贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > nada the lily(百合娜达) >


nada the lily(百合娜达)-第50章

小说: nada the lily(百合娜达) 字数: 每页4000字

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wide…opened eyes。

〃How know you that once I was named Umslopogaas; who have lost that
name these many days? Speak; O Mouth; lest I kill you。〃

〃Slay if you will; Umslopogaas;〃 I answered; 〃but know that when the
brains are scattered the mouth is dumb。 He who scatters brains loses

〃Answer!〃 he said。

〃I answer not。 Who are you that I should answer you? I know; it is
enough。 To my business。〃

Now Umslopogaas ground his teeth in anger。 〃I am not wont to be
thwarted here in my own kraal;〃 he said; 〃but do your business。 Speak
it; little Mouth。〃

〃This is my business; little Chief。 When the Black One who is gone yet
lived; you sent him a message by one Masilosuch a message as his
ears had never heard; and that had been your death; O fool puffed up
with pride; but death came first upon the Black One; and his hand was
stayed。 Now Dingaan; whose shadow lies upon the land; the king whom I
serve; and who sits in the place of the Black One who is gone; speaks
to you by me; his mouth。 He would know this: if it is true that you
refuse to own his sovereignty; to pay tribute to him in men and maids
and cattle; and to serve him in his wars? Answer; you little headman!
answer in few words and short!〃

Now Umslopogaas gasped for breath in his rage; and again he fingered
the great axe。 〃It is well for you; O Mouth;〃 he said; 〃that I swore
safe conduct to you; else you had not gone henceelse you had been
served as I served certain soldiers who in bygone years were sent to
search out one Umslopogaas。 Yet I answer you in few words and short。
Look on those spearsthey are but a fourth part of the number I can
muster: that is my answer。 Look now on yonder mountain; the mountain
of ghosts and wolvesunknown; impassable; save to me and one other:
that is my answer。 Spears and mountains shall come togetherthe
mountain shall be alive with spears and with the fangs of beasts。 Let
Dingaan seek his tribute there! I have spoken!〃

Now I laughed shrilly; desiring to try the heart of Umslopogaas; my
fosterling; yet further。

〃Fool!〃 I said。 〃Boy with the brain of a monkey; for every spear you
have Dingaan; whom I serve; can send a hundred; and your mountain
shall be stamped flat; and for your ghosts and wolves; see; with the
mouth of Dingaan I spit upon them!〃 and I spat upon the ground。

Now Umslopogaas shook in his rage; and the great axe glimmered as he
shook。 He turned to the captain who was behind him; and said: 〃Say;
Galazi the Wolf; shall we kill this man and those with him?〃

〃Nay;〃 answered the Wolf; grinning; 〃do not kill them; you have given
them safe conduct。 Moreover; let them go back to their dog of a king;
that he may send out his puppies to do battle with our wolves。 It will
be a pretty fight。〃

〃Get you gone; O Mouth;〃 said Umslopogaas; 〃get you gone swiftly; lest
mischief befall you! Without my gates you shall find food to satisfy
your hunger。 Eat of it and begone; for if to…morrow at the noon you
are found within a spear's throw of this kraal; you and those with you
shall bide there forever; O Mouth of Dingaan the king!〃

Now I made as though I would depart; then; turning suddenly; I spoke
once more; saying:

〃There were words in your message to the Black One who is dead of a
certain mannay; how was he named?of a certain Mopo。〃

Now Umslopogaas started as one starts who is wounded by a spear; and
stared at me。

〃Mopo! What of Mopo; O Mouth; whose eyes are veiled? Mopo is dead;
whose son I was!〃

〃Ah!〃 I said; 〃yes; Mopo is deadthat is; the Black One who is gone
killed a certain Mopo。 How came it; O Bulalio; that you were his son?〃

〃Mopo is dead;〃 quoth Umslopogaas again; 〃he is dead with all his
house; his kraal is stamped flat; and that is why I hated the Black
One; and therefore I hate Dingaan; his brother; and will be as are
Mopo and the house of Mopo before I pay him tribute of a single ox。〃

All this while I had spoken to Umslopogaas in a feigned voice; my
father; but now I spoke again and in my own voice; saying:

〃So! Now you speak from your heart; young man; and by digging I have
reached the root of the matter。 It is because of this dead dog of a
Mopo that you defy the king。〃

Umslopogaas heard the voice; and trembled no more with anger; but
rather with fear and wonder。 He looked at me hard; answering nothing。

〃Have you a hut near by; O Chief Bulalio; foe of Dingaan the king;
where I; the mouth of the king; may speak with you a while apart; for
I would learn your message word by word that I may deliver it without
fault。 Fear not; Slaughterer; to sit alone with me in an empty hut! I
am unarmed and old; and there is that in your hand which I should
fear;〃 and I pointed to the axe。

Now Umslopogaas; still shaking in his limbs; answered 〃Follow me; O
Mouth; and you; Galazi; stay with these men。〃

So I followed Umslopogaas; and presently we came to a large hut。 He
pointed to the doorway; and I crept through it and he followed after
me。 Now for a while it seemed dark in the hut; for the sun was sinking
without and the place was full of shadow; so I waited while a man
might count fifty; till our eyes could search the darkness。 Then of a
sudden I threw the blanket from my face and looked into the yes of

〃Look on me now; O Chief Bulalio; O Slaughterer; who once was named
Umslopogaaslook on me and say who am I?〃 Then he looked at me and
his jaw fell。

〃Either you are Mopo my father grown oldMopo; who is dead; or the
Ghost of Mopo;〃 he answered in a low voice。

〃I am Mopo; your father; Umslopogaas;〃 I said。 〃You have been long in
knowing me; who knew you from the first。〃

Then Umslopogaas cried aloud; but yet softly; and letting fall the axe
Groan…Maker; he flung himself upon my breast and wept there。 And I
wept also。

〃Oh! my father;〃 he said; 〃I thought that you were dead with the
others; and now you have come back to me; and I; I would have lifted
the axe against you in my folly。 Oh; it is well that I have lived; and
not died; since once more I look upon your facethe face that I
thought dead; but which yet lives; though it be sorely changed; as
though by grief and years。〃

〃Peace; Umslopogaas; my son;〃 I said。 〃I also deemed you dead in the
lion's mouth; though in truth it seemed strange to me that any other
man than Umslopogaas could have wrought the deeds which I have heard
of as done by Bulalio; Chief of the People of the Axeay; and thrown
defiance in the teeth of Chaka。 But you are not dead; and I; I am not
dead。 It was another Mopo whom Chaka killed; I slew Chaka; Chaka did
not slay me。〃

〃And of Nada; what of Nada; my sister?〃 he said。

〃Macropha; your mother; and Nada; your sister; are dead; Umslopogaas。
They are dead at the hands of the people of the Halakazi; who dwell in

〃I have heard of that people;〃 he answered presently; 〃and so has
Galazi the Wolf; yonder。 He has a hate to satisfy against themthey
murdered his father; now I have two; for they have murdered my mother
and my sister。 Ah; Nada; my sister! Nada; my sister!〃 and the great
man covered his face with his hands; and rocked himself to and fro in
his grief。

Now; my father; it came into my thoughts to make the truth plain to
Umslopogaas; and tell him that Nada was no sister of his; and that he
was no son of mine; but rather of that Chaka whom my hand had
finished。 And yet I did not; though now I would that I had done so。
For I saw well how great was the pride and how high was the heart of
Umslopogaas; and I saw also that if once he should learn that the
throne of Zululand was his by right; nothing could hold him back; for
he would swiftly break into open rebellion against Dingaan the king;
and in my judgment the time was not ripe for that。 Had I known;
indeed; but one short year before that Umslopogaas still lived; he had
sat where Dingaan sat this day; but I did not know it; and the chance
had gone by for a while。 Now Dingaan was king and mustered many
regiments about him; for I had held him back from war; as in the case
of the raid that he wished to make upon the Swazis。 The chance had
gone by; but it would come again; and till it came I must say nothing。
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