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of the old fellows there; and they looked coldly on Nicholas as he

proffered his hand。

'Are you going to put down pipes; Mr。 Tulrumble?' said one。

'Or trace the progress of crime to 'bacca?' growled another。

'Neither;' replied Nicholas Tulrumble; shaking hands with them

both; whether they would or not。  'I've come down to say that I'm

very sorry for having made a fool of myself; and that I hope you'll

give me up the old chair; again。'

The old fellows opened their eyes; and three or four more old

fellows opened the door; to whom Nicholas; with tears in his eyes;

thrust out his hand too; and told the same story。  They raised a

shout of joy; that made the bells in the ancient church…tower

vibrate again; and wheeling the old chair into the warm corner;

thrust old Nicholas down into it; and ordered in the very largest…

sized bowl of hot punch; with an unlimited number of pipes;


The next day; the Jolly Boatmen got the licence; and the next

night; old Nicholas and Ned Twigger's wife led off a dance to the

music of the fiddle and tambourine; the tone of which seemed

mightily improved by a little rest; for they never had played so

merrily before。  Ned Twigger was in the very height of his glory;

and he danced hornpipes; and balanced chairs on his chin; and

straws on his nose; till the whole company; including the

corporation; were in raptures of admiration at the brilliancy of

his acquirements。

Mr。 Tulrumble; junior; couldn't make up his mind to be anything but

magnificent; so he went up to London and drew bills on his father;

and when he had overdrawn; and got into debt; he grew penitent; and

came home again。

As to old Nicholas; he kept his word; and having had six weeks of

public life; never tried it any more。  He went to sleep in the

town…hall at the very next meeting; and; in full proof of his

sincerity; has requested us to write this faithful narrative。  We

wish it could have the effect of reminding the Tulrumbles of

another sphere; that puffed…up conceit is not dignity; and that

snarling at the little pleasures they were once glad to enjoy;

because they would rather forget the times when they were of lower

station; renders them objects of contempt and ridicule。

This is the first time we have published any of our gleanings from

this particular source。  Perhaps; at some future period; we may

venture to open the chronicles of Mudfog。



We have made the most unparalleled and extraordinary exertions to

place before our readers a complete and accurate account of the

proceedings at the late grand meeting of the Mudfog Association;

holden in the town of Mudfog; it affords us great happiness to lay

the result before them; in the shape of various communications

received from our able; talented; and graphic correspondent;

expressly sent down for the purpose; who has immortalized us;

himself; Mudfog; and the association; all at one and the same time。

We have been; indeed; for some days unable to determine who will

transmit the greatest name to posterity; ourselves; who sent our

correspondent down; our correspondent; who wrote an account of the

matter; or the association; who gave our correspondent something to

write about。  We rather incline to the opinion that we are the

greatest man of the party; inasmuch as the notion of an exclusive

and authentic report originated with us; this may be prejudice:  it

may arise from a prepossession on our part in our own favour。  Be

it so。  We have no doubt that every gentleman concerned in this

mighty assemblage is troubled with the same complaint in a greater

or less degree; and it is a consolation to us to know that we have

at least this feeling in common with the great scientific stars;

the brilliant and extraordinary luminaries; whose speculations we


We give our correspondent's letters in the order in which they

reached us。  Any attempt at amalgamating them into one beautiful

whole; would only destroy that glowing tone; that dash of wildness;

and rich vein of picturesque interest; which pervade them



'We are in a state of great excitement here。  Nothing is spoken of;

but the approaching meeting of the association。  The inn…doors are

thronged with waiters anxiously looking for the expected arrivals;

and the numerous bills which are wafered up in the windows of

private houses; intimating that there are beds to let within; give

the streets a very animated and cheerful appearance; the wafers

being of a great variety of colours; and the monotony of printed

inscriptions being relieved by every possible size and style of

hand…writing。  It is confidently rumoured that Professors Snore;

Doze; and Wheezy have engaged three beds and a sitting…room at the

Pig and Tinder…box。  I give you the rumour as it has reached me;

but I cannot; as yet; vouch for its accuracy。  The moment I have

been enabled to obtain any certain information upon this

interesting point; you may depend upon receiving it。'


I have just returned from a personal interview with the landlord of

the Pig and Tinder…box。  He speaks confidently of the probability

of Professors Snore; Doze; and Wheezy taking up their residence at

his house during the sitting of the association; but denies that

the beds have been yet engaged; in which representation he is

confirmed by the chambermaid … a girl of artless manners; and

interesting appearance。  The boots denies that it is at all likely

that Professors Snore; Doze; and Wheezy will put up here; but I

have reason to believe that this man has been suborned by the

proprietor of the Original Pig; which is the opposition hotel。

Amidst such conflicting testimony it is difficult to arrive at the

real truth; but you may depend upon receiving authentic information

upon this point the moment the fact is ascertained。  The excitement

still continues。  A boy fell through the window of the pastrycook's

shop at the corner of the High…street about half an hour ago; which

has occasioned much confusion。  The general impression is; that it

was an accident。  Pray heaven it may prove so!'


'At an early hour this morning the bells of all the churches struck

seven o'clock; the effect of which; in the present lively state of

the town; was extremely singular。  While I was at breakfast; a

yellow gig; drawn by a dark grey horse; with a patch of white over

his right eyelid; proceeded at a rapid pace in the direction of the

Original Pig stables; it is currently reported that this gentleman

has arrived here for the purpose of attending the association; and;

from what I have heard; I consider it extremely probable; although

nothing decisive is yet known regarding him。  You may conceive the

anxiety with which we are all looking forward to the arrival of the

four o'clock coach this afternoon。

'Notwithstanding the excited state of the populace; no outrage has

yet been committed; owing to the admirable discipline and

discretion of the police; who are nowhere to be seen。  A barrel…

organ is playing opposite my window; and groups of people; offering

fish and vegetables for sale; parade the streets。  With these

exceptions everything is quiet; and I trust will continue so。'


'It is now ascertained; beyond all doubt; that Professors Snore;

Doze; and Wheezy will NOT repair to the Pig and Tinder…box; but

have actually engaged apartments at the Original Pig。  This

intelligence is EXCLUSIVE; and I leave you and your readers to draw

their own inferences from it。  Why Professor Wheezy; of all people

in the world; should repair to the Original Pig in preference to

the Pig and Tinder…box; it is not easy to conceive。  The professor

is a man who should be above all such petty feelings。  Some

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