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the complete writings-4-第41章

小说: the complete writings-4 字数: 每页4000字

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uit of calico; the trousers and coat striped longitudinally according to Punch's idea of 〃Uncle Sam;〃 the coat a swallow…tail bound and faced with scarlet; and a bell… crowned white hat。  This conceit of a colored Yankee seemed to tickle all colors in the audience amazingly。  Mary; the 〃bright〃 woman (this is the universal designation of the light mulatto); was a pleasing but bold yellow girl; who wore a natty cap trimmed with scarlet; and had the assured or pert manner of all traveling sawdust performers。

〃Oh; yes;〃 exclaimed a bright woman in the crowd; 〃Happy John was sure enough one of Wade Hampton's slaves; and he's right good looking when he's not blackened up。〃

Happy John sustained the promise of his name by spontaneous gayety and enjoyment of the fleeting moment; he had a glib tongue and a ready; rude wit; and talked to his audience with a delicious mingling of impudence; deference; and patronage; commenting upon them generally; administering advice and correction in a strain of humor that kept his hearers in a pleased excitement。  He handled the banjo and the guitar alternately; and talked all the time when he was not singing。  Mary (how much harder featured and brazen a woman is in such a position than a man of the same caliber!) sang; in an untutored treble; songs of sentiment; often risque; in solo and in company with John; but with a cold; indifferent air; in contrast to the rollicking enjoyment of her comrade。

The favorite song; which the crowd compelled her to repeat; touched lightly the uncertainties of love; expressed in the falsetto pathetic refrain :

    〃Mary's gone away wid de coon。〃

All this; with the moon; the soft summer night; the mixed crowd of darkies and whites; the stump eloquence of Happy John; the singing; the laughter; the flaring torches; made a wild scene。  The entertainment was quite free; with a 〃collection〃 occasionally during the performance。

What most impressed us; however; was the turning to account by Happy John of the 〃nigger〃 side of the black man as a means of low comedy; and the enjoyment of it by all the people of color。  They appeared to appreciate as highly as anybody the comic element in themselves; and Happy John had emphasized it by deepening his natural color and exaggerating the 〃nigger〃 peculiarities。  I presume none of them analyzed the nature of his infectious gayety; nor thought of the pathos that lay so close to it; in the fact of his recent slavery; and the distinction of being one of Wade Hampton's niggers; and the melancholy mirth of this light…hearted race's burlesque of itself。

A performance followed which called forth the appreciation of the crowd more than the wit of Happy John or the faded songs of the yellow girl。  John took two sweet…cakes and broke each in fine pieces into a saucer; and after sugaring and eulogizing the dry messes; called for two small darky volunteers from the audience to come up on the platform and devour them。  He offered a prize of fifteen cents to the one who should first eat the contents of his dish; not using his hands; and hold up the saucer empty in token of his victory。  The cake was tempting; and the fifteen cents irresistible; and a couple of boys in ragged shirts and short trousers and a suspender apiece came up shamefacedly to enter for the prize。  Each one grasped his saucer in both hands; and with face over the dish awaited the word 〃go;〃 which John gave; and started off the contest with a banjo accompaniment。  To pick up with the mouth the dry cake and choke it down was not so easy as the boys apprehended; but they went into the task with all their might; gobbling and swallowing as if they loved cake; occasionally rolling an eye to the saucer of the contestant to see the relative progress; John strumming; ironically encouraging; and the crowd roaring。  As the combat deepened and the contestants strangled and stuffed and sputtered; the crowd went into spasms of laughter。  The smallest boy won by a few seconds; holding up his empty saucer; with mouth stuffed; vigorously trying to swallow; like a chicken with his throat clogged with dry meal; and utterly unable to speak。  The impartial John praised the victor in mock heroics; but said that the trial was so even that he would divide the prize; ten cents to one and five to the othera stroke of justice that greatly increased his popularity。  And then he dismissed the assembly; saying that he had promised the mayor to do so early; because he did not wish to run an opposition to the political meeting going on in the courthouse。

The scene in the large court…room was less animated than that out… doors; a half…dozen tallow dips; hung on the wall in sconces and stuck on the judge's long desk; feebly illuminated the mixed crowd of black and white who sat in; and on the backs of; the benches; and cast only a fitful light upon the orator; who paced back and forth and pounded the rail。  It was to have been a joint discussion between the two presidential electors running in that district; but; the Republican being absent; his place was taken by a young man of the town。  The Democratic orator took advantage of the absence of his opponent to describe the discussion of the night before; and to give a portrait of his adversary。  He was represented as a cross between a baboon and a jackass; who would be a natural curiosity for Barnum。 〃I intend;〃 said the orator;〃 to put him in a cage and exhibit him about the deestrict。〃  This political hit called forth great applause。  All his arguments were of this pointed character; and they appeared to be unanswerable。  The orator appeared to prove that there wasn't a respectable man in the opposite party who wasn't an office… holder; nor a white man of any kind in it who was not an office… holder。  If there were any issues or principles in the canvass; he paid his audience the compliment of knowing all about them; for he never alluded to any。  In another state of society; such a speech of personalities might have led to subsequent shootings; but no doubt his adversary would pay him in the same coin when next they met; and the exhibition seemed to be regarded down here as satisfactory and enlightened political canvassing for votes。  The speaker who replied; opened his address with a noble tribute to woman (as the first speaker had ended his); directed to a dozen of that sex who sat in the gloom of a corner。  The young man was moderate in his sarcasm; and attempted to speak of national issues; but the crowd had small relish for that sort of thing。  At eleven o'clock; when we got away from the unsavory room (more than half the candles had gone out); the orator was making slow headway against the refished blackguardism of the evening。  The german was still 〃on〃 at the hotel when we ascended to our chamber; satisfied that Asheville was a lively town。

The sojourner at Asheville can amuse himself very well by walking or driving to the many picturesque points of view about the town; livery stables abound; and the roads are good。  The Beau…catcher Hill is always attractive; and Connolly's; a private place a couple of miles from town; is ideally situated; being on a slight elevation in the valley; commanding the entire circuit of mountains; for it has the air of repose which is so seldom experienced in the location of a dwelling in America whence an extensive prospect is given。  Or if the visitor is disinclined to exertion; he may lounge in the rooms of the hospitable Asheville Club; or he may sit on the sidewalk in front of the hotels; and talk with the colonels and judges and generals and ex…members of Congress; the talk generally drifting to the new commercial and industrial life of the South; and only to politics as it affects these; and he will be pleased; if the conversation takes a reminiscent turn; with the lack of bitterness and the tone of friendliness。  The negro problem is commonly discussed philosophically and without heat; but there is always discovered; underneath; the determination that the negro shall never again get the legislative upper hand。  And the gentleman from South Carolina who has an upland farm; and is heartily glad slavery is gone; and wants the negro educated; when it comes to ascendency in politics such as the State on

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