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an inland voyage-第6章

小说: an inland voyage 字数: 每页4000字

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d stillness; and remind you of  the glittering citizens below your boat。

The Sambre turned so industriously to and fro among his little  hills; that it was past six before we drew near the lock at  Quartes。  There were some children on the tow…path; with whom the  CIGARETTE fell into a chaffing talk as they ran along beside us。   It was in vain that I warned him。  In vain I told him; in English;  that boys were the most dangerous creatures; and if once you began  with them; it was safe to end in a shower of stones。  For my own  part; whenever anything was addressed to me; I smiled gently and  shook my head as though I were an inoffensive person inadequately  acquainted with French。  For indeed I have had such experience at  home; that I would sooner meet many wild animals than a troop of  healthy urchins。

But I was doing injustice to these peaceable young Hainaulters。   When the CIGARETTE went off to make inquiries; I got out upon the  bank to smoke a pipe and superintend the boats; and became at once  the centre of much amiable curiosity。  The children had been joined  by this time by a young woman and a mild lad who had lost an arm;  and this gave me more security。  When I let slip my first word or  so in French; a little girl nodded her head with a comical grown…up  air。  'Ah; you see;' she said; 'he understands well enough now; he  was just making believe。'  And the little group laughed together  very good…naturedly。

They were much impressed when they heard we came from England; and  the little girl proffered the information that England was an  island 'and a far way from here … BIEN LOIN D'ICI。'

'Ay; you may say that; a far way from here;' said the lad with one  arm。

I was as nearly home…sick as ever I was in my life; they seemed to  make it such an incalculable distance to the place where I first  saw the day。  They admired the canoes very much。  And I observed  one piece of delicacy in these children; which is worthy of record。   They had been deafening us for the last hundred yards with  petitions for a sail; ay; and they deafened us to the same tune  next morning when we came to start; but then; when the canoes were  lying empty; there was no word of any such petition。  Delicacy? or  perhaps a bit of fear for the water in so crank a vessel?  I hate  cynicism a great deal worse than I do the devil; unless perhaps the  two were the same thing?  And yet 'tis a good tonic; the cold tub  and bath…towel of the sentiments; and positively necessary to life  in cases of advanced sensibility。

From the boats they turned to my costume。  They could not make  enough of my red sash; and my knife filled them with awe。

'They make them like that in England;' said the boy with one arm。   I was glad he did not know how badly we make them in England now…a… days。  'They are for people who go away to sea;' he added; 'and to  defend one's life against great fish。'

I felt I was becoming a more and more romantic figure to the little  group at every word。  And so I suppose I was。  Even my pipe;  although it was an ordinary French clay pretty well 'trousered;' as  they call it; would have a rarity in their eyes; as a thing coming  from so far away。  And if my feathers were not very fine in  themselves; they were all from over seas。  One thing in my outfit;  however; tickled them out of all politeness; and that was the  bemired condition of my canvas shoes。  I suppose they were sure the  mud at any rate was a home product。  The little girl (who was the  genius of the party) displayed her own sabots in competition; and I  wish you could have seen how gracefully and merrily she did it。

The young woman's milk…can; a great amphora of hammered brass;  stood some way off upon the sward。  I was glad of an opportunity to  divert public attention from myself; and return some of the  compliments I had received。  So I admired it cordially both for  form and colour; telling them; and very truly; that it was as  beautiful as gold。  They were not surprised。  The things were  plainly the boast of the countryside。  And the children expatiated  on the costliness of these amphorae; which sell sometimes as high  as thirty francs apiece; told me how they were carried on donkeys;  one on either side of the saddle; a brave caparison in themselves;  and how they were to be seen all over the district; and at the  larger farms in great number and of great size。



THE CIGARETTE returned with good news。  There were beds to be had  some ten minutes' walk from where we were; at a place called Pont。   We stowed the canoes in a granary; and asked among the children for  a guide。  The circle at once widened round us; and our offers of  reward were received in dispiriting silence。  We were plainly a  pair of Bluebeards to the children; they might speak to us in  public places; and where they had the advantage of numbers; but it  was another thing to venture off alone with two uncouth and  legendary characters; who had dropped from the clouds upon their  hamlet this quiet afternoon; sashed and be…knived; and with a  flavour of great voyages。  The owner of the granary came to our  assistance; singled out one little fellow and threatened him with  corporalities; or I suspect we should have had to find the way for  ourselves。  As it was; he was more frightened at the granary man  than the strangers; having perhaps had some experience of the  former。  But I fancy his little heart must have been going at a  fine rate; for he kept trotting at a respectful distance in front;  and looking back at us with scared eyes。  Not otherwise may the  children of the young world have guided Jove or one of his Olympian  compeers on an adventure。

A miry lane led us up from Quartes with its church and bickering  windmill。  The hinds were trudging homewards from the fields。  A  brisk little woman passed us by。  She was seated across a donkey  between a pair of glittering milk…cans; and; as she went; she  kicked jauntily with her heels upon the donkey's side; and  scattered shrill remarks among the wayfarers。  It was notable that  none of the tired men took the trouble to reply。  Our conductor  soon led us out of the lane and across country。  The sun had gone  down; but the west in front of us was one lake of level gold。  The  path wandered a while in the open; and then passed under a trellis  like a bower indefinitely prolonged。  On either hand were shadowy  orchards; cottages lay low among the leaves; and sent their smoke  to heaven; every here and there; in an opening; appeared the great  gold face of the west。

I never saw the CIGARETTE in such an idyllic frame of mind。  He  waxed positively lyrical in praise of country scenes。  I was little  less exhilarated myself; the mild air of the evening; the shadows;  the rich lights and the silence; made a symphonious accompaniment  about our walk; and we both determined to avoid towns for the  future and sleep in hamlets。

At last the path went between two houses; and turned the party out  into a wide muddy high…road; bordered; as far as the eye could  reach on either hand; by an unsightly village。  The houses stood  well back; leaving a ribbon of waste land on either side of the  road; where there were stacks of firewood; carts; barrows; rubbish… heaps; and a little doubtful grass。  Away on the left; a gaunt  tower stood in the middle of the street。  What it had been in past  ages; I know not:  probably a hold in time of war; but now…a…days  it bore an illegible dial…plate in its upper parts; and near the  bottom an iron letter…box。

The inn to which we had been recommended at Quartes was full; or  else the landlady did not like our looks。  I ought to say; that  with our long; damp india…rubber bags; we presented rather a  doubtful type of civilisation:  like rag…and…bone men; the  CIGARETTE imagined。  'These gentlemen are pedlars? … CES MESSIEURS  SONT DES MARCHANDS?' … asked the landlady。  And then; without  waiting for an answer; which I suppose she thought superfluous in  so plain a case; recommended us to a butcher who lived hard by the  tower; and took in travellers to lodge。

Thither went we。  But the butcher was flitting; and all his beds  were taken down。  Or else he di

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