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an inland voyage-第3章

小说: an inland voyage 字数: 每页4000字

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 of the CIGARETTE。

It is almost unnecessary to mention that when lunch was over and we  got aboard again and made sail; the wind promptly died away。  The  rest of the journey to Villevorde; we still spread our canvas to  the unfavouring air; and with now and then a puff; and now and then  a spell of paddling; drifted along from lock to lock; between the  orderly trees。

It was a fine; green; fat landscape; or rather a mere green water… lane; going on from village to village。  Things had a settled look;  as in places long lived in。  Crop…headed children spat upon us from  the bridges as we went below; with a true conservative feeling。   But even more conservative were the fishermen; intent upon their  floats; who let us go by without one glance。  They perched upon  sterlings and buttresses and along the slope of the embankment;  gently occupied。  They were indifferent; like pieces of dead  nature。  They did not move any more than if they had been fishing  in an old Dutch print。  The leaves fluttered; the water lapped; but  they continued in one stay like so many churches established by  law。  You might have trepanned every one of their innocent heads;  and found no more than so much coiled fishing…line below their  skulls。  I do not care for your stalwart fellows in india…rubber  stockings breasting up mountain torrents with a salmon rod; but I  do dearly love the class of man who plies his unfruitful art; for  ever and a day; by still and depopulated waters。

At the last lock; just beyond Villevorde; there was a lock…mistress  who spoke French comprehensibly; and told us we were still a couple  of leagues from Brussels。  At the same place; the rain began again。   It fell in straight; parallel lines; and the surface of the canal  was thrown up into an infinity of little crystal fountains。  There  were no beds to be had in the neighbourhood。  Nothing for it but to  lay the sails aside and address ourselves to steady paddling in the  rain。

Beautiful country houses; with clocks and long lines of shuttered  windows; and fine old trees standing in groves and avenues; gave a  rich and sombre aspect in the rain and the deepening dusk to the  shores of the canal。  I seem to have seen something of the same  effect in engravings:  opulent landscapes; deserted and overhung  with the passage of storm。  And throughout we had the escort of a  hooded cart; which trotted shabbily along the tow…path; and kept at  an almost uniform distance in our wake。


THE rain took off near Laeken。  But the sun was already down; the  air was chill; and we had scarcely a dry stitch between the pair of  us。  Nay; now we found ourselves near the end of the Allee Verte;  and on the very threshold of Brussels; we were confronted by a  serious difficulty。  The shores were closely lined by canal boats  waiting their turn at the lock。  Nowhere was there any convenient  landing…place; nowhere so much as a stable…yard to leave the canoes  in for the night。  We scrambled ashore and entered an ESTAMINET  where some sorry fellows were drinking with the landlord。  The  landlord was pretty round with us; he knew of no coach…house or  stable…yard; nothing of the sort; and seeing we had come with no  mind to drink; he did not conceal his impatience to be rid of us。   One of the sorry fellows came to the rescue。  Somewhere in the  corner of the basin there was a slip; he informed us; and something  else besides; not very clearly defined by him; but hopefully  construed by his hearers。

Sure enough there was the slip in the corner of the basin; and at  the top of it two nice…looking lads in boating clothes。  The  ARETHUSA addressed himself to these。  One of them said there would  be no difficulty about a night's lodging for our boats; and the  other; taking a cigarette from his lips; inquired if they were made  by Searle and Son。  The name was quite an introduction。  Half…a… dozen other young men came out of a boat…house bearing the  superscription ROYAL SPORT NAUTIQUE; and joined in the talk。  They  were all very polite; voluble; and enthusiastic; and their  discourse was interlarded with English boating terms; and the names  of English boat…builders and English clubs。  I do not know; to my  shame; any spot in my native land where I should have been so  warmly received by the same number of people。  We were English  boating…men; and the Belgian boating…men fell upon our necks。  I  wonder if French Huguenots were as cordially greeted by English  Protestants when they came across the Channel out of great  tribulation。  But after all; what religion knits people so closely  as a common sport?

The canoes were carried into the boat…house; they were washed down  for us by the Club servants; the sails were hung out to dry; and  everything made as snug and tidy as a picture。  And in the  meanwhile we were led upstairs by our new…found brethren; for so  more than one of them stated the relationship; and made free of  their lavatory。  This one lent us soap; that one a towel; a third  and fourth helped us to undo our bags。  And all the time such  questions; such assurances of respect and sympathy!  I declare I  never knew what glory was before。

'Yes; yes; the ROYAL SPORT NAUTIQUE is the oldest club in Belgium。'

'We number two hundred。'

'We' … this is not a substantive speech; but an abstract of many  speeches; the impression left upon my mind after a great deal of  talk; and very youthful; pleasant; natural; and patriotic it seems  to me to be … 'We have gained all races; except those where we were  cheated by the French。'

'You must leave all your wet things to be dried。'

'O! ENTRE FRERES!  In any boat…house in England we should find the  same。'  (I cordially hope they might。)


'We are all employed in commerce during the day; but in the  evening; VOYEZ…VOUS; NOUS SOMMES SERIEUX。'

These were the words。  They were all employed over the frivolous  mercantile concerns of Belgium during the day; but in the evening  they found some hours for the serious concerns of life。  I may have  a wrong idea of wisdom; but I think that was a very wise remark。   People connected with literature and philosophy are busy all their  days in getting rid of second…hand notions and false standards。  It  is their profession; in the sweat of their brows; by dogged  thinking; to recover their old fresh view of life; and distinguish  what they really and originally like; from what they have only  learned to tolerate perforce。  And these Royal Nautical Sportsmen  had the distinction still quite legible in their hearts。  They had  still those clean perceptions of what is nice and nasty; what is  interesting and what is dull; which envious old gentlemen refer to  as illusions。  The nightmare illusion of middle age; the bear's hug  of custom gradually squeezing the life out of a man's soul; had not  yet begun for these happy…starred young Belgians。  They still knew  that the interest they took in their business was a trifling affair  compared to their spontaneous; long…suffering affection for  nautical sports。  To know what you prefer; instead of humbly saying  Amen to what the world tells you you ought to prefer; is to have  kept your soul alive。  Such a man may be generous; he may be honest  in something more than the commercial sense; he may love his  friends with an elective; personal sympathy; and not accept them as  an adjunct of the station to which he has been called。  He may be a  man; in short; acting on his own instincts; keeping in his own  shape that God made him in; and not a mere crank in the social  engine…house; welded on principles that he does not understand; and  for purposes that he does not care for。

For will any one dare to tell me that business is more entertaining  than fooling among boats?  He must have never seen a boat; or never  seen an office; who says so。  And for certain the one is a great  deal better for the health。  There should be nothing so much a  man's business as his amusements。  Nothing but money…grubbing can  be put forward to the contrary; no one but

Mammon; the least erected spirit that fell From Heaven;

durst risk a word in answer。  It i

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