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the ethics(part ii)-第3章

小说: the ethics(part ii) 字数: 每页4000字

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so far as he is a thing thinking absolutely; only in so  far as

he is considered as affected by another mode of thinking; and he

is the cause of this  latter; as being affected by a third; and

so on to infinity。  Now; the order and connection  of ideas is

(by Prop。 vii。 of this book) the same as the order and connection

of causes。   Therefore of a given individual idea another

individual idea; or God; in so far as he is  considered as

modified by that idea; is the cause; and of this second idea God

is the  cause; in so far as he is affected by another idea; and

so on to infinity。  Q。E。D。

ProofWhatsoever takes place in the object of any idea; its

idea is in God (by  Prop。 iii。 of this part); not in so far as he

is infinite; but in so far as he is considered as  affected by

another idea of an individual thing (by the last Prop。); but (by

Prop。 vii。 of  this part) the order and connection of ideas is

the same as the order and connection of  things。  The knowledge;

therefore; of that which takes place in any individual object

will  be in God; in so far only as he has the idea of that

object。  Q。E。D。

X。  The being of substance does not appertain to the essence of

manin other words;  substance does not constitute the actual

being (forma) of man。

》》》》》ProofThe being of substance involves necessary existence

(Part i。; Prop。 vii。)。   If; therefore; the being of substance

appertains to the essence of man; substance being  granted; man

would necessarily be granted also (II。 Def。 ii。); and;

consequently; man would  necessarily exist; which is absurd (II。

Ax。 i。)。  Therefore &c。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteThis proposition may also be proved from I。v。; in

which it is shown that there  cannot be two substances of the

same nature; for as there may be many men; the being of 

substance is not that which constitutes the actual being of man。 

Again; the proposition is  evident from the other properties of

substancenamely; that substance is in its nature  infinite;

immutable; indivisible; &c。; as anyone may see for himself。

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