arizona nights(亚利桑那之夜)-第39章
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Nature。 We buried her then; and went out back to recuperate。 There
we could gaze on the smilin' landscape; dotted by about four hundred
long…laigged chickens swoopin' here and there after grasshoppers。
〃We got to stop that;〃 says I。 〃We can't;〃 murmured Tusky; inspired。
〃We can't。 It's born in 'em; it's a primal instinct; like the love of a mother
for her young; and it can't be eradicated! Them chickens is constructed
by a divine providence for the express purpose of chasin' grasshoppers;
jest as the beaver is made for buildin' dams; and the cow…puncher is made
for whisky and faro…games。 We can't keep 'em from it。 If we was to
shut 'em in a dark cellar; they'd flop after imaginary grasshoppers in their
dreams; and die emaciated in the midst of plenty。 Jimmy; we're up agin
the Cosmos; the oversoul〃 Oh; he had the medicine tongue; Tusky had;
and risin' on the wings of eloquence that way; he had me faded in ten
minutes。 In fifteen I was wedded solid to the notion that the bottom had
dropped out of the chicken business。 I think now that if we'd shut them
hens up; we might havestill; I don't know; they was a good deal in what
Tusky said。
〃Tuscarora Maxillary;〃 says I; 〃did you ever stop to entertain that
beautiful thought that if all the dumfoolishness possessed now by the
human race could be gathered together; and lined up alongside of us; the
first feller to come along would say to it 'Why; hello; Solomon!'〃 We
quit the notion of chickens for profit right then and there; but we couldn't
quit the place。 We hadn't much money; for one thing; and then we; kind
of liked loafin' around and raisin' a little garden truck; andoh; well; I
might as well say so; we had a notion about placers in the dry wash back
of the house you know how it is。 So we stayed on; and kept a…raisin'
these long…laigs for the fun of it。 I used to like to watch 'em projectin'
around; and I fed 'em twict a day about as usual。 So Tusky and I
lived alone there together; happy as ducks in Arizona。 About onc't in a
month somebody'd pike along the road。 She wasn't much of a road;
generally more chuckholes than bumps; though sometimes it was the other
way around。 Unless it happened to be a man horseback or maybe a
freighter without the fear of God in his soul; we didn't have no words with
them; they was too busy cussin' the highways and generally too mad for
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social discourses。 One day early in the year; when the 'dobe mud
made ruts to add to the bumps; one of these automobeels went past。 It
was the first Tusky and me had seen in them parts; so we run out to view
her。 Owin' to the high spots on the road; she looked like one of these
movin' picters; as to blur and wobble; sounded like a cyclone mingled with
cuss…words; and smelt like hell on housecleanin' day。 〃Which them
folks don't seem to be enjoyin' of the scenery;〃 says I to Tusky。 〃Do you
reckon that there blue trail is smoke from the machine or remarks from the
inhabitants thereof?〃
Tusky raised his head and sniffed long and inquirin'。
〃It's langwidge;〃 says he。 〃Did you ever stop to think that all the words
in the dictionary stretched end to end would reach〃
But at that minute I catched sight of somethin' brass lyin' in the road。
It proved to be a curled…up sort of horn with a rubber bulb on the end。 I
squoze the bulb and jumped twenty foot over the remark she made。
〃Jarred off the machine;〃 says Tusky。 〃Oh; did it?〃 says I; my nerves
still wrong。 〃I thought maybe it had growed up from the soil like a
About this time we abolished the wire chicken corrals; because we
needed some of the wire。 Them long…laigs thereupon scattered all over
the flat searchin' out their prey。 When feed time come I had to screech
my lungs out gettin' of 'em in; and then sometimes they didn't all hear。 It
was plumb discouragin'; and I mighty nigh made up my mind to quit 'em;
but they had come to be sort of pets; and I hated to turn 'em down。 It
used to tickle Tusky almost to death to see me out there hollerin' away like
an old bull…frog。 He used to come out reg'lar; with his pipe lit; just to
enjoy me。 Finally I got mad and opened up on him。 〃Oh;〃 he
explains; 〃it just plumb amuses me to see the dumfool at his childish work。
Why don't you teach 'em to come to that brass horn; and save your voice?〃
〃Tusky;〃 says I; with feelin'; 〃sometimes you do seem to get a glimmer of
real sense。〃 Well; first off them chickens used to throw back…
sommersets over that horn。 You have no idee how slow chickens is to
learn things。 I could tell you things about chickenssay; this yere bluff
about roosters bein' gallant is all wrong。 I've watched 'em。 When one
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finds a nice feed he gobbles it so fast that the pieces foller down his throat
like yearlin's through a hole in the fence。 It's only when he scratches up a
measly one…grain quick…lunch that he calls up the hens and stands noble
and self…sacrificin' to one side。 That ain't the point; which is; that after
two months I had them long…laigs so they'd drop everythin' and come kitin'
at the HONK…HONK of that horn。 It was a purty sight to see 'em; sailin'
in from all directions twenty foot at a stride。 I was proud of 'em; and
named 'em the Honk…honk Breed。 We didn't have no others; for by now
the coyotes and bob…cats had nailed the straight…breds。 There wasn't no
wild cat or coyote could catch one of my Honk…honks; no; sir! We
made a little on our placerjust enough to keep interested。 Then the
supervisors decided to fix our road; and what's more; THEY DONE IT!
That's the only part in this yarn that's hard to believe; but; boys; you'll
have to take it on faith。 They ploughed her; and crowned her; and
scraped her; and rolled her; and when they moved on we had the fanciest
highway in the State of Californy。 That noonthe day they called her
a jobTusky and I sat smokin' our pipes as per usual; when way over the
foothills we seen a cloud of dust and faint to our cars was bore a whizzin'
sound。 The chickens was gathered under the cottonwood for the heat of
the day; but they didn't pay no attention。 Then faint; but clear; we heard
another of them brass horns: 〃Honk! honk!〃 says it; and every one of
them chickens woke up; and stood at attention。 〃Honk! honk!〃 it
hollered clearer and nearer。
Then over the hill come an automobeel; blowin' vigorous at every
jump。 〃My God!〃 I yells to Tusky; kickin' over my