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小说: confidence 字数: 每页4000字

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Gordon looked at Bernard for an instant; then he fixed his eyes for some time on the fire。

〃Yes; that is the greatest of all things。  A man should value his wife。 He should believe in her。  He has taken her; and he should keep her especially when there is a great deal of good in her。  I was a great fool the other day;〃 he went on。  〃I don't remember what I said。  It was very weak。〃

〃It seemed to me feeble;〃 said Bernard。  〃But it is quite within a man's rights to be a fool once in a while; and you had never abused of the license。〃

〃Well; I have done it for a lifetimefor a lifetime。〃 And Gordon took up his hat。  He looked into the crown of it for a moment; and then he fixed his eyes on Bernard's again。 〃But there is one thing I hope you won't mind my saying。 I have come back to my old impression of Miss Vivian。〃

〃Your old impression?〃

And Miss Vivian's accepted lover frowned a little。

〃I mean that she 's not simple。  She 's very strange。〃

Bernard's frown cleared away in a sudden; almost eager smile。

〃Say at once that you dislike her!  That will do capitally。〃

Gordon shook his head; and he; too; almost smiled a little。

〃It 's not true。  She 's very wonderful。  And if I did dislike her; I should struggle with it。  It would never do for me to dislike your wife!〃

After he had gone; when the night was half over; Bernard; lying awake a while; gave a laugh in the still darkness; as this last sentence came back to him。

On the morrow he saw Blanche; for he went to see Gordon。 The latter; at first; was not at home; but he had a quarter of an hour's talk with his wife; whose powers of conversation were apparently not in the smallest degree affected by anything that had occurred。

〃I hope you enjoyed your visit to London;〃 she said。 〃Did you go to buy Angela a set of diamonds in Bond Street? You did n't buy anythingyou did n't go into a shop? Then pray what did you go for?  Excuse my curiosity it seems to me it 's rather flattering。  I never know anything unless I am told。  I have n't any powers of observation。 I noticed you wentoh; yes; I observed that very much; and I thought it very strange; under the circumstances。 Your most intimate friend arrived in Paris; and you choose the next day to make a little tour!  I don't like to see you treat my husband so; he would never have done it to you。 And if you did n't stay for Gordon; you might have staid for Angela。 I never heard of anything so monstrous as a gentleman rushing away from the object of his affection; for no particular purpose that any one could discover; the day after she has accepted him。 It was not the day after?  Well; it was too soon; at any rate。 Angela could n't in the least tell me what you had gone for; she said it was for a 'change。'  That was a charming reason! But she was very much ashamed of youand so was I; and at last we all sent Captain Lovelock after you to bring you back。 You came back without him?  Ah; so much the better; I suppose he is still looking for you; and; as he is n't very clever; that will occupy him for some time。  We want to occupy him; we don't approve of his being so idle。  However; for my own part; I am very glad you were away。  I was a great deal at Mrs。 Vivian's; and I should n't have felt nearly so much at liberty to go if I had known I should always find you there making love to Mademoiselle。  It would n't have seemed to me discreet; I know what you are going to saythat it 's the first time you ever heard of my wishing to avoid an indiscretion。 It 's a taste I have taken up lately;for the same reason you went to London; for a 'change。'  〃 Here Blanche paused for an appreciable moment; and then she added〃Well; I must say; I have never seen anything so lovely as Mrs。 Vivian's influence。 I hope mamma won't be disappointed in it this time。〃

When Bernard next saw the other two ladies; he said to them that he was surprised at the way in which clever women incurred moral responsibilities。

〃We like them;〃 said Mrs。 Vivian。  〃We delight in them!〃

〃Well;〃 said Bernard; 〃I would n't for the world have it on my conscience to have reconciled poor Gordon to Mrs。 Blanche。〃

〃You are not to say a word against Blanche;〃 Angela declared。 〃She 's a little miracle。〃

〃It will be all right; dear Bernard;〃 Mrs。 Vivian added; with soft authority。

〃I have taken a great fancy to her;〃 the younger lady went on。

Bernard gave a little laugh。

〃Gordon is right in his ultimate opinion。  You are very strange!〃

〃You may abuse me as much as you please; but I will never hear a word against Mrs。 Gordon。〃

And she never would in future; though it is not recorded that Bernard availed himself in any special degree of the license offered him in conjunction with this warning。

Blanche's health within a few days had; according to her own account; taken a marvellous turn for the better; but her husband appeared still to think it proper that they should spend the winter beneath a brilliant sun; and he presently informed his friends that they had at last settled it between them that a voyage up the Nile must be; for a thoroughly united couple; a very agreeable pastime。  To perform this expedition advantageously they must repair to Cairo without delay; and for this reason he was sure that Bernard and Angela would easily understand their not making a point of waiting for the wedding。 These happy people quite understood it。  Their nuptials were to be celebrated with extreme simplicity。  If; however; Gordon was not able to be present; he; in conjunction with his wife; bought for Angela; as a bridal gift; a necklace of the most beautiful pearls the Rue de la Paix could furnish; and on his arrival at Cairo; while he waited for his dragoman to give the signal for starting; he found time; in spite of the exactions of that large correspondence which has been more than once mentioned in the course of our narrative; to write Bernard the longest letter he had ever addressed to him。 The letter reached Bernard in the middle of his honeymoon。


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