrip; and their company black and grey;
howl for me in vain?〃

〃So be it; children。 Ye are young and will not listen to the counsel
of the old。 Let it befall as it chances。〃

I spoke thus; for I did not know then why Umslopogaas would not leave
his kraals。 It was for this reason: because he had bidden Nada to meet
him there。

Afterwards; when he found her he would have gone; but then the sky was
clear; the danger…clouds had melted for awhile。

Oh! that Umslopogaas my fosterling had listened to me! Now he would
have reigned as a king; not wandered an outcast in strange lands I
know not where; and Nada should have lived; not died; nor would the
People of the Axe have ceased to be a people。

This of Dingaan。 When he heard my message he grew afraid once more;
for he knew me to be no liar。

Therefore he held his hand for awhile; sending no impi to smite
Umslopogaas; lest it might come about that I should bring him his
death as I had promised。 And before the fear had worn away; it
happened that Dingaan's hands were full with the war against the
Amaboona; because of his slaughter of the white people; and he had no
soldiers to spare with whom to wreak vengeance on a petty chief living
far away。

Yet his rage was great because of what had chanced; and; after his
custom; he murdered many innocent people to satisfy it。



Now afterwards; as we went upon our road; Umslopogaas told me all
there was to tell of the slaying of the Halakazi and of the finding of

When I heard that Nada; my daughter; still lived; I wept for joy;
though like Umslopogaas I was torn by doubt and fear; for it is far
for an unaided maid to travel from Swaziland to the Ghost Mountain。
Yet all this while I said nothing to Umslopogaas of the truth as to
his birth; because on the journey there were many around us; and the
very trees have ears; and the same wind to which we whispered might
whisper to the king。 Still I knew that the hour had come now when I
must speak; for it was in my mind to bring it about that Umslopogaas
should be proclaimed the son of Chaka; and be made king of the Zulus
in the place of Dingaan; his uncle。 Yet all these things had gone
cross for us; because it was fated so; my father。 Had I known that
Umslopogaas still lived when I slew Chaka; then I think that I could
have brought it about that he should be king。 Or had things fallen out
as I planned; and the Lily maid been brought to Dingaan; and
Umslopogaas grew great in his sight; then; perhaps; I could have
brought it about。 But all things had gone wrong。 The Lily was none
other than Nada; and how could Umslopogaas give Nada; whom he thought
his sister; and who was my daughter; to Dingaan against her will?
Also; because of Nada; Dingaan and Umslopogaas were now at bitter
enmity; and for this same cause I was disgraced and a fugitive; and my
counsels would no longer be heard in the ear of the king。

So everything must be begun afresh: and as I walked with the impi
towards the Ghost Mountain; I thought much and often of the manner in
which this might be done。 But as yet I said nothing。

Now at last we were beneath the Ghost Mountain; and looked upon the
face of the old Witch who sits there aloft forever waiting for the
world to die; and that same night we came to the kraal of the People
of the Axe; and entered it with a great singing。 But Galazi did not
enter at that time; he was away to the mountain to call his flock of
wolves; and as we passed its foot we heard the welcome that the wolves
howled in greeting to him。

Now as we drew near the kraal; all the women and children came out to
meet us; headed by Zinita; the head wife of Umslopogaas。 They came
joyfully; but when they found how many were wanting who a moon before
had gone thence to fight; their joy was turned to mourning; and the
voice of their weeping went up to heaven。

Umslopogaas greeted Zinita kindly; and yet I thought that there was
something lacking。 At first she spoke to him softly; but when she
learned all that had come to pass; her words were not soft; for she
reviled me and sang a loud song at Umslopogaas。

〃See now; Slaughterer;〃 she said; 〃see now what has came about because
you listened to this aged fool!〃that was I; my father〃this fool
who calls himself 'Mouth'! Ay; a mouth he is; a mouth out of which
proceed folly and lies! What did he counsel you to do?to go up
against these Halakazi and win a girl for Dingaan! And what have you
done?you have fallen upon the Halakazi; and doubtless have killed
many innocent people with that great axe of yours; also you have left
nearly half of the soldiers of the Axe to whiten in the Swazi caves;
and in exchange have brought back certain cattle of a small breed; and
girls and children whom we must nourish!

〃Nor does the matter end here。 You went; it seems; to win a girl whom
Dingaan desired; yet when you find that girl you let her go; because;
indeed; you say she was your sister and would not wed Dingaan。
Forsooth; is not the king good enough for this sister of yours? Now
what is the end of the tale? You try to play tricks on the king;
because of your sister; and are found out。 Then you kill a man before
Dingaan and escape; bringing this fool of an aged Mouth with you; that
he may teach you his own folly。 So you have lost half of your men; and
you have gained the king for a foe who shall bring about the death of
all of us; and a fool for a councillor。 Wow! Slaughterer; keep to your
trade and let others find you wit。〃

Thus she spoke without ceasing; and there was some truth in her words。
Zinita had a bitter tongue。 I sat silent till she had finished; and
Umslopogaas also remained silent; though his anger was great; because
there was no crack in her talk through which a man might thrust a

〃Peace; woman!〃 I said at length; 〃do not speak ill of those who are
wise and who had seen much before you were born。〃

〃Speak no ill of him who is my father;〃 growled Umslopogaas。 〃Ay!
though you do not know it; this Mouth whom you revile is Mopo; my

〃Then there is a man among the People of the Axe who has a fool for a
father。 Of all tidings this is the worst。〃

〃There is a man among the People of the Axe who has a jade and a scold
for a wife;〃 said Umslopogaas; springing up。 〃Begone; Zinita!and
know this; that if I hear you snarl such words of him who is my
father; you shall go further than your own hut; for I will put you
away and drive you from my kraal。 I have suffered you too long。〃

〃I go;〃 said Zinita。 〃Oh! I am well served! I made you chief; and now
you threaten to put me away。〃

〃My own hands made me chief;〃 said Umslopogaas; and; springing up; he
thrust her from the hut。

〃It is a poor thing to be wedded to such a woman; my father;〃 he said

〃Yes; a poor thing; Umslopogaas; yet these are the burdens that men
must bear。 Learn wisdom from it; Umslopogaas; and have as little to do
with women as may be; at the least; do not love them overmuch; so
shall you find the more peace。〃 Thus I spoke; smiling; and would that
he had listened to my counsel; for it is the love of women which has
brought ruin on Umslopogaas!

All this was many years ago; and but lately I have heard that
Umslopogaas is fled into the North; and become a wanderer to his death
because of the matter of a woman who had betrayed him; making it seem
that he had murdered one Loustra; who was his blood brother; just as
Galazi had been。 I do not know how it came about; but he who was so
fierce and strong had that weakness like his uncle Dingaan; and it has
destroyed him at the last; and for this cause I shall behold him no

Now; my father; for awhile we were silent and alone in the hut; and as
we sat I thought I heard a rat stir in the thatch。

Then I spoke。 〃Umslopogaas; at length the hour has come that I should

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