贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a far country >


a far country-第52章

小说: a far country 字数: 每页4000字

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the candidates。  Why; pray; should the people complain; when they had
everything done for them?  The benevolent parties; both Democratic and
Republican; even undertook the expense of printing the ballots!  And
generous ballots they were (twenty inches long and five wide!);
distributed before election; in order that the voters might have the
opportunity of studying and preparing them: in order that Democrats of
delicate feelings might take the pains to scratch out all the Democratic
candidates; and write in the names of the Republican candidates。
Patriotism could go no farther than this。。。。

I spent the week before election in the city; where I had the opportunity
of observing what may be called the charitable side of politics。  For a
whole month; or more; the burden of existence had been lifted from the
shoulders of the homeless。  No church or organization; looked out for
these frowsy; blear…eyed and ragged wanderers who had failed to find a
place in the scale of efficiency。  For a whole month; I say; Mr。 Judd
Jason and his lieutenants made them their especial care; supported them
in lodging…houses; induced the night clerks to give them attention; took
the greatest pains to ensure them the birth…right which; as American
citizens; was theirs;that of voting。  They were not only given homes
for a period; but they were registered; and in the abundance of good
feeling that reigned during this time of cheer; even the foreigners were
registered!  On election day they were driven; like visiting notables; in
carryalls and carriages to the polls!  Some of them; as though in
compensation for ills endured between elections; voted not once; but many
times; exercising judicial functions for which they should be given
credit。  For instance; they were convinced that the Hon。 W。  W。  Trulease
had made a good governor; and they were Watling enthusiasts;intent on
sending men to the legislature who would vote for him for senator; yet
there were cases in which; for the minor offices; the democrat was the
better man!

It was a memorable day。  In spite of Mr。 Lawler's Pilot; which was as a
voice crying in the wilderness; citizens who had wives and homes and
responsibilities; business men and clerks went to the voting booths and
recorded their choice for Trulease; Watling and Prosperity: and working…
men followed suit。  Victory was in the air。  Even the policemen wore
happy smiles; and in some instances the election officers themselves in
absent…minded exuberance thrust bunches of ballots into the boxes!

In response to an insistent demand from his fellow…citizens Mr。 Watling;
the Saturday evening before; had made a speech in the Auditorium; decked
with bunting and filled with people。  For once the Morning Era did not
exaggerate when it declared that the ovation had lasted fully ten
minutes。  〃A remarkable proof〃 it went on to say; 〃of the esteem and
confidence in which our fellow…citizen is held by those who know him
best; his neighbours in the city where he has given so many instances of
his public spirit; where he has achieved such distinction in the practice
of the law。  He holds the sound American conviction that the office
should seek the man。  His address is printed in another column; and we
believe it will appeal to the intelligence and sober judgment of the
state。  It is replete with modesty and wisdom。〃

Mr。 Watling was introduced by Mr。 Bering of the State Supreme Court (a
candidate for re…election); who spoke with deliberation; with owl…like
impressiveness。  He didn't believe in judges meddling in politics; but
this was an unusual occasion。  (Loud applause。) Most unusual。  He had
come here as a man; as an American; to pay his tribute to another man; a
long…time friend; whom he thought to stand somewhat aside and above mere
party strife; to represent values not merely political。。。。  So
accommodating and flexible is the human mind; so 〃practical〃 may it
become through dealing with men and affairs; that in listening to Judge
Bering I was able to ignore the little anomalies such a situation might
have suggested to the theorist; to the mere student of the institutions
of democracy。  The friendly glasses of rye and water Mr。 Bering had taken
in Monahan's saloon; the cases he had 〃arranged〃 for the firm of Watling;
Fowndes and Ripon were forgotten。  Forgotten; too; when Theodore Watling
stood up and men began; to throw their hats in the air;were the
cavilling charges of Mr。 Lawler's Pilot that; far from the office seeking
the man; our candidate had spent over a hundred thousand dollars of his
own money; to say nothing of the contributions of Mr。 Scherer; Mr。
Dickinson and the Railroad!  If I had been troubled with any weak;
ethical doubts; Mr。 Watling would have dispelled them; he had red blood
in his veins; a creed in which he believed; a rare power of expressing
himself in plain; everyday language that was often colloquial; but never…
…as the saying goes …〃cheap。〃  The dinner…pail predicament was real to
him。  He would present a policy of our opponents charmingly; even
persuasively; and then add; after a moment's pause: 〃There is only one
objection to this; my friendsthat it doesn't work。〃  It was all in the
way he said it; of course。  The audience would go wild with approval; and
shouts of 〃that's right〃 could be heard here and there。  Then he
proceeded to show why it didn't work。  He had the faculty of bringing his
lessons home; the imagination to put himself into the daily life of those
who listened to him;the life of the storekeeper; the clerk; of the
labourer and of the house…wife。  The effect of this can scarcely be
overestimated。  For the American hugs the delusion that there are no
class distinctions; even though his whole existence may be an effort to
rise out of once class into another。  〃Your wife;〃 he told them once;
〃needs a dress。  Let us admit that the material for the dress is a little
cheaper than it was four years ago; but when she comes to look into the
family stocking〃 (Laughter。) 〃I needn't go on。  If we could have things
cheaper; and more money to buy them with; we should all be happy; and the
Republican party could retire from business。〃

He did not once refer to the United States Senatorship。

It was appropriate; perhaps; that many of us dined on the evening of
election day at the Boyne Club。  There was early evidence of a Republican
land…slide。  And when; at ten o'clock; it was announced that Mr。 Trulease
was re…elected by a majority which exceeded Mr。 Grunewald's most hopeful
estimate; that the legislature was 〃safe;〃 that Theodore Watling would be
the next United States Senator; a scene of jubilation ensued within those
hallowed walls which was unprecedented。  Chairs were pushed back; rugs
taken up; Gene Hollister played the piano and a Virginia reel started; in
a burst of enthusiasm Leonard Dickinson ordered champagne for every
member present。  The country was returning to its senses。  Theodore
Watling had preferred; on this eventful night; to remain quietly at home。
But presently carriages were ordered; and a 〃delegation〃 of enthusiastic
friends departed to congratulate him; Dickinson; of course; Grierson;
Fowndes; Ogilvy; and Grunewald。  We found Judah B。 Tallant there;in
spite of the fact that it was a busy night for the Era; and Adolf Scherer
himself; in expansive mood; was filling the largest of the library
chairs。  Mr。 Watling was the least excited of them all; remarkably calm;
I thought; for a man on the verge of realizing his life's high ambition。
He had some old brandy; and a box of cigars he had been saving for an
occasion。  He managed to convey to everyone his appreciation of the value
of their cooperation。。。。

It was midnight before Mr。 Scherer arose to take his departure。  He
seized Mr。 Watling's hand; warmly; in both of his own。

〃I have never;〃 he said; with a relapse into the German f's;
〃I have never had a happier moment in my life; my friend; than when
I congratulate you on your success。〃  His voice shook with emotion。
〃Alas; we shall not see so much of you now。〃

〃He'll be on guard; Scherer;〃 said Leonard Dickinson; putting his arm
around my chief。

〃Good night; Senator;〃 said T

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