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an inland voyage-第9章

小说: an inland voyage 字数: 每页4000字

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r…side; drooping its boughs into the  water; and piling them up aloft into a wall of leaves。  What is a  forest but a city of nature's own; full of hardy and innocuous  living things; where there is nothing dead and nothing made with  the hands; but the citizens themselves are the houses and public  monuments?  There is nothing so much alive; and yet so quiet; as a  woodland; and a pair of people; swinging past in canoes; feel very  small and bustling by comparison。

And surely of all smells in the world; the smell of many trees is  the sweetest and most fortifying。  The sea has a rude; pistolling  sort of odour; that takes you in the nostrils like snuff; and  carries with it a fine sentiment of open water and tall ships; but  the smell of a forest; which comes nearest to this in tonic  quality; surpasses it by many degrees in the quality of softness。   Again; the smell of the sea has little variety; but the smell of a  forest is infinitely changeful; it varies with the hour of the day;  not in strength merely; but in character; and the different sorts  of trees; as you go from one zone of the wood to another; seem to  live among different kinds of atmosphere。  Usually the resin of the  fir predominates。  But some woods are more coquettish in their  habits; and the breath of the forest of Mormal; as it came aboard  upon us that showery afternoon; was perfumed with nothing less  delicate than sweetbrier。

I wish our way had always lain among woods。  Trees are the most  civil society。  An old oak that has been growing where he stands  since before the Reformation; taller than many spires; more stately  than the greater part of mountains; and yet a living thing; liable  to sicknesses and death; like you and me:  is not that in itself a  speaking lesson in history?  But acres on acres full of such  patriarchs contiguously rooted; their green tops billowing in the  wind; their stalwart younglings pushing up about their knees:  a  whole forest; healthy and beautiful; giving colour to the light;  giving perfume to the air:  what is this but the most imposing  piece in nature's repertory?  Heine wished to lie like Merlin under  the oaks of Broceliande。  I should not be satisfied with one tree;  but if the wood grew together like a banyan grove; I would be  buried under the tap…root of the whole; my parts should circulate  from oak to oak; and my consciousness should be diffused abroad in  all the forest; and give a common heart to that assembly of green  spires; so that it also might rejoice in its own loveliness and  dignity。  I think I feel a thousand squirrels leaping from bough to  bough in my vast mausoleum; and the birds and the winds merrily  coursing over its uneven; leafy surface。

Alas! the forest of Mormal is only a little bit of a wood; and it  was but for a little way that we skirted by its boundaries。  And  the rest of the time the rain kept coming in squirts and the wind  in squalls; until one's heart grew weary of such fitful; scolding  weather。  It was odd how the showers began when we had to carry the  boats over a lock; and must expose our legs。  They always did。   This is a sort of thing that readily begets a personal feeling  against nature。  There seems no reason why the shower should not  come five minutes before or five minutes after; unless you suppose  an intention to affront you。  The CIGARETTE had a mackintosh which  put him more or less above these contrarieties。  But I had to bear  the brunt uncovered。  I began to remember that nature was a woman。   My companion; in a rosier temper; listened with great satisfaction  to my Jeremiads; and ironically concurred。  He instanced; as a  cognate matter; the action of the tides; 'which;' said he; 'was  altogether designed for the confusion of canoeists; except in so  far as it was calculated to minister to a barren vanity on the part  of the moon。'

At the last lock; some little way out of Landrecies; I refused to  go any farther; and sat in a drift of rain by the side of the bank;  to have a reviving pipe。  A vivacious old man; whom I take to have  been the devil; drew near and questioned me about our journey。  In  the fulness of my heart; I laid bare our plans before him。  He said  it was the silliest enterprise that ever he heard of。  Why; did I  not know; he asked me; that it was nothing but locks; locks; locks;  the whole way? not to mention that; at this season of the year; we  should find the Oise quite dry?  'Get into a train; my little young  man;' said he; I and go you away home to your parents。'  I was so  astounded at the man's malice; that I could only stare at him in  silence。  A tree would never have spoken to me like this。  At last  I got out with some words。  We had come from Antwerp already; I  told him; which was a good long way; and we should do the rest in  spite of him。  Yes; I said; if there were no other reason; I would  do it now; just because he had dared to say we could not。  The  pleasant old gentleman looked at me sneeringly; made an allusion to  my canoe; and marched of; waggling his head。

I was still inwardly fuming; when up came a pair of young fellows;  who imagined I was the CIGARETTE'S servant; on a comparison; I  suppose; of my bare jersey with the other's mackintosh; and asked  me many questions about my place and my master's character。  I said  he was a good enough fellow; but had this absurd voyage on the  head。  'O no; no;' said one; 'you must not say that; it is not  absurd; it is very courageous of him。'  I believe these were a  couple of angels sent to give me heart again。  It was truly  fortifying to reproduce all the old man's insinuations; as if they  were original to me in my character of a malcontent footman; and  have them brushed away like so many flies by these admirable young  men。

When I recounted this affair to the CIGARETTE; 'They must have a  curious idea of how English servants behave;' says he dryly; 'for  you treated me like a brute beast at the lock。'

I was a good deal mortified; but my temper had suffered; it is a  fact。


AT Landrecies the rain still fell and the wind still blew; but we  found a double…bedded room with plenty of furniture; real water… jugs with real water in them; and dinner:  a real dinner; not  innocent of real wine。  After having been a pedlar for one night;  and a butt for the elements during the whole of the next day; these  comfortable circumstances fell on my heart like sunshine。  There  was an English fruiterer at dinner; travelling with a Belgian  fruiterer; in the evening at the CAFE; we watched our compatriot  drop a good deal of money at corks; and I don't know why; but this  pleased us。

It turned out we were to see more of Landrecies than we expected;  for the weather next day was simply bedlamite。  It is not the place  one would have chosen for a day's rest; for it consists almost  entirely of fortifications。  Within the ramparts; a few blocks of  houses; a long row of barracks; and a church; figure; with what  countenance they may; as the town。  There seems to be no trade; and  a shopkeeper from whom I bought a sixpenny flint…and…steel; was so  much affected that he filled my pockets with spare flints into the  bargain。  The only public buildings that had any interest for us  were the hotel and the CAFE。  But we visited the church。  There  lies Marshal Clarke。  But as neither of us had ever heard of that  military hero; we bore the associations of the spot with fortitude。

In all garrison towns; guard…calls; and REVEILLES; and such like;  make a fine romantic interlude in civic business。  Bugles; and  drums; and fifes; are of themselves most excellent things in  nature; and when they carry the mind to marching armies; and the  picturesque vicissitudes of war; they stir up something proud in  the heart。  But in a shadow of a town like Landrecies; with little  else moving; these points of war made a proportionate commotion。   Indeed; they were the only things to remember。  It was just the  place to hear the round going by at night in the darkness; with the  solid tramp of men marching; and the startling reverberations of  the drum。  It reminded you; that even this place was a point in the  great warfaring system of Europe; and might on

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