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小说: mudfog+ 字数: 每页4000字

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railwayman) who shall attempt to stop the horses; which now travel

(when they travel at all) INSIDE and in a portable stable invented

for the purpose; … he dismounted; I say; slowly and sadly; from his

post; and looking mournfully about him as if in dismal recollection

of the old roadside public…house the blazing fire … the glass of

foaming ale … the buxom handmaid and admiring hangers…on of tap…

room and stable; all honoured by his notice; and; retiring a little

apart; stood leaning against a signal…post; surveying the engine

with a look of combined affliction and disgust which no words can

describe。  His scarlet coat and golden lace were tarnished with

ignoble smoke; flakes of soot had fallen on his bright green shawl

… his pride in days of yore … the steam condensed in the tunnel

from which we had just emerged; shone upon his hat like rain。  His

eye betokened that he was thinking of the coachman; and as it

wandered to his own seat and his own fast…fading garb; it was plain

to see that he felt his office and himself had alike no business

there; and were nothing but an elaborate practical joke。

As we whirled away; I was led insensibly into an anticipation of

those days to come; when mail…coach guards shall no longer be

judges of horse…flesh … when a mail…coach guard shall never even

have seen a horse … when stations shall have superseded stables;

and corn shall have given place to coke。  'In those dawning times;'

thought I; 'exhibition…rooms shall teem with portraits of Her

Majesty's favourite engine; with boilers after Nature by future

Landseers。  Some Amburgh; yet unborn; shall break wild horses by

his magic power; and in the dress of a mail…coach guard exhibit his

TRAINED ANIMALS in a mock mail…coach。  Then; shall wondering crowds

observe how that; with the exception of his whip; it is all his

eye; and crowned heads shall see them fed on oats; and stand alone

unmoved and undismayed; while counters flee affrighted when the

coursers neigh!'

Such; my child; were the reflections from which I was only awakened

then; as I am now; by the necessity of attending to matters of

present though minor importance。  I offer no apology to you for the

digression; for it brings me very naturally to the subject of

change; which is the very subject of which I desire to treat。

In fact; my child; you have changed hands。  Henceforth I resign you

to the guardianship and protection of one of my most intimate and

valued friends; Mr。 Ainsworth; with whom; and with you; my best

wishes and warmest feelings will ever remain。  I reap no gain or

profit by parting from you; nor will any conveyance of your

property be required; for; in this respect; you have always been

literally 'Bentley's' Miscellany; and never mine。

Unlike the driver of the old Manchester mail; I regard this altered

state of things with feelings of unmingled pleasure and


Unlike the guard of the new Manchester mail; YOUR guard is at home

in his new place; and has roystering highwaymen and gallant

desperadoes ever within call。  And if I might compare you; my

child; to an engine; (not a Tory engine; nor a Whig engine; but a

brisk and rapid locomotive;) your friends and patrons to

passengers; and he who now stands towards you IN LOCO PARENTIS as

the skilful engineer and supervisor of the whole; I would humbly

crave leave to postpone the departure of the train on its new and

auspicious course for one brief instant; while; with hat in hand; I

approach side by side with the friend who travelled with me on the

old road; and presume to solicit favour and kindness in behalf of

him and his new charge; both for their sakes and that of the old




(1) This paper was written before the practice of exhibiting

Members of Parliament; like other curiosities; for the small charge

of half…a…crown; was abolished。

(2) The regulations of the prison relative to the confinement of

prisoners during the day; their sleeping at night; their taking

their meals; and other matters of gaol economy; have been all

altered…greatly for the better … since this sketch was first

published。  Even the construction of the prison itself has been


(3) These two men were executed shortly afterwards。  The other was

respited during his Majesty's pleasure。


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