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小说: mudfog+ 字数: 每页4000字

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'Nothing at all;' replied Ned; 'nothing at all。  Gentlemen; I'm an

unhappy wretch。  I'm a body; gentlemen; in a brass coffin。'  At

this poetical idea of his own conjuring up; Ned cried so much that

the people began to get sympathetic; and to ask what Nicholas

Tulrumble meant by putting a man into such a machine as that; and

one individual in a hairy waistcoat like the top of a trunk; who

had previously expressed his opinion that if Ned hadn't been a poor

man; Nicholas wouldn't have dared do it; hinted at the propriety of

breaking the four…wheel chaise; or Nicholas's head; or both; which

last compound proposition the crowd seemed to consider a very good


It was not acted upon; however; for it had hardly been broached;

when Ned Twigger's wife made her appearance abruptly in the little

circle before noticed; and Ned no sooner caught a glimpse of her

face and form; than from the mere force of habit he set off towards

his home just as fast as his legs could carry him; and that was not

very quick in the present instance either; for; however ready they

might have been to carry HIM; they couldn't get on very well under

the brass armour。  So; Mrs。 Twigger had plenty of time to denounce

Nicholas Tulrumble to his face:  to express her opinion that he was

a decided monster; and to intimate that; if her ill…used husband

sustained any personal damage from the brass armour; she would have

the law of Nicholas Tulrumble for manslaughter。  When she had said

all this with due vehemence; she posted after Ned; who was dragging

himself along as best he could; and deploring his unhappiness in

most dismal tones。

What a wailing and screaming Ned's children raised when he got home

at last!  Mrs。 Twigger tried to undo the armour; first in one

place; and then in another; but she couldn't manage it; so she

tumbled Ned into bed; helmet; armour; gauntlets; and all。  Such a

creaking as the bedstead made; under Ned's weight in his new suit!

It didn't break down though; and there Ned lay; like the anonymous

vessel in the Bay of Biscay; till next day; drinking barley…water;

and looking miserable:  and every time he groaned; his good lady

said it served him right; which was all the consolation Ned Twigger


Nicholas Tulrumble and the gorgeous procession went on together to

the town…hall; amid the hisses and groans of all the spectators;

who had suddenly taken it into their heads to consider poor Ned a

martyr。  Nicholas was formally installed in his new office; in

acknowledgment of which ceremony he delivered himself of a speech;

composed by the secretary; which was very long; and no doubt very

good; only the noise of the people outside prevented anybody from

hearing it; but Nicholas Tulrumble himself。  After which; the

procession got back to Mudfog Hall any how it could; and Nicholas

and the corporation sat down to dinner。

But the dinner was flat; and Nicholas was disappointed。  They were

such dull sleepy old fellows; that corporation。  Nicholas made

quite as long speeches as the Lord Mayor of London had done; nay;

he said the very same things that the Lord Mayor of London had

said; and the deuce a cheer the corporation gave him。  There was

only one man in the party who was thoroughly awake; and he was

insolent; and called him Nick。  Nick!  What would be the

consequence; thought Nicholas; of anybody presuming to call the

Lord Mayor of London 'Nick!'  He should like to know what the

sword…bearer would say to that; or the recorder; or the toast…

master; or any other of the great officers of the city。  They'd

nick him。

But these were not the worst of Nicholas Tulrumble's doings。  If

they had been; he might have remained a Mayor to this day; and have

talked till he lost his voice。  He contracted a relish for

statistics; and got philosophical; and the statistics and the

philosophy together; led him into an act which increased his

unpopularity and hastened his downfall。

At the very end of the Mudfog High…street; and abutting on the

river…side; stands the Jolly Boatmen; an old…fashioned low…roofed;

bay…windowed house; with a bar; kitchen; and tap…room all in one;

and a large fireplace with a kettle to correspond; round which the

working men have congregated time out of mind on a winter's night;

refreshed by draughts of good strong beer; and cheered by the

sounds of a fiddle and tambourine:  the Jolly Boatmen having been

duly licensed by the Mayor and corporation; to scrape the fiddle

and thumb the tambourine from time; whereof the memory of the

oldest inhabitants goeth not to the contrary。  Now Nicholas

Tulrumble had been reading pamphlets on crime; and parliamentary

reports; … or had made the secretary read them to him; which is the

same thing in effect; … and he at once perceived that this fiddle

and tambourine must have done more to demoralize Mudfog; than any

other operating causes that ingenuity could imagine。  So he read up

for the subject; and determined to come out on the corporation with

a burst; the very next time the licence was applied for。

The licensing day came; and the red…faced landlord of the Jolly

Boatmen walked into the town…hall; looking as jolly as need be;

having actually put on an extra fiddle for that night; to

commemorate the anniversary of the Jolly Boatmen's music licence。

It was applied for in due form; and was just about to be granted as

a matter of course; when up rose Nicholas Tulrumble; and drowned

the astonished corporation in a torrent of eloquence。  He descanted

in glowing terms upon the increasing depravity of his native town

of Mudfog; and the excesses committed by its population。  Then; he

related how shocked he had been; to see barrels of beer sliding

down into the cellar of the Jolly Boatmen week after week; and how

he had sat at a window opposite the Jolly Boatmen for two days

together; to count the people who went in for beer between the

hours of twelve and one o'clock alone … which; by…the…bye; was the

time at which the great majority of the Mudfog people dined。  Then;

he went on to state; how the number of people who came out with

beer…jugs; averaged twenty…one in five minutes; which; being

multiplied by twelve; gave two hundred and fifty…two people with

beer…jugs in an hour; and multiplied again by fifteen (the number

of hours during which the house was open daily) yielded three

thousand seven hundred and eighty people with beer…jugs per day; or

twenty…six thousand four hundred and sixty people with beer…jugs;

per week。  Then he proceeded to show that a tambourine and moral

degradation were synonymous terms; and a fiddle and vicious

propensities wholly inseparable。  All these arguments he

strengthened and demonstrated by frequent references to a large

book with a blue cover; and sundry quotations from the Middlesex

magistrates; and in the end; the corporation; who were posed with

the figures; and sleepy with the speech; and sadly in want of

dinner into the bargain; yielded the palm to Nicholas Tulrumble;

and refused the music licence to the Jolly Boatmen。

But although Nicholas triumphed; his triumph was short。  He carried

on the war against beer…jugs and fiddles; forgetting the time when

he was glad to drink out of the one; and to dance to the other;

till the people hated; and his old friends shunned him。  He grew

tired of the lonely magnificence of Mudfog Hall; and his heart

yearned towards the Lighterman's Arms。  He wished he had never set

up as a public man; and sighed for the good old times of the coal…

shop; and the chimney corner。

At length old Nicholas; being thoroughly miserable; took heart of

grace; paid the secretary a quarter's wages in advance; and packed

him off to London by the next coach。  Having taken this step; he

put his hat on his head; and his pride in his pocket; and walked

down to the old room at the Lighterman's Arms。  There were only two

of the old fellows there; and they looked coldly on N

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