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george sand-第28章

小说: george sand 字数: 每页4000字

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ntrast may prove a strong attraction; and then; too; George Sand was very sensitive to the charm of music。  But what she saw above all in Chopin was the typical artist; just as she understood the artist; a dreamer; lost in the clouds; incapable of any activity that was practical; a 〃lover of the impossible。〃  And then; too; he was ill。  When Musset left Venice; after all the atrocious nights she had spent at his bedside; she wrote:  〃Whom shall I have now to look after and tend?〃  In Chopin she found some one to tend。

About this time; she was anxious about the health of her son Maurice; and she thought she would take her family to Majorca。  This was a lamentable excursion; but it seemed satisfactory at first。  They travelled by way of Lyons; Avignon; Vaucluse and Nimes。  At Perpignan; Chopin arrived; 〃as fresh as a rose。〃  〃Our journey;〃 wrote George Sand; 〃seems to be under the most favourable conditions。〃  They then went on to Barcelona and to Palma。  In November; 1838; George Sand wrote a most enthusiastic letter:  〃It is poetry; solitude; all that is most artistic and _chique_ on earth。  And what skies; what a country; we are delighted。〃'26' The disenchantment was soon to begin; though。  The first difficulty was to find lodgings; and the second to get furniture。  There was no wood to burn and there was no linen to be had。  It took two months to have a pair of tongs made; and it cost twenty…eight pounds at the customs for a piano to enter the country。  With great difficulty; the forlorn travellers found a country…house belonging to a man named Gomez; which they were able to rent。  It was called the 〃Windy House。〃  The wind did not inconvenience them like the rain; which now commenced。  Chopin could not endure the heat and the odour of the fires。  His disease increased; and this was the origin of the great tribulations that were to follow。

'26' The following is an unpublished letter to Madame Buloz:

_Monday 13th。_


〃I have only been at Palma four days。  My journey has been very satisfactory; but rather long and difficult until we were out of France。  I took up my pen (as people say) twenty times over to write the last five or six pages for which _Spiridion_ has been waiting for six months。  It is not the easiest thing in the world; I can assure you; to give the conclusion of one's own religious belief; and when travelling it is impossible。  At twenty different places I have resolved to think it solemnly over and to write down my conclusion。  But these stoppages were the most tiring part of our journey。  There were visits; dinners; walks; curiosities; ruins; the Vaucluse fountain; Reboul and the Nimes arena; the Barcelona cathedrals; dinners on board the war…ships; the Italian theatres of Spain (and what theatres and what Italians!); guitars and Heaven knows what beside。  There was the moonlight on the sea and above all Valma and Mallorca; the most delightful place in the world; and all this kept me terribly far away from philosophy and theology。  Fortunately I have found some superb convents here all in ruins; with palm…trees; aloes and the cactus in the midst of broken mosaics and crumbling cloisters; and this takes me back to _Spiridion_。  For the last three days I have had a rage for work; which I cannot satisfy yet; as we have neither fire nor lodging。  There is not an inn in Palma; no house to let and no furniture to be bought。  On arriving here people first have to buy some ground; then build; and afterwards send for furniture。  After this; permission to live somewhere has to be obtained from Government; and after five or six years one can think about opening one's trunk and changing one's chemise; whilst waiting for permission from the Customs to have some shoes and handkerchiefs passed。  For the last four days then we have spent our time going from door to door; as we do not want to sleep in the open air。  We hope now to be settled in about three days; as a miracle has taken place。  For the first time in the memory of man; there is a furnished house to let in Mallorca; a charming country…house in a delightful desert。 。 。 。〃  {The end of footnote '26'}

At that time Spain was the very last country in which to travel with a consumptive patient。  In a very fine lecture; the subject of which was _The Fight with Tubcrculosis_;'27' Dr。 Landouzy proves to us that ever since the sixteenth century; in the districts of the Mediterranean; in Spain; in the Balearic Isles and throughout the kingdom of Naples; tuberculosis was held to be contagious; whilst the rest of Europe was ignorant of this contagion。  Extremely severe rules had been laid down with regard to the measures to be taken for avoiding the spread of this disease。  A consumptive patient was considered as a kind of plague…stricken individual。  Chateaubriand had experienced the inconveniences of this scare during his stay in Rome with Madame de Beaumont; who died there of consumption; at the beginning of the winter of 1803。  George Sand; in her turn; was to have a similar experience。  When Chopin was convicted of consumption; 〃which;〃 as she writes; 〃was equivalent to the plague; according to the Spanish doctors; with their foregone conclusions about contagion;〃 their landlord simply turned them out of his house。  They took refuge in the Chartreuse monastery of Valdemosa; where they lived in a cell。  The site was very beautiful。  By a wooded slope a terrace could be reached; from which there was a view of the sea on two sides。

'27' L。 Landouzy of the Academy of Medecine; _La Lutte contre la tuberculose_; published by L。 Maretheux。

〃We are planted between heaven and earth;〃 wrote George Sand。  〃The clouds cross our garden at their own will and pleasure; and the eagles clamour over our heads。〃

A cell in this monastery was composed of three rooms:  the one in the middle was intended for reading; prayer and meditation; the other two were the bedroom and the workshop。  All three rooms looked on to a garden。  Reading; rest and manual labour made up the life of these men。  They lived in a limited space certainly; but the view stretched out infinitely; and prayer went up direct to God。  Among the ruined buildings of the enormous monastery there was a cloister still standing; through which the wind howled desperately。  It was like the scenery in the nuns' act in _Robert le Diable_。  All this made the old monastery the most romantic place in the world。'28'

'28' George Sand to Madame Buloz。  Postscript to the letter already quoted:

〃I am leaving for the country where I have a furnished house with a garden; magnificently situated for 50 francs a month。  I have also taken a cell; that is three rooms and a garden for 35 francs a year in the Chartreuse of Valdemosa; a magnificent; immense monastery quite lonely in the midst of mountains。  Our garden is full of oranges and lemons。  The trees break under them。  We have hedges of cactus twenty to thirty feet high; the sea is about a mile and a half away。  We have a donkey to take us to the town; roads inaccessible to visitors; immense cloisters and the most beautiful architecture; a charming church; a cemetery with a palm…tree and a stone cross like the one in the third act of _Robert le Diable_。  Then; too; there are beds of shrubs cut in form。  All this we have to ourselves with an old woman to wait on us; and the sacristan who is warder; steward; majordomo and Jack…of…all…trades。 I hope we shall have ghosts。  The door of my cell leads into an enormous cloister; and when the wind slams the door it is like a cannon going off through all the monastery。  I am delighted with everything; and fancy I shall be more often in the cell than in the country…house; which is about six miles away。  You see that I have plenty of poetry and solitude; so that if I do not work I shall be a stupid thing。〃  {The end of footnote '28'}

The only drawback was that it was most difficult to live there。  There was no way of getting warm。  The stove was a kind of iron furnace which gave out a terrible odour; and did not prevent the rooms from being so damp that clothes mildewed while they were being worn。  There was no way of getting proper food either。  They had to eat the most indigestible things。  There 

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