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the ethics(part ii)-第13章

小说: the ethics(part ii) 字数: 每页4000字

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negation; save that which an  idea; inasmuch as it is an idea;


》》》》》ProofThere is in the mind no absolute faculty of positive

or negative volition; but  only particular volitions; namely;

this or that affirmation; and this or that negation。  Now let  us

conceive a particular volition; namely; the mode of thinking

whereby the mind affirms;  that the three interior angles of a

triangle are equal to two right angles。  This affirmation 

involves the conception or idea of a triangle; that is; without

the idea of a triangle it cannot  be conceived。  It is the same

thing to say; that the concept A must involve the concept B;  as

it is to say; that A cannot be conceived without B。  Further;

this affirmation cannot be  made (II。 Ax。 iii。) without the idea

of a triangle。  Therefore; this affirmation can neither be  nor

be conceived; without the idea of a triangle。  Again; this idea

of a triangle must involve  this same affirmation; namely; that

its three interior angles are equal to two right angles。  

Wherefore; and vice versa; this idea of a triangle can neither be

nor be conceived without  this affirmation; therefore; this

affirmation belongs to the essence of the idea of a triangle; 

and is nothing besides。  What we have said of this volition

(inasmuch as we have selected  it at random) may be said of any

other volition; namely; that it is nothing but an idea。   Q。E。D。

ProofWill and understanding are nothing beyond the

individual volitions and ideas  (II。 xlviii。 and note)。  But a

particular volition and a particular idea are one and the same 

(by the foregoing Prop。); therefore; will and understanding are

one and the same。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteWe have thus removed the cause which is commonly

assigned for error。  For  we have shown above; that falsity

consists solely in the privation of knowledge involved in  ideas

which are fragmentary and confused。  Wherefore; a false idea;

inasmuch as it is false;  does not involve certainty。  When we

say; then; that a man acquiesces in what is false; and  that he

has no doubts on the subject; we do not say that he is certain;

but only that he does  not doubt; or that he acquiesces in what

is false; inasmuch as there are no reasons; which  should cause

his imagination to waver (see II。 xliv。 note)。  Thus; although

the man be  assumed to acquiesce in what is false; we shall never

say that he is certain。  For by certainty  we mean something

positive (II。 xliii。 and note); not merely the absence of doubt。

However; in order that the foregoing proposition may be fully

explained; I will draw  attention to a few additional points; and

I will furthermore answer the objections which  may be advanced

against our doctrine。  Lastly; in order to remove every scruple;

I have  thought it worth while to point out some of the

advantages; which follow therefrom。  I say  〃some;〃 for they will

be better appreciated from what we shall set forth in the fifth


I begin; then; with the first point; and warn my readers to make

an accurate distinction  between an idea; or conception of the

mind; and the images of things which we imagine。   It is further

necessary that they should distinguish between idea and words;

whereby we  signify things。  These threenamely; images; words;

and ideasare by many persons either  entirely confused

together; or not distinguished with sufficient accuracy or care;

and hence  people are generally in ignorance; how absolutely

necessary is a knowledge of this doctrine  of the will; both for

philosophic purposes and for the wise ordering of life。  Those

who  think that ideas consist in images which are formed in us by

contact with external bodies;  persuade themselves that the ideas

of those things; whereof we can form no mental picture;  are not

ideas; but only figments; which we invent by the free decree of

our will; they thus  regard ideas as though they were inanimate

pictures on a panel; and; filled with this  misconception; do not

see that an idea; inasmuch as it is an idea; involves an

affirmation or  negation。  Again; those who confuse words with

ideas; or with the affirmation which an  idea involves; think

that they can wish something contrary to what they feel; affirm;

or  deny。  This misconception will easily be laid aside by one;

who reflects on the nature of  knowledge; and seeing that it in

no wise involves the conception of extension; will therefore 

clearly understand; that an idea (being a mode of thinking) does

not consist in the image of  anything; nor in words。  The essence

of words and images is put together by bodily  motions; which in

no wise involve the conception of thought。

These few words on this subject will suffice:  I will therefore

pass on to consider the  objections; which may be raised against

our doctrine。  Of these; the first is advanced by  those; who

think that the will has a wider scope than the understanding; and

that therefore  it is different therefrom。  The reason for their

holding the belief; that the will has wider  scope than the

understanding; is that they assert; that they have no need of an

increase in  their faculty of assent; that is of affirmation or

negation; in order to assent to an infinity of  things which we

do not perceive; but that they have need of an increase in their

faculty of  understanding。  The will is thus distinguished from

the intellect; the latter being finite and  the former infinite。 

Secondly; it may be objected that experience seems to teach us 

especially clearly; that we are able to suspend our judgment

before assenting to things  which we perceive; this is confirmed

by the fact that no one is said to be deceived; in so  far as he

perceives anything; but only in so far as he assents or


For instance; he who feigns a winged horse; does not therefore

admit that a winged horse  exists; that is; he is not deceived;

unless he admits in addition that a winged horse does  exist。 

Nothing therefore seems to be taught more clearly by experience;

than that the will  or faculty of assent is free and different

from the faculty of understanding。  Thirdly; it may  be objected

that one affirmation does not apparently contain more reality

than another; in  other words; that we do not seem to need for

affirming; that what is true is true; any  greater power than for

affirming; that what is false is true。  We have; however; seen

that  one idea has more reality or perfection than another; for

as objects are some more  excellent than others; so also are the

ideas of them some more excellent than others; this  also seems

to point to a difference between the understanding and the will。 

Fourthly; it  may be objected; if man does not act from free

will; what will happen if the incentives to  action are equally

balanced; as in the case of Buridan's ass?  Will he perish of

hunger and  thirst?  If I say that he would not; he would then

determine his own action; and would  consequently possess the

faculty of going and doing whatever he liked。  Other objections 

might also be raised; but; as I am not bound to put in evidence

everything that anyone may  dream; I will only set myself to the

task of refuting those I have mentioned; and that as  briefly as


To the first objection I answer; that I admit that the will has a

wider scope than the  understanding; if by the un

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