the house of the wolf(狼之家)-第11章
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〃Va chasser l'Idole。〃
No more。 I looked at him puzzled; able to make nothing out of it。
St。 Croix wrinkled his brow over it with the same result。 It was no good
handing it to Marie; therefore。
〃You do not understand?〃 the stranger continued; as he put the scrap
of paper back in his pouch。
〃No;〃 I answered; shaking my head。 We had all risen out of respect
to him; and were standing a little group about him。
〃Just so; it is all right then;〃 he answered; looking at us as it seemed to
me with grave good…nature。 〃It is nothing。 Go your way。 ButI have
a son yonder not much younger than you; young gentlemen。 And if you
had understood; I should have said to you; 'Do not go! There are enough
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sheep for the shearer!'〃
He was turning away with this oracular saying when Croisette touched
his sleeve。 〃Pray can you tell us if it be true;〃 the lad said eagerly; 〃that
the Admiral de Coligny was wounded yesterday?〃
〃It is true;〃 the other answered; turning his grave eyes on his
questioner; while for a moment his stern look failed him; 〃It is true; my
boy;〃 he added with an air of strange solemnity。 〃 Whom the Lord loveth;
He chasteneth。 And; God forgive me for saying it; whom He would
destroy; He first maketh mad。〃
He had gazed with peculiar favour at Croisette's girlish face; I thought:
Marie and I were dark and ugly by the side of the boy。 But he turned from
him now with a queer; excited gesture; thumping his gold…headed cane on
the floor。 He called his servants in a loud; rasping voice; and left the
room in seeming anger; driving them before him; the one carrying his dag;
and the other; two candles。
When I came down early next morning; the first person I met was
Blaise Bure。 He looked rather fiercer and more shabby by daylight than
candlelight。 But he saluted me respectfully; and this; since it was clear
that he did not respect many people; inclined me to regard him with favour。
It is always so; the more savage the dog; the more highly we prize its
attentions。 I asked him who the Huguenot noble was who had supped
with us。 For a Huguenot we knew he must be。
〃The Baron de Rosny;〃 he answered; adding with a sneer; 〃He is a
careful man! If they were all like him; with eyes on both sides of his
head and a dag by his candlewell; my lord; there would be one more king
in Franceor one less! But they are a blind lot: as blind as bats。〃 He
muttered something farther in which I caught the word 〃to…night。〃 But I
did not hear it all; or understand any of it。
〃Your lordships are going to Paris?〃 he resumed in a different tone。
When I said that we were; he looked at me in a shamefaced way; half
timid; half arrogant。 〃I have a small favour to ask of you then;〃 he said。
〃I am going to Paris myself。 I am not afraid of odds; as you have seen。
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But the roads will be in a queer state if there be anything on foot in the
city; andwell; I would rather ride was you gentlemen than alone。〃
〃You are welcome to join us;〃 I said。 〃But we start in half…an… hour。
Do you know Paris well?〃
〃As well as my sword…hilt;〃 he replied briskly; relieved I thought by
my acquiescence; 〃And I have known that from my breeching。 If you
want a game at PAUME; or a pretty girl to kiss; I can put you in the way
for the one or the other。〃
The half rustic shrinking from the great city which I felt; suggested to
me that our swashbuckling friend might help us if he would。 〃Do you
know M。 de Pavannes?〃 I asked impulsively; 〃Where he lives in Paris; I
〃M。 Louis de Pavannes?〃 quoth he。
〃I know〃 he replied slowly; rubbing his chin and looking at the
ground in thought〃where he had his lodgings in town a while ago;
beforeAh! I do know! I remember;〃 he added; slapping his thigh;
〃when I was in Paris a fortnight ago I was told that his steward had taken
lodgings for him in the Rue St。 Antoine。〃
〃Good!〃 I answered overjoyed。 〃Then we want to dismount there;
if you can guide us straight to the house。〃
〃I can;〃 he replied simply。 〃And you will not be the worse for my
company。 Paris is a queer place when there is trouble to the fore; but
your lordships have got the right man to pilot you through it。〃
I did not ask him what trouble he meant; but ran indoors to buckle on
my sword; and tell Marie and Croisette of the ally I had secured。 They
were much pleased; as was natural; so that we took the road in excellent
spirits intending to reach the city in the afternoon。 But Marie's horse cast
a shoe; and it was some time before we could find a smith。 Then at
Etampes; where we stopped to lunch; we were kept an unconscionable
time waiting for it。 And so we approached Paris for the first time at
sunset。 A ruddy glow was at the moment warming the eastern heights;
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and picking out with flame the twin towers of Notre Dame; and the one
tall tower of St。 Jacques la Boucherie。 A dozen roofs higher than their
neighbours shone hotly; and a great bank of cloud; which lay north and
south; and looked like a man's hand stretched over the city; changed
gradually from blood…red to violet; and from violet to black; as evening
Passing within the gates and across first one bridge and then another;
we were astonished and utterly confused by the noise and hubbub through
which we rode。 Hundreds seemed to be moving this way and that in the
narrow streets。 Women screamed to one another from window to
window。 The bells of half…a…dozen churches rang the curfew。 Our
country ears were deafened。 Still our eyes had leisure to take in the tall
houses with their high… pitched roofs; and here and there a tower built into
the wall; the quaint churches; and the groups of townsfolksullen fellows
some of them with a fierce gleam in their eyes…who; standing in the
mouths of reeking alleys; watched us go by。
But presently we had to stop。 A crowd had gathered to watch a little
cavalcade of six gentlemen pass across our path。 They were riding two
and two; lounging in their saddles and chattering to one another;
distainfully unconscious of the people about them; or the remarks they
excited。 Their graceful bearing and the richness of their dress and
equipment surpassed anything I had ever seen。 A dozen pages and
lackeys were attending them on foot; and the sound of their jests and
laughter came to us over the heads of the crowd。
While I was gazing at