贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the sign of the four(那四个的记号) >


the sign of the four(那四个的记号)-第13章

小说: the sign of the four(那四个的记号) 字数: 每页4000字

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continued;   fingering   the   rope;   〃that   our   wooden…legged   friend;   though   a 

fair   climber;    was   not   a   professional   sailor。   His   hands     were   far  from 

horny。     My lens discloses more than one blood…mark; especially towards 

the end of the rope; from which I gather that he slipped down with such 

velocity that he took the skin off his hand。〃 

     〃This     is  all  very    well;〃    said   I;  〃but   the   thing    becomes      more 

unintelligible than ever。        How about this mysterious ally?            How came he 

into the room?〃 

     〃Yes;   the   ally!〃   repeated   Holmes;   pensively。      〃There   are   features   of 

interest    about    this  ally。   He     lifts  the  case   from    the   regions    of  the 

commonplace。         I fancy that this ally breaks fresh ground in the annals of 

crime in this country;though parallel cases suggest themselves from India; 

and; if my memory serves me; from Senegambia。〃 

     〃How      came    he;   then?〃     I   reiterated。    〃The     door    is  locked;    the 

window is inaccessible。          Was it through the chimney?〃 

     The grate is much too small;〃 he answered。               〃I had already considered 

that possibility。〃 

     〃How then?〃 I persisted。 

     〃You   will   not   apply   my   precept;〃   he   said;   shaking   his   head。  〃How 

often   have   I   said   to   you   that   when   you   have   eliminated   the   impossible 

whatever remains; HOWEVER IMPROBABLE; must be the truth?                                 We 

know that he did not come through the door; the window; or the chimney。 

We also know that he could not have been concealed in the room; as there 

is no concealment possible。          Whence; then; did he come?〃 


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                                    The Sign of the Four 

     〃He came through the hole in the roof;〃 I cried。 

     〃Of   course   he   did。    He   must    have   done   so。   If   you   will   have  the 

kindness to hold the lamp for me; we shall now extend our researches to 

the room above;the secret room in which the treasure was found。〃 

     He mounted the steps; and; seizing a rafter with either hand; he swung 

himself up into the garret。         Then; lying on his face; he reached down for 

the lamp and held it while I followed him。 

     The chamber in which we found ourselves was about ten feet one way 

and six the other。      The floor was formed by the rafters; with thin lath…and… 

plaster between; so that in walking one had to step from beam to beam。 

The roof ran up to an apex; and was evidently the inner shell of the true 

roof    of   the  house。     There      was   no   furniture    of   any   sort;   and   the 

accumulated dust of years lay thick upon the floor。 

     〃Here     you   are;  you   see;〃   said  Sherlock     Holmes;     putting   his  hand 

against the sloping wall。         〃This is a trap…door which leads out on to the 

roof。    I can press it back; and here is the roof itself; sloping at a gentle 

angle。     This; then; is the way by which Number One entered。                  Let us see 

if we can find one other traces of his individuality。〃 

     He   held   down   the   lamp   to   the   floor;   and   as   he   did   so   I   saw   for   the 

second time that night a startled; surprised look come over his face。                   For 

myself; as I followed his gaze my skin was cold under my clothes。                      The 

floor   was   covered   thickly   with   the   prints   of   a   naked   foot;clear;   well 

defined; perfectly formed; but scarce half the size of those of an ordinary 


     〃Holmes;〃 I said; in a whisper; 〃a child has done the horrid thing。〃 

     He had recovered his self…possession in an instant。               〃I was staggered 

for   the   moment;〃   he   said;   〃but   the   thing   is   quite   natural。 My   memory 

failed me; or I should have been able to foretell it。            There is nothing more 

to be learned here。       Let us go down。〃 

     〃What is your theory; then; as to those footmarks?〃 I asked;  eagerly; 

when we had regained the lower room once more。 

     〃My dear Watson; try a little analysis yourself;〃 said he; with a touch 

of   impatience。     〃You   know   my   methods。         Apply   them;   and   it   will   be 

instructive to compare results。〃 


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                                     The Sign of the Four 

     〃I cannot conceive anything which will cover the facts;〃 I answered。 

     〃It will be clear enough to you soon;〃 he said; in an off…hand way。                   〃I 

think that there is nothing else of importance here; but I will look。〃                    He 

whipped out his lens and a tape measure; and hurried about the room on 

his knees; measuring; comparing; examining; with his long thin nose only 

a few inches from the planks; and his beady eyes gleaming and deep…set 

like   those   of   a   bird。 So   swift;   silent;   and   furtive   were   his   movements; 

like those of a trained blood…hound picking out a scent; that I could not but 

think   what   a   terrible   criminal   he   would   have   made   had   he   turned   his 

energy and sagacity against the law; instead of exerting them in its defense。 

As he hunted about; he kept muttering to himself; and finally he broke out 

into a loud crow of delight。 

     〃We   are   certainly   in   luck;〃   said   he。  〃We   ought   to   have   very   little 

trouble now。       Number One has had the misfortune to tread in the creosote。 

You can see the outline of the edge of his small foot here at the side of this 

evil…smelling mess。         The carboy has been cracked; You see; and the stuff 

has leaked out。〃 

     〃What then?〃 I asked。 

     〃Why; we have got him; that's all;〃 said he。             〃I know a dog that would 

follow that scent to the world's end。            If a pack can track a trailed herring 

across a shire; how far can a specially…trained hound follow so pungent a 

smell   as   this?   It   sounds   like   a   sum   in   the   rule   of   three。 The   answer 

should give us theBut halloo! here are the accredited representatives of 

the law。〃 

     Heavy steps and the clamor of loud voices were audible from below; 

and the hall door shut with a loud crash。 

     〃Before   they   come;〃   said   Holmes;   〃just   put   your   hand   here   on   this 

poor fellow's arm; and here on his leg。            What do you feel?〃 

     〃The muscles are as hard as a board;〃 I answered。 

     〃Quite so。      They are in a state of extreme contraction; far exceeding 

the   usual   rigor   mortis。    Coupled   with   this     distortion   of   the   face;  this 

Hippocratic smile; or 'risus sardonicus;' as the old writers called it; what 

conclusion would it suggest to your mind?〃 

     〃Death   from   some   powerful   vegetable   alkaloid;〃   I   answered;〃some 


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                                    The Sign of the Four 

strychnine…like substance which would produce tetanus。〃 

     〃That was the idea which occurred to me the instant I saw the drawn 

muscles of the   face。      On getting   into the   room I   at once looked for the 

means     by   which    the   poison   had   entered    the  system。     As    you   saw;   I 

discovered a thorn which had been driven or shot with no great force into 

the   scalp。    You   observe   that   the   part   struck   was   that   which   would   be 

turned towards the hole in the ceiling if the man were erect in his chair。 

Now examine the thorn。〃 

     I took it up gingerly and held it in the light of the lantern。           It was long; 

sharp; and black; with a glazed look near the point as though some gummy 

substance      had   dried   upon    it。 The     bl

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