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silas marner(织工马南)-第17章

小说: silas marner(织工马南) 字数: 每页4000字

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company that called for beer。 

George Eliot                                                           ElecBook Classics 

… Page 61…

                               Silas Marner                                     61 

                                 Chapter 6 

          he   conversation;   which   was   at   a   high   pitch   of   animation 

          when   Silas approached   the  door  of  the   Rainbow;   had;   as 


          usual; been slow and intermittent when the company first 

assembled。 The pipes began to be puffed in a silence which had an 

air  of  severity;   the   more   important  customers;   who   drank   spirits 

and   sat   nearest   the   fire;   staring   at   each   other   as   if   a   bet   were 

depending on the first man who winked; while the beer…drinkers; 

chiefly men in fustian jackets and smock…frocks; kept their eyelids 

down     and   rubbed     their  hands    across   their   mouths;    as  if  their 

draughts of beer were a funereal duty attended with embarrassing 

sadness。     At  last;  Mr。   Snell;   the  landlord;    a  man    of  a  neutral 

disposition; accustomed to stand aloof from human differences as 

those of beings who were all alike in need of liquor; broke silence; 

by   saying   in   a   doubtful   tone   to   his   cousin   the   butcher—“Some 

folks ’ud say that was a fine beast you druv in yesterday; Bob?” 

   The butcher; a jolly; smiling; red…haired man; was not disposed 

to answer rashly。 He gave a few puffs before he spat and replied; 

“And they wouldn’t be fur wrong; John。” 

   After this feeble; delusive thaw; the silence set in as severely as 


    “Was it a red Durham?” said the farrier; taking up the thread of 

discourse after the lapse of a few minutes。 

   The   farrier  looked at  the   landlord;   and   the   landlord   looked   at 

the   butcher;   as   the   person   who   must   take   the   responsibility   of 


    “Red   it   was;”   said   the   butcher;   in   his   good…humoured;   husky 

treble—”and a Durham it was。” 

George Eliot                                                      ElecBook Classics 

… Page 62…

                                Silas Marner                                        62 

    “Then     you    needn’t    tell  me   who    you   bought    it  of;”  said   the 

farrier;   looking  round   with  some   triumph;   “I   know   who   it   is   has 

got the red Durhams o’ this countryside。 And she’d a white star on 

her  brow;   I’ll   bet   a   penny?”   The   farrier   leaned   forward   with   his 

hands on his knees as he put this question; and his eyes twinkled 


    “Well;   yes—she   might;”   said   the   butcher;   slowly;   considering 

that he was giving a decided affirmative。 “I don’t say contrairy。” 

    “I   knew    that   very   well;”    said  the   farrier;   throwing     himself 

backward       again;    and   speaking     defiantly;    “if  I  don’t   know    Mr。 

Lammeter’s cows; I should like to know who does—that’s all! And 

as for the cow you’ve bought; bargain or no bargain; I’ve been at 

the drenching of her—contradick me who will。” 

    The farrier looked fierce; and the mild butcher’s conversational 

spirit was roused a little。 

    “I’m not for contradicking no man;” he said; “I’m for peace and 

quietness。   Some       are   for  cutting    long   ribs—I’m     for  cutting    ’em 

short myself; but I don’t quarrel with ’em。 All I say is; it’s a lovely 

carkiss—and   anybody   as   was   reasonable;   it   ’ud   bring   tears   into 

their eyes to look at it。” 

    “Well; it’s  the   cow  as   I drenched;   whatever  it  is;” pursued   the 

farrier; angrily; “and it was Mr。 Lammeter’s cow; else you told a lie 

when you said it was a red Durham。” 

    “I tell no lies;” said the butcher; with the same mild huskiness 

as   before;   “and   I   contradick     none—not   if     a   man   was   to   swear 

himself black: he’s no meat o’ mine; nor none o’ my bargains。 All I 

say   is;   it’s   a   lovely   carkiss。   And   what   I   say   I’ll   stick   to;   but   I’ll 

quarrel wi’ no man。” 

    “No;”     said   the   farrier;   with   bitter   sarcasm;     looking    at   the 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 63…

                                Silas Marner                                       63 

company        generally;    “and    p’rhaps     you   ar’n’t   pig…headed;      and 

p’rhaps you didn’t say the cow was a red Durham; and p’rhaps you 

didn’t say she’d got a star on her brow—stick to that; now you’re at 


    “Come; come;” said the landlord; “let the cow alone。 The truth 

lies atween you: you’re both right and both wrong; as I allays say。 

And as for the cow’s being Mr。 Lammeter’s; I say nothing to that; 

but this I say; as the Rainbow’s the Rainbow。 And for the matter o’ 

that; if the talk is to be o’ the Lammeters; you know the most upo’ 

that    head;    eh;   Mr。    Macey?      You    remember        when     first  Mr。 

Lammeter’s father come into these parts; and took the Warrens?” 

    Mr。 Macey; tailor and parish…clerk; the latter of which functions 

rheumatism had of late obliged him to share with a small…featured 

young man who sat opposite him; held his white head on one side; 

and     twirled    his  thumbs      with   an   air  of   complacency;       slightly 

seasoned      with   criticism。    He   smiled    pityingly;   in  answer     to  the 

landlord’s   appeal;   and   said—“Ay;   ay;   I   know;   I   know;   but   I   let 

other folks talk。 I’ve laid by now; and gev up to the young uns。 Ask 

them as have been to school at Tarley: they’ve learnt pernouncing; 

that’s come up since my day。” 

    “If   you’re   pointing   at   me;   Mr。   Macey;”   said   the   deputy…clerk; 

with an air of anxious propriety; “I’m nowise a man to speak out of 

my place。 As the psalm says— 

    ‘I  know    what’s    right;   nor  only    so;  But   also  practise    what    I 

know。’ “ 

    “Well; then; I wish you’d keep hold o’ the tune; when it’s set for 

you;   if   you’re   for   practising;   I   wish   you’d   practise   that;”   said   a 

large;     jocose…looking      man;     an   excellent     wheelwright       in   his 

weekday capacity; but on Sundays leader of the choir。 He winked; 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 64…

                                 Silas Marner                                        64 

as he spoke; at two of the company; who were known officially as 

the “bassoon” and the “keybugle;” in the   confidence   that  he   was 

expressing the sense of the musical profession in Raveloe。 

    Mr。    Tookey;     the   deputy…clerk;     who     shared    the   unpopularity 

common   to   deputies;   turned   very   red;   but   replied;   with   careful 

moderation: “Mr。 Winthrop; if you’ll bring me any proof as I’m in 

the wrong; I’m not the man to say I won’t alter。 But there’s people 

set up their own ears for a standard; and expect the whole choir to 

follow ’em。 There may be two opinions; I hope。” 

    “Ay; ay;” said Mr。 Macey; who felt very well satisfied with this 

attack     on   youthful     presumption;       “you’re     right   there;    Tookey: 

there’s     allays   two    ’pinions;    there’s   the   ’pinion    a   man    has   of 

himsen; and there’s the ’pinion   other  folks   have  on   him。   There’d 

be two ’pinions about a cracked bell; if the bell could hear itself。” 

    “Well;     Mr。   Macey;”      said   poor    Tookey;      serious    amidst     the 

general     laughter;     “I  undertook      to  partially   fill  up  the   office  of 

parish…clerk       by    Mr。

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