贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > arizona nights(亚利桑那之夜) >


arizona nights(亚利桑那之夜)-第40章

小说: arizona nights(亚利桑那之夜) 字数: 每页4000字

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jump。        〃My God!〃 I yells to Tusky; kickin' over my chair; as I springs 

to   my  feet。   〃Stop   'em!     Stop   'em!〃         But   it   was   too   late。 Out   the 

gate sprinted them poor devoted chickens; and up the road they trailed in 

vain pursuit。      The last we seen of 'em was a             mingling of dust and dim 

figgers goin' thirty mile an hour after a disappearin' automobeel。 

     That was all we seen for the moment。                About three o'clock the first 

straggler   came   limpin'   in;   his   wings   hangin';   his   mouth   open;   his   eyes 

glazed with the heat。         By sundown fourteen had returned。               All the rest 

had    disappeared      utter;  we   never    seen   'em   again。    I  reckon    they   just 

naturally   run   themselves   into   a   sunstroke   and   died   on   the   road。        It 


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                                       ARIZONA NIGHTS 

takes a long time to learn a chicken a thing; but a heap longer to unlearn 

him。     After that two or three of these yere automobeels went by every day; 

all a…blowin' of their horns; all kickin' up a hell of a dust。           And every time 

them fourteen Honk…honks of mine took along after 'em; just as I'd taught 

'em to do; layin' to get to their corn when they caught up。                  No more of 

'em died; but that fourteen did get into elegant trainin'。            After a while they 

got   plumb   to   enjoyin'   it。  When   you   come   right   down   to   it;   a   chicken 

don't have   many amusements   and   relaxations in this life。              Searchin'   for 

worms; chasin' grasshoppers; and wallerin' in the dust is about the limits of 

joys for chickens。 

     It was sure a fine sight to see 'em after they got well into the game。 

About nine o'clock every mornin' they would saunter down to the rise of 

the road where they would wait patient until a machine came along。 Then 

it would warm your heart to see the enthusiasm of them。                   With; exultant 

cackles of joy they'd trail       in; reachin' out like quarter…horses; their wings 

half spread out; their eyes beamin' with delight。             At the lower turn they'd 

quit。    Then;   after   talkin'   it   over   excited…like   for   a   few   minutes;   they'd 

calm down and wait for another。                  After a few months of this sort of 

trainin'   they   got   purty   good   at   it。 I   had   one   two…year…old   rooster   that 

made      fifty…four   mile   an   hour   behind     one   of  those   sixty…horsepower 

Panhandles。       When cars didn't come along often enough; they'd all turn 

out and chase jack…rabbits。         They wasn't much fun at that。          After a short; 

brief sprint the rabbit would crouch down plumb terrified; while the Honk… 

honks   pulled   off   triumphal   dances   around   his   shrinkin'   form。           Our 

ranch got to be purty well known them days among automobeelists。                       The 

strength of their cars was horse…power; of course; but the speed of them 

they got to ratin' by chicken…power。           Some of them used to come way up 

from Los Angeles just to try out a new car along our road with the Honk… 

honks for pace…makers。          We charged them a little somethin'; and then; too; 

we opened up the road…house and the bar; so we did purty well。                   It wasn't 

necessary      to  work    any  longer    at  that  bogus    placer。   Evenin's     we   sat 

around outside and swapped yarns; and I bragged on my chickens。                        The 

chickens would gather round close to listen。 

     They  liked   to   hear   their   praises   sung;   all   right。 You   bet   they  sabe! 


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                                     ARIZONA NIGHTS 

The only reason a chicken; or any other critter; isn't intelligent is because 

he hasn't no chance to expand。 

    Why; we used to run races with 'em。            Some of us would hold two or 

more chickens back of a chalk line; and the starter'd blow the horn from a 

hundred yards to a mile away; dependin' on whether it was a sprint or for 

distance。    We had pools on the results; gave odds; made books; and kept 

records。    After the thing got knowed we made money hand over fist。 

       The stranger broke off abruptly and began to roll a cigarette。 

     〃What did you quit it for; then?〃 ventured Charley; out of the hushed 

silence。       〃Pride;〃 replied the stranger solemnly。 〃Haughtiness of spirit。〃 

〃How   so?〃   urged   Charley;   after   a   pause。  〃Them   chickens;〃   continued 

the stranger;   after  a   moment;  〃stood   around   listenin'   to   me   a…braggin'  of 

what superior fowls they was until they got all puffed up。            They wouldn't 

have nothin' whatever to do with the ordinary chickens we brought in for 

eatin' purposes; but stood around lookin' bored when there wasn't no sport 

doin'。    They got to be just like that Four Hundred you read about in the 

papers。    It was one continual round of grasshopper balls; race meets; and 

afternoon hen…parties。       They got idle and haughty; just like folks。         Then 

come race suicide。       They got to feelin' so aristocratic the hens wouldn't 

have no eggs。〃         Nobody dared say a word。 

     〃Windy     Bill's  snake〃   began    the  narrator   genially。     〃Stranger;〃 

broke in Windy Bill; with great emphasis; 〃as to that snake; I want you to 

understand this:      yereafter in my estimation that snake is nothin' but an 

ornery angleworm!〃 

       PART II                  THE TWO GUN MAN 


    Buck     Johnson    was   American     born;   but  with  a  black   beard   and   a 

dignity of manner that had earned him the title of Senor。             He had drifted 

into   southeastern     Arizona    in  the  days   of  Cochise    and   Victorio    and 

Geronimo。      He   had   persisted;   and   so   in   time   had   come   to   control   the 


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                                        ARIZONA NIGHTS 

waterand hence the grazingof nearly all the Soda Springs Valley。                     His 

troubles were many; and his difficulties great。                There were the ordinary 

problems       of  lean   and   dry   years。    There     were    also  the   extraordinary 

problems   of   devastating   Apaches;   rivals   for   early   and   ill…defined   range 

rightsand cattle rustlers。                     Senor Buck Johnson was a man   of 

capacity;   courage;   directness   of   method;   and   perseverance。           Especially 

the   latter。   Therefore   he   had   survived   to   see   the Apaches   subdued;   the 

range rights adjusted; his cattle increased to thousands; grazing the area of 

a principality。      Now; all the energy and fire of his frontiersman's nature he 

had   turned   to   wiping   out   the   third   uncertainty   of   an   uncertain   business。 

He found it a task of some magnitude。                   For Senor Buck Johnson lived 

just north of that terra incognita filled with the mystery of a double chance 

of   death   from   man   or   the   flaming   desert   known   as   the   Mexican   border。 

There; by natural gravitation; gathered all the desperate characters of three 

States and two republics。          He who rode into it took good care that no one 

should ride behind him; lived warily; slept light; and breathed deep when 

once   he   had   again   sighted   the   familiar   peaks   of   Cochise's   Stronghold。 

No one professed knowledge of those who dwelt therein。                       They moved; 

mysterious   as   the   desert   illusions   that   compassed   them   about。       As   you 

rode; the ranges of mountains visibly changed form; the mons

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