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小说: mba宝典 字数: 每页4000字

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(From A Professor) 

  Dear Addimissions Officer: 

  I am writing this letter to support the admission of Wenli Lee to the Harvard Business School。 I was Mr。 Lee's teacher and advisor for several years between 1993 and 1995。 We have met and talked several times since。 

  Mr。 Lee's academic credentials are truly exceptional。 He not only knows how to reason with numbers; but how to render incisive and imaginative arguments in English。 Unlike most of the students I have taught from China(about 60 over the past 20 years) Lee immersed himself in American culture。 He posed a joke as part of his first presentation analyzing a local plan。 It worked。 His classmates laughed and I was witness to masterful culture spanning。 Lee came to us a confident individualist uniquely suited to cultural cross fertilization。 He earned straight A grades in all my classes。 Whether rendering a spread sheet analysis; crafting a graphic or writing a report; Lee always demonstrated uncanny mastery bined with critical wit。 While many of the Chinese I have taught performed excellently in class; Lee alone has posed essays and talks that met the sensibilities and tastes of American classmates。 Even more importantly he offered new ideas which they (and myself) could prehend and even assimilate。 

  Lee has a deep reservoir of talent and ambition。 He has already acplished a great deal in the face of considerable challenge。 He has worked hard bridging the cultural gulf separating the Chinese and American ways of life; and produced an impressive record for one who has enjoyed no special privilege。 Lee possesses and uses an easygoing manner and spirited conviviality to put people at ease。 He can make small talk; but quickly moves conversation toward more challenging and interesting topics。 Lee's group leadership bines small 〃d〃 democracy; intelligent judgment and gentle persistence。 He learned early on the painful lessons of coercive collectivism; and has learned how to anticipate and even tame adversarial relations。 I have every confidence that he will use these considerable skills to tackle organizational problems on a larger scale。 

  While a student in our graduate program; Lee took a job helping recovering drug addicts in the suburban munity of Harvey。 Harvey; an aging industrial suburb with an impoverished African American population; does not usually attract the interest and attention of foreign students from Asia。 Lee swam against the strong currents of racism and fear associated with minority neighborhoods。 Furthermore; he did so in a manner that added value to the munity。 Lee has labored for the ABC Authority; a large public bureaucracy; and currently works as a private marketing and research firm。 This diversity of experience represents a crucial resource for Lee。 He does not simply take jobs; but weaves these experiences together into a framework for understanding American institutions from the inside out。 Finally; Lee plays with Americans。 He does not hide out in Chinatown or the Chinese cultural center。 He rock climbs and sails。 He can tell hip from hoopla。 

  Lee is smart。 But more important he has acquired wisdom in the culture of both China and the U。S。 He wants to expand his considerable fund of wisdom and use it to provide cultural scaffolding for mercial ties between the U。S。 and China。 Lee's ambitions and abilities are in sync。 He is poised and prepared to take this next step in an exciting journey。 Not only will faculty and students thank you for admitting such a fine candidate; but so too will those employees; customers and citizens who will benefit from his future employ。 


  David Smiths 
  Professor of ABC University 


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广播公猪(Air hogs):独占课堂讨论和喜欢听自己发言的学生。 
开播时间(Air time):值得珍贵的机会——在课堂上发言或辩论。 
分析瘫痪(Analysis Paralysis):无法下定决心,因为你已经迷失在自己分析的灌木丛中。 
信封后面(Back of the envelope):对数字的简短分析。 
进入障碍(Barriers to Entry):阻止进入一个特定市场的条件。 
股票贝它(Beta of a Stock):股票固有的变动性。 
烧钱比率(Burn Rate):一家公司每天消费的现金量。 
案例高手(Case Cracker):课堂上的一个发现案例核心的评论。 
案例学习法(Case Study Method):使用真实的商业案例来作分析的流行的教学法。 
碎片子弹(Chip Shots):课堂讨论中毫无启发性的评论,目的只是为了赢得称赞。 
突然袭击(Cold Call):教授在出乎意料时给出的高难度课题任务。 
核心课程(Core Courses):商业的基本学科,通常是强制性的。 
角落办公室(Corner Office):所有MBA人渴望获得的办公室位置,通常指合伙人、执行董事、和高层主管的高级的位置。 
成本收益分析(Corner Benefit Analysis):在真实现金成本和真实现金收益的基础上计算一件事是否值得做。常常使用的捷径是数字分析。 
周期时间(Cycle Time):多快你能完成一个工作循环。 
冒烟日期(Fume Date):公司的资金储备用尽的日期。 
功能部分(Functional Areas):商业的基本学科。 
硬课程(Hard Courses):包括数字的一切。 
HP12…C: 用于逻辑运算的计算器。 
MBA小红肠(MBA Weenies):泛指一切以为获得MBA学位就会成为宇宙主宰的学生。 
净利(Net Net):最终结果。 
OOC(Out of cash):没有钱了。 
机会成本(Opportunity costs):为了一个机会所要付出的成本,如,为上商学院,要交学费还要损失两年的收入。 
高强度睡眠(Power Naps):保证学生能在课堂上快速、高强度学习的短时睡眠。
能量工具(Power Tool):做所有的工作、总是坐在第一排并爱举手发言的学生。 
入学前课程(Pree…enrollment Courses):一般是MBA夏令营:量化的课程,在第一学年开学前的暑期为新生提高数学水平而举办。 
预算(Pro Forma):对虚拟事件的金融分析,例如,如果一家公司要想年增长10%,需要新借多少债。 
船浆运动员(Quant Jock):最喜欢数学的学生。 
快而肮脏(Quick and Dirty):一个简短的分析,通常用到数学。 
玩数字(Run the Numbers):量化的分析 
尖锐的评论(Shark ment):在课堂讨论中刺伤同学的评论。 
软课程(Soft Courses):凭观察和感觉作决定的课程,象人力资源和组织行为学。 
软技能(Soft Skills):解决冲突的能力,团队精神,谈判技巧,口头和笔头沟通能力。 
分份和骰子(Slice and Dice):对一组数字进行各种数量分析。 
5个影响力(The Five Forces):米歇尔·博德的分析一个行业的战略吸引力的模型。 
3个C(Three Cs):第一位的影响力:顾客、竞争、公司。 
全品质管理(Total Quality Management):爱德华·戴明的管理方法,起初被日本所接受,现在在美国流行:管理产品、服务、工作、过程、人、和目标的质量。 
以价值为基础的决定(Value…Based Decision Making):价值观和道德规范是商业活动中的一部分。 



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