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the ethics(part ii)-第12章

小说: the ethics(part ii) 字数: 每页4000字

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》》》》》ProofIt is in the nature of reason to regard things; not

as contingent; but as  necessary (II。 xliv。)。  Reason perceives

this necessity of things (II。 xli。) trulythat is (I。 Ax。  vi。);

as it is in itself。  But (I。 xvi。) this necessity of things is

the very necessity of the eternal  nature of God; therefore; it

is in the nature of reason to regard things under this form of 

eternity。  We may add that the bases of reason are the notions

(II。 xxxviii。); which answer  to things common to all; and which

(II。 xxxvii。) do not answer to the essence of any  particular

thing:  which must therefore be conceived without any relation to

time; under a  certain form of eternity。

XLV。 Every idea of every body; or of every particular thing

actually existing; necessarily  involves the eternal and infinite

essence of God。

》》》》》ProofThe idea of a particular thing actually existing

necessarily involves both the  existence and the essence of the

said thing (II。 viii。)。  Now particular things cannot be 

conceived without God (I。 xv。); but; inasmuch as (II。 vi。) they

have God for their cause;  in so far as he is regarded under the

attribute of which the things in question are modes;  their ideas

must necessarily involve (I。 Ax。 iv。) the conception of the

attributes of those  ideasthat is (I。 vi。); the eternal and

infinite essence of God。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteBy existence I do not here mean durationthat is;

existence in so far as it is  conceived abstractedly; and as a

certain form of quantity。  I am speaking of the very nature  of

existence; which is assigned to particular things; because they

follow in infinite numbers  and in infinite ways from the eternal

necessity of God's nature (I。 xvi。)。  I am speaking; I  repeat;

of the very existence of particular things; in so far as they are

in God。  For although  each particular thing be conditioned by

another particular thing to exist in a given way; yet  the force

whereby each particular thing perseveres in existing follows from

the eternal  necessity of God's nature (cf。 I。 xxiv。 Cor。)。

XLVI。  The knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence of God

which every idea  involves is adequate and perfect。

》》》》》ProofThe proof of the last proposition is universal; and

whether a thing be  considered as a part or a whole; the idea

thereof; whether of the whole or of a part (by  the last Prop。);

will involve God's eternal and infinite essence。  Wherefore;

that; which  gives knowledge of the eternal and infinite essence

of God; is common to all; and is equally  in the part and in the

whole; therefore (II。 xxxviii。) this knowledge will be adequate。 


XLVII。 The human mind has an adequate knowledge of the eternal

and infinite essence of  God。

》》》》》ProofThe human mind has ideas (II。 xxii。); from which (II。

xxiii。) it perceives  itself and its own body (II。 xix。) and

external bodies (II。 xvi。 Cor。 i。 and II。 xvii。) as actually 

existing; therefore (II。 xlv。 and xlvi。) it has an adequate

knowledge of the eternal and  infinite essence of God。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteHence we see; that the infinite essence and the

eternity of God are known to  all。  Now as all things are in God;

and are conceived through God; we can from this  knowledge infer

many things; which we may adequately know; and we may form that

third  kind of knowledge of which we spoke in the note to II。

xl。; and of the excellence and use of  which we shall have

occasion to speak in Part V。  Men have not so clear a knowledge

of  God as they have of general notions; because they are unable

to imagine God as they do  bodies; and also because they have

associated the name God with images of things that  they are in

the habit of seeing; as indeed they can hardly avoid doing;

being; as they are;  men; and continually affected by external

bodies。  Many errors; in truth; can be traced to  this head;

namely; that we do not apply names to things rightly。  For

instance; when a man  says that the lines drawn from the centre

of a circle to its circumference are not equal; he  then; at all

events; assuredly attaches a meaning to the word circle different

from that  assigned by mathematicians。  So again; when men make

mistakes in calculation; they have  one set of figures in their

mind; and another on the paper。  If we could see into their

minds;  they do not make a mistake; they seem to do so; because

we think; that they have the same  numbers in their mind as they

have on the paper。  If this were not so; we should not  believe

them to be in error; any more than I thought that a man was in

error; whom I lately  heard exclaiming that his entrance hall had

flown into a neighbour's hen; for his meaning  seemed to me

sufficiently clear。  Very many controversies have arisen from the

fact; that  men do not rightly explain their meaning; or do not

rightly interpret the meaning of others。   For; as a matter of

fact; as they flatly contradict themselves; they assume now one

side;  now another; of the argument; so as to oppose the

opinions; which they consider mistaken  and absurd in their


XLVIII。 In the mind there is no absolute or free will; but the

mind is determined to wish  this or that by a cause; which has

also been determined by another cause; and this last by  another

cause; and so on to infinity。

》》》》》ProofThe mind is a fixed and definite mode of thought (II。

xi。); therefore it cannot  be the free cause of its actions (I。

xvii。 Cor。 ii。); in other words; it cannot have an absolute 

faculty of positive or negative volition; but (by I。 xxviii。) it

must be determined by a cause;  which has also been determined by

another cause; and this last by another; &c。  Q。E。D。

*****NoteIn the same way it is proved; that there is in the

mind no absolute faculty of  understanding; desiring; loving; &c。 

Whence it follows; that these and similar faculties are  either

entirely fictitious; or are merely abstract and general terms;

such as we are  accustomed to put together from particular

things。  Thus the intellect and the will stand in  the same

relation to this or that idea; or this or that volition; as

〃lapidity〃 to this or that  stone; or as 〃man〃 to Peter and

Paul。  The cause which leads men to consider themselves  free has

been set forth in the Appendix to Part I。  But; before I proceed

further; I would  here remark that; by the will to affirm and

decide; I mean the faculty; not the desire。  I  mean; I repeat;

the faculty; whereby the mind affirms or denies what is true or

false; not  the desire; wherewith the mind wishes for or turns

away from any given thing。  After we  have proved; that these

faculties of ours are general notions; which cannot be

distinguished  from the particular instances on which they are

based; we must inquire whether volitions  themselves are anything

besides the ideas of things。  We must inquire; I say; whether

there  is in the mind any affirmation or negation beyond that;

which the idea; in so far as it is an  idea; involves。  On which

subject see the following proposition; and II。 Def。 iii。; lest

the  idea of pictures should suggest itself。  For by ideas I do

not mean images such as are  formed at the back of the eye; or in

the midst of the brain; but the conceptions of thought。

XLIX。 There is in the mind no volition or affirmation and

negation; save that which an  idea; inasmuch as it is an idea;

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