the works of edgar allan poe-1-第9章
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revolved carefully over in my memory the wild and sometimes
unintelligible reasonings of the writer。 There are some particular
passages which affected my imagination in a powerful and
extraordinary manner。 The longer I meditated upon these the more
intense grew the interest which had been excited within me。 The
limited nature of my education in general; and more especially my
ignorance on subjects connected with natural philosophy; so far from
rendering me diffident of my own ability to comprehend what I had
read; or inducing me to mistrust the many vague notions which had
arisen in consequence; merely served as a farther stimulus to
imagination; and I was vain enough; or perhaps reasonable enough; to
doubt whether those crude ideas which; arising in ill…regulated
minds; have all the appearance; may not often in effect possess all
the force; the reality; and other inherent properties; of instinct or
intuition; whether; to proceed a step farther; profundity itself
might not; in matters of a purely speculative nature; be detected as
a legitimate source of falsity and error。 In other words; I believed;
and still do believe; that truth; is frequently of its own essence;
superficial; and that; in many cases; the depth lies more in the
abysses where we seek her; than in the actual situations wherein she
may be found。 Nature herself seemed to afford me corroboration of
these ideas。 In the contemplation of the heavenly bodies it struck me
forcibly that I could not distinguish a star with nearly as much
precision; when I gazed on it with earnest; direct and undeviating
attention; as when I suffered my eye only to glance in its vicinity
alone。 I was not; of course; at that time aware that this apparent
paradox was occasioned by the center of the visual area being less
susceptible of feeble impressions of light than the exterior portions
of the retina。 This knowledge; and some of another kind; came
afterwards in the course of an eventful five years; during which I
have dropped the prejudices of my former humble situation in life;
and forgotten the bellows…mender in far different occupations。 But at
the epoch of which I speak; the analogy which a casual observation of
a star offered to the conclusions I had already drawn; struck me with
the force of positive conformation; and I then finally made up my
mind to the course which I afterwards pursued。
〃It was late when I reached home; and I went immediately to bed。 My
mind; however; was too much occupied to sleep; and I lay the whole
night buried in meditation。 Arising early in the morning; and
contriving again to escape the vigilance of my creditors; I repaired
eagerly to the bookseller's stall; and laid out what little ready
money I possessed; in the purchase of some volumes of Mechanics and
Practical Astronomy。 Having arrived at home safely with these; I
devoted every spare moment to their perusal; and soon made such
proficiency in studies of this nature as I thought sufficient for the
execution of my plan。 In the intervals of this period; I made every
endeavor to conciliate the three creditors who had given me so much
annoyance。 In this I finally succeeded partly by selling enough of
my household furniture to satisfy a moiety of their claim; and partly
by a promise of paying the balance upon completion of a little
project which I told them I had in view; and for assistance in which
I solicited their services。 By these means for they were ignorant
men I found little difficulty in gaining them over to my purpose。
〃Matters being thus arranged; I contrived; by the aid of my wife and
with the greatest secrecy and caution; to dispose of what property I
had remaining; and to borrow; in small sums; under various pretences;
and without paying any attention to my future means of repayment; no
inconsiderable quantity of ready money。 With the means thus accruing
I proceeded to procure at intervals; cambric muslin; very fine; in
pieces of twelve yards each; twine; a lot of the varnish of
caoutchouc; a large and deep basket of wicker…work; made to order;
and several other articles necessary in the construction and
equipment of a balloon of extraordinary dimensions。 This I directed
my wife to make up as soon as possible; and gave her all requisite
information as to the particular method of proceeding。 In the
meantime I worked up the twine into a net…work of sufficient
dimensions; rigged it with a hoop and the necessary cords; bought a
quadrant; a compass; a spy…glass; a common barometer with some
important modifications; and two astronomical instruments not so
generally known。 I then took opportunities of conveying by night; to
a retired situation east of Rotterdam; five iron…bound casks; to
contain about fifty gallons each; and one of a larger size; six
tinned ware tubes; three inches in diameter; properly shaped; and ten
feet in length; a quantity of a particular metallic substance; or
semi…metal; which I shall not name; and a dozen demijohns of a very
common acid。 The gas to be formed from these latter materials is a
gas never yet generated by any other person than myself or at
least never applied to any similar purpose。 The secret I would make
no difficulty in disclosing; but that it of right belongs to a
citizen of Nantz; in France; by whom it was conditionally
communicated to myself。 The same individual submitted to me; without
being at all aware of my intentions; a method of constructing
balloons from the membrane of a certain animal; through which
substance any escape of gas was nearly an impossibility。 I found it;
however; altogether too expensive; and was not sure; upon the whole;
whether cambric muslin with a coating of gum caoutchouc; was not
equally as good。 I mention this circumstance; because I think it
probable that hereafter the individual in question may attempt a
balloon ascension with the novel gas and material I have spoken of;
and I do not wish to deprive him of the honor of a very singular
〃On the spot which I intended each of the smaller casks to occupy
respectively during the inflation of the balloon; I privately dug a
hole two feet deep; the holes forming in this manner a circle
twenty…five feet in diameter。 In the centre of this circle; being the
station designed for the large cask; I also dug a hole three feet in
depth。 In each of the five smaller holes; I deposited a canister
containing fifty pounds; and in the larger one a keg holding one
hundred and fifty pounds; of cannon powder。 These the keg and
canisters I connected in a proper manner with covered trains; and
having let into one of the canisters the end of about four feet of
slow match; I covered up the hole; and placed the cask over it;
leaving the other end of the match protruding about an inch; and
barely visible beyond the cask。 I then filled up the remaining holes;
and placed the barrels over them in their destined situation。
〃Besides the articles above enumerated; I conveyed to the depot; and
there secreted; one of M。 Grimm's improvements upon the apparatus for
condensation of the atmospheric air。 I found this machine; however;
to require considerable alteration before it could be adapted to the
purposes to which I intended making it applicable。 But; with severe
labor and unremitting perseverance; I at length met with entire
success in all my preparations。 My balloon was soon completed。 It
would contain more than forty thousand cubic feet of gas; would take
me up easily; I calculated; with all my implements; and; if I managed
rightly; with one hundred and seventy…five pounds of ballast into the
bargain。 It had received three coats of varnish; and I found the
cambric muslin to answer all the purposes of silk itself; quite as
strong and a good deal less expensive。
〃Everything being now ready; I exacted from my wife an oath of
secrecy in relation to all my actions from the day of my first visit
to the bookseller's stall; and promising; on my part; to return as
soon as circumstances would permit; I gave her what little money I
had left; and bade her farewell。 Inde