贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the trampling of the lilies >


the trampling of the lilies-第3章

小说: the trampling of the lilies 字数: 每页4000字

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de Bellecour and she is the daughter of that same Marquis。  But
these are no more than the fortuitous circumstances in which we
chance to find ourselves。  That she is a woman must take rank before
the fact that she is your daughter; and that I am a man must take
rank before the fact that I am your secretary。  Not; then; as your
secretary speaking to your daughter have I told this lady that I
love her; but as a man speaking to a woman。  To utter that should
be … nay; is … the right of every man; to hear it should be honouring
to every woman worthy of the name。  In a primitive condition … 〃

〃A thousand devils!〃 blazed the Marquis; unable longer to contain
himself。  〃Am I to have my ears offended by this braying?  Miserable
scum; you shall be taught what is due to your betters。〃

His whip cracked suddenly; and the lash leapt serpentlike into the
air; to descend and coil itself about La Boulaye's head and face。
A cry broke from the young man; as much of pain as of surprise; and
as the lash was drawn back; he clapped his hands to his seared face。
But again he felt it; cutting him now across the hand with which he
had masked himself。  With a maddened roar he sprang upon his
aggressor。  In height he was the equal of the Marquis; but in weight
he seemed to be scarce more than the half of his opponent's。  Yet
a nervous strength dwelt unsuspected in those lean arms and steely

Mademoiselle stood by looking on; with parted lips and eyes that
were intent and anxious。  She saw that figure; spare and lithe as
a greyhound; leap suddenly upon her father; and the next instant
the whip was in the secretary's hands; and he sprang back from the
nobleman; who stood white and quivering with rage; and perhaps; too;
with some dismay。

〃That I do not break it across your back; M。 le Marquis; said the
young man; as he snapped the whip on his knee; 〃you may thank your
years。〃  With that he flung the two pieces wide into the sunlit
waters of the brook。  〃But I will have satisfaction; Monsieur。  I
will take payment for this。〃  And he pointed to the weal that
disfigured his face。

〃Satisfaction?〃 roared the Marquis; hoarse in his passion。  〃Would
you demand satisfaction of me; animal?〃

〃No;〃 answered the young man; with a wry smile。  〃Your years again
protect you。  But you have a son; and if by to…morrow it should
come to pass that you have a son no more; you may account yourself;
through this〃 … and again he pointed to the weal … 〃his murderer。〃

〃Do you mean that you would seek to cross swords with the Vicomte?〃
gasped the nobleman; in an unbelief so great that it gained the
ascendency over his anger。

〃That is what I mean; Monsieur。  In practice he has often done so。
He shall do so for once in actual earnest。〃

〃Fool!〃 was the contemptuous answer; more coldly delivered now; for
the Marquis was getting himself in hand。  〃If you come near Bellecour
again; if you are so much as found within the grounds of the park;
I'll have you beaten to death by my grooms for your presumption。
Keep you the memory of that promise in mind; Sir Secretary; and let
it warn you to avoid Bellecour; as you would a plague…house。  Come;
Suzanne;〃 he said; turning abruptly to his daughter; 〃Enough of
this delightful morning have we already wasted on this canaille。〃

With that he offered her his wrist; and so; without so much as
another glance at La Boulaye; she took her departure。

The secretary remained where they had left him; pale of face …
saving the fortuitous crimson mark which the whip had cut … and
very sick at heart。  The heat of the moment being spent; he had
leisure to contemplate his plight。  A scorned lover; a beaten man;
a dismissed secretary!  He looked sorrowfully upon his volume of
〃The Discourses;〃 and for the first time a doubt crossed his mind
touching the wisdom of old Jean Jacques。  Was there would there ever
be any remedy for such a condition of things as now prevailed?

Already the trees had hidden the Marquis and his daughter from La
Boulaye's sight。  The young revolutionist felt weary and lonely …
dear God; how lonely! neither kith nor kin had he; and of late all
the interest of his life … saving always that absorbed by Jean
Jacques … had lain in watching Suzanne de Bellecour; and in loving
her silently and distantly。  Now that little crumb of comfort was
to be his no more; he was to go away from Bellecour; away from the
sight of her for all time。  And he loved her; loved her; loved her!

He tossed his arms to Heaven with a great sigh that was a sob almost;
then he passed his hands over his face; and as they came in contact
with the swollen ridge that scored it; love faded from his mind;
and vindictiveness came to fill its room。

〃But for this;〃 he cried aloud。  〃I shall take payment … aye; as
there is a God!〃

Then turning; and with 〃The Discourses 〃 held tightly to his side;
he moved slowly away; following the course of the gleaming waters。



One friend did La Boulaye count in the village of Bellecour。  This
was old Duhamel; the schoolmaster; an eccentric pedant and a
fellow…worshipper of the immortal Jean Jacques。  It was to him that
La Boulaye now repaired intent upon seeking counsel touching a
future that wore that morning a singularly gloomy outlook。

He found Duhamel's door open; and he stepped across the threshold
into the chief room of the house。  But there he paused; and
hesitated。  The chamber was crowded with people in holiday attire;
and the centre of attraction was a well…set…up peasant with a happy;
sun…tanned face; whose golden locks were covered by a huge round
hat decked with a score of gaily…coloured ribbons。

At sight of him La Boulaye remembered that it was Charlot's
wedding…day。  Popular amongst the women by virtue of his comeliness;
and respected by the men by virtue of his strength; Charlot Tardivet
was a general favourite of the countryside; and here; in the room of
old Duhamel; the schoolmaster; was half the village gathered to do
him honour upon his wedding morn。  It was like Duhamel; who; in
fatherliness towards the villagers; went near out…rivalling M。 le
Cure; to throw open his house for the assembling of Charlot's
friends; and La Boulaye was touched by this fresh sign of kindliness
from a man whose good heart he had not lacked occasion to observe
and appreciate。  But it came to the secretary that there was no
place for him in this happy assemblage。  His advent would; probably;
but serve to cast a gloom upon them; considering the conditions
under which he came; with the signs of violence upon his face to
remind them of the lords of life and death who dwelt at the Chateau
up yonder。  And such a reminder must fall upon them as does the
reminder of some overhanging evil clutch suddenly at our hearts in
happy moments of forgetfulness。  To let them be happy that day; to
leave their feasts free of a death's head; La Boulaye would have
withdrawn had he not already been too late。  Duhamel had espied him;
and the little; wizened old man came hurrying forward; his
horn…rimmed spectacles perched on the very end of his nose; his keen
little eyes beaming with delight and welcome。

〃Ah; Caron; you are very choicely come;〃 he cried; holding out both
hands to La Boulaye。  〃You shall embrace our happy Hercules yonder;
and wish him joy of the wedded life he has the audacity to exploit。〃
Then; as he espied the crimson ridge across the secretary's
countenance; 〃Mon Dieu!〃 he exclaimed; 〃what have you done to
yourself; Caron?〃

〃Pish!  It is nothing;〃 answered La Boulaye hurriedly; and would
have had the subject dismissed; but that one of the onlooking
peasants swore by the memory of some long…dead saint that it was the
cut of a whip。  Duhamel's eyes kindled and his parchment…like skin
was puckered into a hundred evil wrinkles。

〃Who did it; Caron?〃 he demanded。

〃Since you insist; old master;〃 answered the secretary; still
endeavouring to make light of it; 〃learn that is the lord Marquis's
signature to his order of my dismissal from his service。〃

〃The dog!〃 ejaculated the school…master。

〃Sh! let it be。  Perhaps I braved him overmuch。  I will tel

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