the works of edgar allan poe-1-第18章
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being full。 It now required long and excessive labor to condense
within the chamber sufficient atmospheric air for the sustenance of
〃April 12th。 A singular alteration took place in regard to the
direction of the balloon; and although fully anticipated; afforded me
the most unequivocal delight。 Having reached; in its former course;
about the twentieth parallel of southern latitude; it turned off
suddenly; at an acute angle; to the eastward; and thus proceeded
throughout the day; keeping nearly; if not altogether; in the exact
plane of the lunar elipse。 What was worthy of remark; a very
perceptible vacillation in the car was a consequence of this change
of route a vacillation which prevailed; in a more or less degree;
for a period of many hours。
〃April 13th。 Was again very much alarmed by a repetition of the loud;
crackling noise which terrified me on the tenth。 Thought long upon
the subject; but was unable to form any satisfactory conclusion。
Great decrease in the earth's apparent diameter; which now subtended
from the balloon an angle of very little more than twenty…five
degrees。 The moon could not be seen at all; being nearly in my
zenith。 I still continued in the plane of the elipse; but made little
progress to the eastward。
〃April 14th。 Extremely rapid decrease in the diameter of the earth。
To…day I became strongly impressed with the idea; that the balloon
was now actually running up the line of apsides to the point of
perigee… in other words; holding the direct course which would bring
it immediately to the moon in that part of its orbit the nearest to
the earth。 The moon iself was directly overhead; and consequently
hidden from my view。 Great and long…continued labor necessary for the
condensation of the atmosphere。
〃April 15th。 Not even the outlines of continents and seas could now
be traced upon the earth with anything approaching distinctness。
About twelve o'clock I became aware; for the third time; of that
appalling sound which had so astonished me before。 It now; however;
continued for some moments; and gathered intensity as it continued。
At length; while; stupefied and terror…stricken; I stood in
expectation of I knew not what hideous destruction; the car vibrated
with excessive violence; and a gigantic and flaming mass of some
material which I could not distinguish; came with a voice of a
thousand thunders; roaring and booming by the balloon。 When my fears
and astonishment had in some degree subsided; I had little difficulty
in supposing it to be some mighty volcanic fragment ejected from that
world to which I was so rapidly approaching; and; in all probability;
one of that singular class of substances occasionally picked up on
the earth; and termed meteoric stones for want of a better
〃April 16th。 To…day; looking upward as well as I could; through each
of the side windows alternately; I beheld; to my great delight; a
very small portion of the moon's disk protruding; as it were; on all
sides beyond the huge circumference of the balloon。 My agitation was
extreme; for I had now little doubt of soon reaching the end of my
perilous voyage。 Indeed; the labor now required by the condenser had
increased to a most oppressive degree; and allowed me scarcely any
respite from exertion。 Sleep was a matter nearly out of the question。
I became quite ill; and my frame trembled with exhaustion。 It was
impossible that human nature could endure this state of intense
suffering much longer。 During the now brief interval of darkness a
meteoric stone again passed in my vicinity; and the frequency of
these phenomena began to occasion me much apprehension。
〃April 17th。 This morning proved an epoch in my voyage。 It will be
remembered that; on the thirteenth; the earth subtended an angular
breadth of twenty…five degrees。 On the fourteenth this had greatly
diminished; on the fifteenth a still more remarkable decrease was
observable; and; on retiring on the night of the sixteenth; I had
noticed an angle of no more than about seven degrees and fifteen
minutes。 What; therefore; must have been my amazement; on awakening
from a brief and disturbed slumber; on the morning of this day; the
seventeenth; at finding the surface beneath me so suddenly and
wonderfully augmented in volume; as to subtend no less than
thirty…nine degrees in apparent angular diameter! I was
thunderstruck! No words can give any adequate idea of the extreme;
the absolute horror and astonishment; with which I was seized
possessed; and altogether overwhelmed。 My knees tottered beneath me
my teeth chattered my hair started up on end。 〃The balloon;
then; had actually burst!〃 These were the first tumultuous ideas that
hurried through my mind: 〃The balloon had positively burst! I was
falling falling with the most impetuous; the most unparalleled
velocity! To judge by the immense distance already so quickly passed
over; it could not be more than ten minutes; at the farthest; before
I should meet the surface of the earth; and be hurled into
annihilation!〃 But at length reflection came to my relief。 I paused;
I considered; and I began to doubt。 The matter was impossible。 I
could not in any reason have so rapidly come down。 Besides; although
I was evidently approaching the surface below me; it was with a speed
by no means commensurate with the velocity I had at first so horribly
conceived。 This consideration served to calm the perturbation of my
mind; and I finally succeeded in regarding the phenomenon in its
proper point of view。 In fact; amazement must have fairly deprived me
of my senses; when I could not see the vast difference; in
appearance; between the surface below me; and the surface of my
mother earth。 The latter was indeed over my head; and completely
hidden by the balloon; while the moon the moon itself in all its
glory lay beneath me; and at my feet。
〃The stupor and surprise produced in my mind by this extraordinary
change in the posture of affairs was perhaps; after all; that part of
the adventure least susceptible of explanation。 For the
bouleversement in itself was not only natural and inevitable; but had
been long actually anticipated as a circumstance to be expected
whenever I should arrive at that exact point of my voyage where the
attraction of the planet should be superseded by the attraction of
the satellite or; more precisely; where the gravitation of the
balloon toward the earth should be less powerful than its gravitation
toward the moon。 To be sure I arose from a sound slumber; with all my
senses in confusion; to the contemplation of a very startling
phenomenon; and one which; although expected; was not expected at the
moment。 The revolution itself must; of course; have taken place in an
easy and gradual manner; and it is by no means clear that; had I even
been awake at the time of the occurrence; I should have been made
aware of it by any internal evidence of an inversion that is to
say; by any inconvenience or disarrangement; either about my person
or about my apparatus。
〃It is almost needless to say that; upon coming to a due sense of my
situation; and emerging from the terror which had absorbed every
faculty of my soul; my attention was; in the first place; wholly
directed to the contemplation of the general physical appearance of
the moon。 It lay beneath me like a chart and although I judged it
to be still at no inconsiderable distance; the indentures of its
surface were defined to my vision with a most striking and altogether
unaccountable distinctness。 The entire absence of ocean or sea; and
indeed of any lake or river; or body of water whatsoever; struck me;
at first glance; as the most extraordinary feature in its geological
condition。 Yet; strange to say; I beheld vast level regions of a
character decidedly alluvial; although by far the greater portion of
the hemisphere in sight was covered with innumerable volcanic
mountains; conical in shape; and having more the appearance of
artificial than of natural protuberance。 The highest among them does
not exceed three and three…qua