the lion and the unicorn(狮子与独角兽)-第19章
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Delmonico's;〃 as he wrapped the fur rug around his legs; and with a salute
from the policemen and a scraping of hoofs on the slippery asphalt the
great man was gone。
〃That poor fellow needs a doctor;〃 he said as the carriage rolled up the
avenue; 〃and he needs an overcoat; and he needs food。 He needs about
almost everything; by the looks of him。〃
But the voice of the young man in the corner of the carriage objected
〃On the contrary;〃 he said; 〃it seemed to me that he had the one thing
By one o'clock of the day following; Senator Stanton; having read the
reports of his speech in the morning papers; punctuated with 〃Cheers;〃
〃Tremendous enthusiasm〃 and more 〃Cheers;〃 was still in a willing frame
of mind toward Cuba and her self…appointed envoy; young Mr。 Arkwright。
Over night he had had doubts but that the young man's enthusiasm
would bore him on the morrow; but Mr。 Arkwright; when he appeared;
developed; on the contrary; a practical turn of mind which rendered his
suggestions both flattering and feasible。 He was still terribly in earnest;
but he was clever enough or serious enough to see that the motives which
appealed to him might not have sufficient force to move a successful
statesman into action。 So he placed before the senator only those
arguments and reasons which he guessed were the best adapted to secure
his interest and his help。 His proposal as he set it forth was simplicity
〃Here is a map of the island;〃 he said; 〃on it I have marked the places
you can visit in safety; and where you will meet the people you ought to
see。 If you leave New York at midnight you can reach Tampa on the
second day。 From Tampa we cross in another day to Havana。 There
you can visit the Americans imprisoned in Morro and Cabanas; and in the
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streets you can see the starving pacificos。 From Havana I shall take you
by rail to Jucaro; Matanzas; Santa Clara and Cienfuegos。 You will not be
able to see the insurgents in the fieldsit is not necessary that you should
but you can visit one of the sugar plantations and some of the insurgent
chiefs will run the forts by night and come in to talk with you。 I will
show you burning fields and houses; and starving men and women by the
thousands; and men and women dying of fevers。 You can see Cuban
prisoners shot by a firing squad and you can note how these rebels meet
death。 You can see all this in three weeks and be back in New York in a
month; as any one can see it who wishes to learn the truth。 Why; English
members of Parliament go all the way to India and British Columbia to
inform themselves about those countries; they travel thousands of miles;
but only one member of either of our houses of Congress has taken the
trouble to cross these eighty miles of water that lie between us and Cuba。
You can either go quietly and incognito; as it were; or you can advertise
the fact of your going; which would be better。 And from the moment you
start the interest in your visit will grow and increase until there will be no
topic discussed in any of our papers except yourself; and what you are
doing and what you mean to do。
〃By the time you return the people will be waiting; ready and eager to
hear whatever you may have to say。 Your word will be the last word for
them。 It is not as though you were some demagogue seeking notoriety;
or a hotel piazza correspondent at Key West or Jacksonville。 You are the
only statesman we have; the only orator Americans will listen to; and I tell
you that when you come before them and bring home to them as only you
can the horrors of this war; you will be the only man in this country。 You
will be the Patrick Henry of Cuba; you can go down to history as the man
who added the most beautiful island in the seas to the territory of the
United States; who saved thousands of innocent children and women; and
who dared to do what no other politician has dared to doto go and see for
himself and to come back and speak the truth。 It only means a month out
of your life; a month's trouble and discomfort; but with no risk。 What is a
month out of a lifetime; when that month means immortality to you and
life to thousands? In a month you would make a half dozen after…dinner
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speeches and cause your friends to laugh and applaud。 Why not wring
their hearts instead; and hold this thing up before them as it is; and shake it
in their faces? Show it to them in all its horrorbleeding; diseased and
naked; an offence to our humanity; and to our prated love of liberty; and to
our God。〃
The young man threw himself eagerly forward and beat the map with
his open palm。 But the senator sat apparently unmoved gazing
thoughtfully into the open fire; and shook his head。
While the luncheon was in progress the young gentleman who the
night before had left the carriage and stood at Arkwright's side; had
entered the room and was listening intently。 He had invited himself to
some fresh coffee; and had then relapsed into an attentive silence;
following what the others said with an amused and interested countenance。
Stanton had introduced him as Mr。 Livingstone; and appeared to take it for
granted that Arkwright would know who he was。 He seemed to regard
him with a certain deference which Arkwright judged was due to some
fixed position the young man held; either of social or of political value。
〃I do not know;〃 said Stanton with consideration; 〃that I am prepared
to advocate the annexation of the island。 It is a serious problem。〃
〃I am not urging that;〃 Arkwright interrupted anxiously; 〃the Cubans
themselves do not agree as to that; and in any event it is an afterthought。
Our object now should be to prevent further bloodshed。 If you see a man
beating a boy to death; you first save the boy's life and decide afterward
where he is to go to school。 If there were any one else; senator;〃
Arkwright continued earnestly; 〃I would not trouble you。 But we all
know your strength in this country。 You are independent and fearless;
and men of both parties listen to you。 Surely; God has given you this
great gift of oratory; if you will forgive my speaking so; to use only in a
great cause。 A grand organ in a cathedral is placed there to lift men's
thoughts to high resolves and purposes; not to make people dance。 A
street organ can do that。 Now; here is a cause worthy of your great
talents; worthy of a Daniel Webster; of a Henry Clay。〃
The senator frowned at the fire and shook his head doubtfully。
〃If they knew what I was down there for;〃 he asked; 〃wouldn't they put
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