贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > nada the lily(百合娜达) >


nada the lily(百合娜达)-第43章

小说: nada the lily(百合娜达) 字数: 每页4000字

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Now; of a sudden; my father; a bright star fell from the height of
heaven and lit upon the crest of the storm; and as it lit the storm
burst。 The grey air shivered; a moan ran about the rocks and died
away; then an icy breath burst from the lips of the tempest and rushed
across the earth。 It caught the falling star and drove it on towards
me; a rushing globe of fire; and as it came the star grew and took
shape; and the shape it took was the shape of a woman。 I knew her now;
my father; while she was yet far off I knew herthe Inkosazana who
came as she had promised; riding down the storm。 On she swept; borne
forward by the blast; and oh! she was terrible to see; for her garment
was the lightning; lightnings shone from her wide eyes and lightnings
were in her streaming hair; while in her hand was a spear of fire; and
she shook it as she came。 Now she was at the mouth of the pass; before
her was stillness; behind her beat the wings of the storm; the thunder
roared; the rain hissed like snakes; she rushed on past me; and as she
passed she turned her awful eyes upon me; withering me。 She was there!
she was gone! but she spoke no word; only shook her flaming spear。 Yet
it seemed to me that the storm spoke; that the rocks cried aloud; that
the rain hissed out a word in my ear; and the word was:

〃Smite; Mopo!〃

I heard it in my heart; or with my ears; what does it matter? Then I
turned to look; through the rush of the tempest and the reek of the
rain; still I could see her sweeping forward high in air。 Now the
kraal Duguza was beneath her feet; and the flaming spear fell from her
hand upon the kraal and fire leaped up in answer。

Then she passed on over the edge of the world; seeking her own place。
Thus; my father; for the third and last time did my eyes see the
Inkosazana…y…Zulu; or mayhap my heart dreamed that I saw her。 Soon I
shall see her again; but it will not be here。

For a while I sat there in the cleft; then I rose and fought my way
through the fury of the storm back to the kraal Duguza。 As I drew near
the kraal I heard cries of fear coming through the roaring of the wind
and the hiss of the rain。 I entered and asked one of the matter; and
it was told me that fire from above had fallen on the hut of the king
as he lay sleeping; and all the roof of the hut was burned away; but
that the rain had put out the fire。

Then I went on till I came to the front of the great hut; and I saw by
the light of the moon; which now shone out in the heavens; that there
before it stood Chaka; shaking with fear; and the water of the rain
was running down him; while he stared at the great hut; of which all
the thatch was burned。

I saluted the king; asking him what evil thing had happened。 Seeing
me; he seized me by the arm; and clung to me as; when the slayers are
at hand; a child clings to his father; drawing me after him into a
small hut that was near。

〃What evil thing has befallen; O King?〃 I said again; when light had
been made。

〃Little have I known of fear; Mopo;〃 said Chaka; 〃yet I am afraid now;
ay; as much afraid as when once on a bygone night the dead hand of
Baleka summoned something that walked upon the faces of the dead。〃

〃And what fearest thou; O King; who art the lord of all the earth?〃

Now Chaka leaned forward and whispered to me: 〃Hearken; Mopo; I have
dreamed a dream。 When the judgment of those witches was done with; I
went and laid me down to sleep while it was yet light; for I can
scarcely sleep at all when darkness has swallowed up the world。 My
sleep has gone from methat sister of thine; Baleka; took my sleep
with her to the place of death。 I laid me down and I slept; but a
dream arose and sat by me with a hooded face; and showed me a picture。
It seemed to me that the wall of my hut fell down; and I saw an open
place; and in the centre of the place I lay dead; covered with many
wounds; while round my corpse my brothers Dingaan and Umhlangana
stalked in pride like lions。 On the shoulders of Umhlangana was my
royal kaross; and there was blood on the kaross; and in the hand of
Dingaan was my royal spear; and there was blood upon the spear。 Then;
in the vision of my dream; Mopo; thou didst draw near; and; lifting
thy hand; didst give the royal salute of Bayete to these brothers of
mine; and with thy foot didst spurn the carcase of me; thy king。 Then
the hooded Dream pointed upwards and was gone; and I awoke; and lo!
fire burned in the roof of my hut。 Thus I dreamed; Mopo; and now; my
servant; say thou; wherefore should I not slay thee; thou who wouldst
serve other kings than I; thou who wouldst give my royal salute to the
princes; my brothers?〃 and he glared upon me fiercely。

〃As thou wilt; O King!〃 I answered gently。 〃Doubtless thy dream was
evil; and yet more evil was the omen of the fire that fell upon thy
hut。 And yet〃 and I ceased。

〃And yetMopo; thou faithless servant?〃

〃And yet; O King; it seems to me in my folly that it were well to
strike the head of the snake and not its tail; for without the tail
the head may live; but not the tail without the head。〃

〃Thou wouldst say; Mopo; that if these princes die never canst thou or
any other man give them the royal names。 Do I hear aright; Mopo?〃

〃Who am I that I should lift up my voice asking for the blood of
princes?〃 I answered。 〃Judge thou; O King!〃

Now; Chaka brooded awhile; then he spoke: 〃Say; Mopo; can it be done
this night?〃

〃There are but few men in the kraal; O King。 All are gone out to war;
and of those few many are the servants of the princes; and perhaps
they might give blow for blow。〃

〃How then; Mopo?〃

〃Nay; I know not; O King; yet at the great kraal beyond the river sits
that regiment which is named the Slayers。 By midday to…morrow they
might be here; and then〃

〃Thou speakest wisely; my child Mopo; it shall be for to…morrow。 Go
summon the regiment of the Slayers; and; Mopo; see that thou fail me

〃If I fail thee; O King; then I fail myself; for it seems that my life
hangs on this matter。〃

〃If all the words that ever passed thy lips are lies; yet is that word
true; Mopo;〃 said Chaka: 〃moreover; know this; my servant: if aught
miscarries thou shalt die no common death。 Begone!〃

〃I hear the king;〃 I answered; and went out。

Now; my father; I knew well that Chaka had doomed me to die; though
first he would use me to destroy the princes。 But I feared nothing;
for I knew this also; that the hour of Chaka was come at last。

For a while I sat in my hut pondering; then when all men slept I arose
and crept like a snake by many paths to the hut of Dingaan the prince;
who awaited me on that night。 Following the shadow of the hut; I came
to the door and scratched upon it after a certain fashion。 Presently
it was opened; and I crawled in; and the door was shut again。 Now
there was a little light in the hut; and by its flame I saw the two
princes sitting side by side; wrapped about with blankets which hung
before their brows。

〃Who is this that comes?〃 said the Prince Dingaan。

Then I lifted the blanket from my head so that they might see my face;
and they also drew the blankets from their brows。 I spoke; saying:
〃Hail to you; Princes; who to…morrow shall be dust! Hail to you; sons
of Senzangacona; who to…morrow shall be spirits!〃 and I pointed
towards them with my withered hand。

Now the princes were troubled; and shook with fear。

〃What meanest thou; thou dog; that thou dost speak to us words of such
ill…omen?〃 said the Prince Dingaan in a low voice。

〃Where dost thou point at us with that white and withered hand of
thine; Wizard?〃 hissed the Prince Umhlangana。

〃Have I not told you; O ye Princes!〃 I whispered; 〃that ye must strike
or die; and has not your heart failed you? Now hearken! Chaka has
dreamed another dream; now it is Chaka who strikes; and ye are already
dead; ye children of Senzangacona。〃

〃If the slayers of the king be without the gates; at least thou shalt
die first; thou who hast betrayed us!〃 quoth the Prince Dingaan; and
drew an assegai from under his kaross。

〃First hear the king's dream; O Prince;〃 I said; 〃then; if thou wilt;
kill me; and die。 Chaka the king slept and dreamed that

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