贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > nada the lily(百合娜达) >


nada the lily(百合娜达)-第32章

小说: nada the lily(百合娜达) 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Stay awhile; Umslopogaas;〃 cried Galazi; 〃stay till we are men
indeed。 Then we will seek this sister of yours and snatch her from the
caves of the Halakazi。〃

Now the desire of this wolf…life had entered into the heart of
Umslopogaas; and he said that it should be so; and on the morrow they
made them blood…brethren; to be one till death; before all the company
of ghost…wolves; and the wolves howled when they smelt the blood of
men。 In all things thenceforth these two were equal; and the ghost…
wolves hearkened to the voice of both of them。 And on many a moonlight
night they and the wolves hunted together; winning their food。 At
times they crossed the river; hunting in the plains; for game was
scarce on the mountain; and the people of the kraal would come out;
hearing the mighty howling; and watch the pack sweep across the veldt;
and with them a man or men。 Then they would say that the ghosts were
abroad and creep into their huts shivering with fear。 But as yet the
Wolf…Brethren and their pack killed no men; but game only; or; at
times; elephants and lions。

Now when Umslopogaas had abode some moons in the Watch Mountain; on a
night he dreamed of Nada; and awakening soft at heart; bethought
himself that he would learn tidings concerning me; his father; Mopo;
and what had befallen me and her whom he deemed his mother; and Nada;
his sister; and his other brethren。 So he clothed himself; hiding his
nakedness; and; leaving Galazi; descended to that kraal where the old
woman had dwelt; and there gave it out that he was a young man; a
chief's son from a far place; who sought a wife。 The people of the
kraal listened to him; though they held that his look was fierce and
wild; and one asked if this were Galazi the Wolf; Galazi the Wizard。
But another answered that this was not Galazi; for their eyes had seen
him。 Umslopogaas said that he knew nothing of Galazi; and little of
wolves; and lo! while he spoke there came an impi of fifty men and
entered the kraal。 Umslopogaas looked at the leaders of the impi and
knew them for captains of Chaka。 At first he would have spoken to
them; but his Ehlose bade him hold his peace。 So he sat in a corner of
the big hut and listened。 Presently the headman of the kraal; who
trembled with fear; for he believed that the impi had been sent to
destroy him and all that were his; asked the captain what was his

〃A little matter; and a vain;〃 said the captain。 〃We are sent by the
king to search for a certain youth; Umslopogaas; the son of Mopo; the
king's doctor。 Mopo gave it out that the youth was killed by a lion
near these mountains; and Chaka would learn if this is true。〃

〃We know nothing of the youth;〃 said the headman。 〃But what would ye
with him?〃

〃Only this;〃 answered the captain; 〃to kill him。〃

〃That is yet to do;〃 thought Umslopogaas。

〃Who is this Mopo?〃 asked the headman。

〃An evildoer; whose house the king has eaten upman; woman; and
child;〃 answered the captain。



When Umslopogaas heard these words his heart was heavy; and a great
anger burned in his breast; for he thought that I; Mopo; was dead with
the rest of his house; and he loved me。 But he said nothing; only;
watching till none were looking; he slipped past the backs of the
captains and won the door of the hut。 Soon he was clear of the kraal;
and; running swiftly; crossed the river and came to the Ghost
Mountain。 Meanwhile; the captain asked the headman of the kraal if he
knew anything of such a youth as him for whom they sought。 The headman
told the captain of Galazi the Wolf; but the captain said that this
could not be the lad; for Galazi had dwelt many moons upon the Ghost

〃There is another youth;〃 said the headman; 〃a stranger; fierce;
strong and tall; with eyes that shine like spears。 He is in the hut
now; he sits yonder in the shadow。〃

The captain rose and looked into the shadow; but Umslopogaas was gone。

〃Now this youth is fled;〃 said the headman; 〃and yet none saw him fly!
Perhaps he also is a wizard! Indeed; I have heard that now there are
two of them upon the Ghost Mountain; and that they hunt there at night
with the ghost…wolves; but I do not know if it is true。〃

〃Now I am minded to kill you;〃 said the captain in wrath; 〃because you
have suffered this youth to escape me。 Without doubt it is
Umslopogaas; son of Mopo。〃

〃It is no fault of mine;〃 said the headmen。 〃These young men are
wizards; who can pass hither and thither at will。 But I say this to
you; captain of the king; if you will go on the Ghost Mountain; you
must go there alone with your soldiers; for none in these parts dare
to tread upon that mountain。〃

〃Yet I shall dare to…morrow;〃 said the captain。 〃We grow brave at the
kraal of Chaka。 There men do not fear spears or ghosts or wild beasts
or magic; but they fear the king's word alone。 The sun setsgive us
food。 To…morrow we will search the mountain。〃

Thus; my father; did this captain speak in his folly;he who should
never see another sun。

Now Umslopogaas reached the mountain; and when he had passed the
forestof which he had learned every secret waythe darkness
gathered; and the wolves awoke in the darkness and drew near howling。
Umslopogaas howled in answer; and presently that great wolf Deathgrip
came to him。 Umslopogaas saw him and called him by his name; but;
behold! the brute did not know him; and flew at him; growling。 Then
Umslopogaas remembered that the she…wolf's skin was not bound about
his shoulders; and therefore it was that the wolf Deathgrip knew him
not。 For though in the daytime; when the wolves slept; he might pass
to and fro without the skin; at night it was not so。 He had not
brought the skin; because he dared not wear it in the sight of the men
of the kraal; lest they should know him for one of the Wolf…Brethren;
and it had not been his plan to seek the mountain again that night;
but rather on the morrow。 Now Umslopogaas knew that his danger was
great indeed。 He beat back Deathgrip with his kerrie; but others were
behind him; for the wolves gathered fast。 Then he bounded away towards
the cave; for he was so swift of foot that the wolves could not catch
him; though they pressed him hard; and once the teeth of one of them
tore his moocha。 Never before did he run so fast; and in the end he
reached the cave and rolled the rock to; and as he did so the wolves
dashed themselves against it。 Then he clad himself in the hide of the
she…wolf; and; pushing aside the stone; came out。 And; lo! the eyes of
the wolves were opened; and they knew him for one of the brethren who
ruled over them; and slunk away at his bidding。

Now Umslopogaas sat himself down at the mouth of the cave waiting for
Galazi; and he thought。 Presently Galazi came; and in few words
Umslopogaas told him all his tale。

〃You have run a great risk; my brother;〃 said Galazi。 〃What now?〃

〃This;〃 said Umslopogaas: 〃these people of ours are hungry for the
flesh of men; let us feed them full on the soldiers of Chaka; who sit
yonder at the kraal seeking my life。 I would take vengeance for Mopo;
my father; and all my brethren who are dead; and for my mothers; the
wives of Mopo。 What say you?〃

Galazi laughed aloud。 〃That will be merry; my brother;〃 he said。 〃I
weary of hunting beasts; let us hunt men to…night。〃

〃Ay; to…night;〃 said Umslopogaas; nodding。 〃I long to look upon that
captain as a maid longs for her lover's kiss。 But first let us rest
and eat; for the night is young; then; Galazi; summon our impi。〃

So they rested and ate; and afterwards went out armed; and Galazi
howled to the wolves; and they came in tens and twenties till all were
gathered together。 Galazi moved among them; shaking the Watcher; as
they sat upon their haunches; and followed him with their fiery eyes。

〃We do not hunt game to…night; little people;〃 he cried; 〃but men; and
you love the flesh of men。〃

Now all the wolves howled as though they understood。 Then the pack
divided itself as was its custom; the she…wolves following
Umslopogaas; the dog…wolves following Galazi; and in silence they
moved swiftly down towards the plain。 They came to

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