贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > mudfog+ >



小说: mudfog+ 字数: 每页4000字

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'Everybody is nervously anxious to see what to…morrow will bring

forth。  If any one should arrive in the course of the night; I have

left strict directions to be called immediately。  I should have sat

up; indeed; but the agitating events of this day have been too much

for me。

'No news yet of either of the Professors Snore; Doze; or Wheezy。

It is very strange!'


'All is now over; and; upon one point at least; I am at length

enabled to set the minds of your readers at rest。  The three

professors arrived at ten minutes after two o'clock; and; instead

of taking up their quarters at the Original Pig; as it was

universally understood in the course of yesterday that they would

assuredly have done; drove straight to the Pig and Tinder…box;

where they threw off the mask at once; and openly announced their

intention of remaining。  Professor Wheezy may reconcile this very

extraordinary conduct with HIS notions of fair and equitable

dealing; but I would recommend Professor Wheezy to be cautious how

he presumes too far upon his well…earned reputation。  How such a

man as Professor Snore; or; which is still more extraordinary; such

an individual as Professor Doze; can quietly allow himself to be

mixed up with such proceedings as these; you will naturally

inquire。  Upon this head; rumour is silent; I have my speculations;

but forbear to give utterance to them just now。'


'The town is filling fast; eighteenpence has been offered for a bed

and refused。  Several gentlemen were under the necessity last night

of sleeping in the brick fields; and on the steps of doors; for

which they were taken before the magistrates in a body this

morning; and committed to prison as vagrants for various terms。

One of these persons I understand to be a highly…respectable

tinker; of great practical skill; who had forwarded a paper to the

President of Section D。 Mechanical Science; on the construction of

pipkins with copper bottoms and safety…values; of which report

speaks highly。  The incarceration of this gentleman is greatly to

be regretted; as his absence will preclude any discussion on the


'The bills are being taken down in all directions; and lodgings are

being secured on almost any terms。  I have heard of fifteen

shillings a week for two rooms; exclusive of coals and attendance;

but I can scarcely believe it。  The excitement is dreadful。  I was

informed this morning that the civil authorities; apprehensive of

some outbreak of popular feeling; had commanded a recruiting

sergeant and two corporals to be under arms; and that; with the

view of not irritating the people unnecessarily by their presence;

they had been requested to take up their position before daybreak

in a turnpike; distant about a quarter of a mile from the town。

The vigour and promptness of these measures cannot be too highly


'Intelligence has just been brought me; that an elderly female; in

a state of inebriety; has declared in the open street her intention

to 〃do〃 for Mr。 Slug。  Some statistical returns compiled by that

gentleman; relative to the consumption of raw spirituous liquors in

this place; are supposed to be the cause of the wretch's animosity。

It is added that this declaration was loudly cheered by a crowd of

persons who had assembled on the spot; and that one man had the

boldness to designate Mr。 Slug aloud by the opprobrious epithet of

〃Stick…in…the…mud!〃  It is earnestly to be hoped that now; when the

moment has arrived for their interference; the magistrates will not

shrink from the exercise of that power which is vested in them by

the constitution of our common country。'


'The disturbance; I am happy to inform you; has been completely

quelled; and the ringleader taken into custody。  She had a pail of

cold water thrown over her; previous to being locked up; and

expresses great contrition and uneasiness。  We are all in a fever

of anticipation about to…morrow; but; now that we are within a few

hours of the meeting of the association; and at last enjoy the

proud consciousness of having its illustrious members amongst us; I

trust and hope everything may go off peaceably。  I shall send you a

full report of to…morrow's proceedings by the night coach。'


'I open my letter to say that nothing whatever has occurred since I

folded it up。'


'The sun rose this morning at the usual hour。  I did not observe

anything particular in the aspect of the glorious planet; except

that he appeared to me (it might have been a delusion of my

heightened fancy) to shine with more than common brilliancy; and to

shed a refulgent lustre upon the town; such as I had never observed

before。  This is the more extraordinary; as the sky was perfectly

cloudless; and the atmosphere peculiarly fine。  At half…past nine

o'clock the general committee assembled; with the last year's

president in the chair。  The report of the council was read; and

one passage; which stated that the council had corresponded with no

less than three thousand five hundred and seventy…one persons; (all

of whom paid their own postage;) on no fewer than seven thousand

two hundred and forty…three topics; was received with a degree of

enthusiasm which no efforts could suppress。  The various committees

and sections having been appointed; and the more formal business

transacted; the great proceedings of the meeting commenced at

eleven o'clock precisely。  I had the happiness of occupying a most

eligible position at that time; in



PRESIDENT … Professor Snore。  VICE…PRESIDENTS … Professors Doze and


'The scene at this moment was particularly striking。  The sun

streamed through the windows of the apartments; and tinted the

whole scene with its brilliant rays; bringing out in strong relief

the noble visages of the professors and scientific gentlemen; who;

some with bald heads; some with red heads; some with brown heads;

some with grey heads; some with black heads; some with block heads;

presented a COUP D'OEIL which no eye…witness will readily forget。

In front of these gentlemen were papers and inkstands; and round

the room; on elevated benches extending as far as the forms could

reach; were assembled a brilliant concourse of those lovely and

elegant women for which Mudfog is justly acknowledged to be without

a rival in the whole world。  The contrast between their fair faces

and the dark coats and trousers of the scientific gentlemen I shall

never cease to remember while Memory holds her seat。

'Time having been allowed for a slight confusion; occasioned by the

falling down of the greater part of the platforms; to subside; the

president called on one of the secretaries to read a communication

entitled; 〃Some remarks on the industrious fleas; with

considerations on the importance of establishing infant…schools

among that numerous class of society; of directing their industry

to useful and practical ends; and of applying the surplus fruits

thereof; towards providing for them a comfortable and respectable

maintenance in their old age。〃

'The author stated; that; having long turned his attention to the

moral and social condition of these interesting animals; he had

been induced to visit an exhibition in Regent…street; London;

commonly known by the designation of 〃The Industrious Fleas。〃  He

had there seen many fleas; occupied certainly in various pursuits

and avocations; but occupied; he was bound to add; in a manner

which no man of well…regulated mind could fail to regard with

sorrow and regret。  One flea; reduced to the level of a beast of

burden; was drawing about a miniature gig; containing a

particularly small effigy of His Grace the Duke of Wellington;

while another was staggering beneath the weight of a golden model

of his great adv

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