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  • 大小:241K
  • 热度: 29
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2017-03-20


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my discovery of england 上传者:敏儿不觉

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My Discovery of Englandby Leacock, StephenIntroduction of Mr. Stephen Leacock Given by Sir Owen Seaman on the Occasion of His First Lecture in LondonLADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It is usual on these occasions for the chairman to begin something like this: "The lecturer, I am sure, needs no introduction from me." And indeed, when I have been the lecturer and somebody else has been the chairman, I have more than once suspected myself of being the better man of the two. Of course I hope I should always have the good mannersI am sure Mr. Leacock hasto disguise that suspicion. However, one has to go through these formalities, and I will therefore introduce the lecturer to you....


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