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小说: confidence 字数: 每页4000字

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had no right; as yet; to trust her。  I told her that if she would trust me; I was perfectly willing to trust her; but she answered that this was poor reasoning。  She said that I was trustworthy and that she was not; andin short; all sorts of nonsense。  She abused herself roundlyaccused herself of no end of defects。〃

〃What defects; for instance?〃

〃Oh; I have n't remembered them。  She said she had a bad temper that she led her mother a dreadful life。  Now; poor Mrs。 Vivian says she is an angel。〃

〃Ah yes;〃 Bernard observed; 〃Mrs。 Vivian says that; very freely。〃

〃Angela declared that she was jealous; ungenerous; unforgiving all sorts of things。  I remember she said 'I am very false;' and I think she remarked that she was cruel。〃

〃But this did n't put you off;〃 said Bernard。

〃Not at all。  She was making up。〃

〃She makes up very well!〃  Bernard exclaimed; laughing。

〃Do you call that well?〃

〃I mean it was very clever。〃

〃It was not clever from the point of view of wishing to discourage me。 〃

〃Possibly。  But I am sure;〃 said Bernard; 〃that if I had been present at your interviewexcuse the impudence of the hypothesis I should have been struck with the young lady's〃 and he paused a moment。

〃With her what?〃

〃With her ability。〃

〃Well; her ability was not sufficient to induce me to give up my idea。 She told me that after I had known her six months I should detest her。〃

〃I have no doubt she could make you do it if she should try。 That 's what I mean by her ability。〃

〃She calls herself cruel;〃 said Gordon; 〃but she has not had the cruelty to try。  She has been very reasonableshe has been perfect。  I agreed with her that I would drop the subject for a while; and that meanwhile we should be good friends。 We should take time to know each other better and act in accordance with further knowledge。  There was no hurry; since we trusted each otherwrong as my trust might be。  She had no wish that I should go away。  I was not in the least disagreeable to her; she liked me extremely; and I was perfectly free to try and please her。  Only I should drop my proposal; and be free to take it up again or leave it alone; later; as I should choose。 If she felt differently then; I should have the benefit of it; and if I myself felt differently; I should also have the benefit of it。〃

〃That 's a very comfortable arrangement。  And that 's your present situation?〃 asked Bernard。

Gordon hesitated a moment。

〃More or less; but not exactly。〃

〃Miss Vivian feels differently?〃 said Bernard。

〃Not that I know of。〃

Gordon's companion; with a laugh; clapped him on the shoulder again。

〃Admirable youth; you are a capital match!〃

〃Are you alluding to my money?〃

〃To your money and to your modesty。  There is as much of one as of the other which is saying a great deal。〃

〃Well;〃 said Gordon; 〃in spite of that enviable combination; I am not happy。〃

〃I thought you seemed pensive!〃  Bernard exclaimed。 〃It 's you; then; who feel differently。〃

Gordon gave a sigh。

〃To say that is to say too much。〃

〃What shall we say; then?〃 his companion asked; kindly。

Gordon stopped again; he stood there looking up at a certain particularly lustrous star which twinkledthe night was cloudy in an open patch of sky; and the vague brightness shone down on his honest and serious visage。

〃I don't understand her;〃 he said。

〃Oh; I 'll say that with you any day!〃 cried Bernard。 〃I can't help you there。〃

〃You must help me;〃 and Gordon Wright deserted his star。 〃You must keep me in good humor。〃

〃Please to walk on; then。  I don't in the least pity you; she is very charming with you。〃

〃True enough; but insisting on that is not the way to keep me in good humor when I feel as I do。〃

〃How is it you feel?〃

〃Puzzled to deathbewildereddepressed!〃

This was but the beginning of Gordon Wright's list; he went on to say that though he 〃thought as highly〃 of Miss Vivian as he had ever done; he felt less at his ease with her than in the first weeks of their acquaintance; and this condition made him uncomfortable and unhappy。

〃I don't know what 's the matter;〃 said poor Gordon。 〃I don't know what has come between us。  It is n't her fault I don't make her responsible for it。  I began to notice it about a fortnight agobefore you came; shortly after that talk I had with her that I have just described to you。 Her manner has n't changed and I have no reason to suppose that she likes me any the less; but she makes a strange impression on meshe makes me uneasy。  It 's only her nature coming out; I supposewhat you might call her originality。 She 's thoroughly originalshe 's a kind of mysterious creature。 I suppose that what I feel is a sort of fascination; but that is just what I don't like。  Hang it; I don't want to be fascinated I object to being fascinated!〃

This little story had taken some time in the telling; so that the two young men had now reached their hotel。

〃Ah; my dear Gordon;〃 said Bernard; 〃we speak a different language。 If you don't want to be fascinated; what is one to say to you? 'Object to being fascinated!'  There 's a man easy to satisfy! Raffine; va!〃

〃Well; see here now;〃 said Gordon; stopping in the door…way of the inn; 〃when it comes to the point; do you like it yourself?〃

〃When it comes to the point?〃  Bernard exclaimed。  〃I assure you I don't wait till then。  I like the beginningI delight in the approach of it I revel in the prospect。〃

〃That's just what I did。  But now that the thing has comeI don't revel。 To be fascinated is to be mystified。  Damn it; I like my liberty I like my judgment!〃

〃So do Ilike yours;〃 said Bernard; laughing; as they took their bedroom candles。


Bernard talked of this matter rather theoretically; inasmuch as to his own sense; he was in a state neither of incipient nor of absorbed fascination。  He got on very easily; however; with Angela Vivian; and felt none of the mysterious discomfort alluded to by his friend。 The element of mystery attached itself rather to the young lady's mother; who gave him the impression that for undiscoverable reasons she avoided his society。  He regretted her evasive deportment; for he found something agreeable in this shy and scrupulous little woman; who struck him as a curious specimen of a society of which he had once been very fond。 He learned that she was of old New England stock; but he had not needed this information to perceive that Mrs。 Vivian was animated by the genius of Boston。  〃She has the Boston temperament;〃 he said; using a phrase with which he had become familiar and which evoked a train of associations。 But then he immediately added that if Mrs。 Vivian was a daughter of the Puritans; the Puritan strain in her disposition had been mingled with another element。  〃It is the Boston temperament sophisticated;〃 he said; 〃perverted a littleperhaps even corrupted。  It is the local east…wind with an infusion from climates less tonic。〃  It seemed to him that Mrs。 Vivian was a Puritan grown worldlya Bostonian relaxed; and this impression; oddly enough; contributed to his wish to know more of her。  He felt like going up to her very politely and saying; 〃Dear lady and most honored compatriot; what in the world have I done to displease you? You don't approve of me; and I am dying to know the reason why。 I should be so happy to exert myself to be agreeable to you。 It 's no use; you give me the cold shoulder。  When I speak to you; you look the other way; it is only when I speak to your daughter that you look at me。  It is true that at those times you look at me very hard; and if I am not greatly mistaken; you are not gratified by what you see。 You count the words I address to your beautiful Angelayou time our harmless little interviews。  You interrupt them indeed whenever you can; you call her awayyou appeal to her; you cut across the conversation。 You are always laying plots to keep us apart。  Why can't you leave me alone? I assure you I am the most innocent of men。  Your beautiful Angela can't possibly be injured by my conversation; and I have no designs whatever upon her peace of mind。  What on earth have I done to offend you?〃

These observations Bernard Longueville was disposed to make; and one after

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