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an inland voyage-第23章

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a  consideration; Saint Joseph is the proper intermediary。  I took a  sort of pleasure in observing the vogue he had in France; for the  good man plays a very small part in my religion at home。  Yet I  could not help fearing that; where the Saint is so much commanded  for exactitude; he will be expected to be very grateful for his  tablet。

This is foolishness to us Protestants; and not of great importance  anyway。  Whether people's gratitude for the good gifts that come to  them be wisely conceived or dutifully expressed; is a secondary  matter; after all; so long as they feel gratitude。  The true  ignorance is when a man does not know that he has received a good  gift; or begins to imagine that he has got it for himself。  The  self…made man is the funniest windbag after all!  There is a marked  difference between decreeing light in chaos; and lighting the gas  in a metropolitan back…parlour with a box of patent matches; and do  what we will; there is always something made to our hand; if it  were only our fingers。

But there was something worse than foolishness placarded in Creil  Church。  The Association of the Living Rosary (of which I had never  previously heard) is responsible for that。  This Association was  founded; according to the printed advertisement; by a brief of Pope  Gregory Sixteenth; on the 17th of January 1832:  according to a  coloured bas…relief; it seems to have been founded; sometime other;  by the Virgin giving one rosary to Saint Dominic; and the Infant  Saviour giving another to Saint Catharine of Siena。  Pope Gregory  is not so imposing; but he is nearer hand。  I could not distinctly  make out whether the Association was entirely devotional; or had an  eye to good works; at least it is highly organised:  the names of  fourteen matrons and misses were filled in for each week of the  month as associates; with one other; generally a married woman; at  the top for ZELATRICE:  the leader of the band。  Indulgences;  plenary and partial; follow on the performance of the duties of the  Association。  'The partial indulgences are attached to the  recitation of the rosary。'  On 'the recitation of the required  DIZAINE;' a partial indulgence promptly follows。  When people serve  the kingdom of heaven with a pass…book in their hands; I should  always be afraid lest they should carry the same commercial spirit  into their dealings with their fellow…men; which would make a sad  and sordid business of this life。

There is one more article; however; of happier import。  'All these  indulgences;' it appeared; 'are applicable to souls in purgatory。'   For God's sake; ye ladies of Creil; apply them all to the souls in  purgatory without delay!  Burns would take no hire for his last  songs; preferring to serve his country out of unmixed love。   Suppose you were to imitate the exciseman; mesdames; and even if  the souls in purgatory were not greatly bettered; some souls in  Creil upon the Oise would find themselves none the worse either  here or hereafter。

I cannot help wondering; as I transcribe these notes; whether a  Protestant born and bred is in a fit state to understand these  signs; and do them what justice they deserve; and I cannot help  answering that he is not。  They cannot look so merely ugly and mean  to the faithful as they do to me。  I see that as clearly as a  proposition in Euclid。  For these believers are neither weak nor  wicked。  They can put up their tablet commanding Saint Joseph for  his despatch; as if he were still a village carpenter; they can  'recite the required DIZAINE;' and metaphorically pocket the  indulgence; as if they had done a job for Heaven; and then they can  go out and look down unabashed upon this wonderful river flowing  by; and up without confusion at the pin…point stars; which are  themselves great worlds full of flowing rivers greater than the  Oise。  I see it as plainly; I say; as a proposition in Euclid; that  my Protestant mind has missed the point; and that there goes with  these deformities some higher and more religious spirit than I  dream。

I wonder if other people would make the same allowances for me!   Like the ladies of Creil; having recited my rosary of toleration; I  look for my indulgence on the spot。


WE made Precy about sundown。  The plain is rich with tufts of  poplar。  In a wide; luminous curve; the Oise lay under the  hillside。  A faint mist began to rise and confound the different  distances together。  There was not a sound audible but that of the  sheep…bells in some meadows by the river; and the creaking of a  cart down the long road that descends the hill。  The villas in  their gardens; the shops along the street; all seemed to have been  deserted the day before; and I felt inclined to walk discreetly as  one feels in a silent forest。  All of a sudden; we came round a  corner; and there; in a little green round the church; was a bevy  of girls in Parisian costumes playing croquet。  Their laughter; and  the hollow sound of ball and mallet; made a cheery stir in the  neighbourhood; and the look of these slim figures; all corseted and  ribboned; produced an answerable disturbance in our hearts。  We  were within sniff of Paris; it seemed。  And here were females of  our own species playing croquet; just as if Precy had been a place  in real life; instead of a stage in the fairyland of travel。  For;  to be frank; the peasant woman is scarcely to be counted as a woman  at all; and after having passed by such a succession of people in  petticoats digging and hoeing and making dinner; this company of  coquettes under arms made quite a surprising feature in the  landscape; and convinced us at once of being fallible males。

The inn at Precy is the worst inn in France。  Not even in Scotland  have I found worse fare。  It was kept by a brother and sister;  neither of whom was out of their teens。  The sister; so to speak;  prepared a meal for us; and the brother; who had been tippling;  came in and brought with him a tipsy butcher; to entertain us as we  ate。  We found pieces of loo…warm pork among the salad; and pieces  of unknown yielding substance in the RAGOUT。  The butcher  entertained us with pictures of Parisian life; with which he  professed himself well acquainted; the brother sitting the while on  the edge of the billiard…table; toppling precariously; and sucking  the stump of a cigar。  In the midst of these diversions; bang went  a drum past the house; and a hoarse voice began issuing a  proclamation。  It was a man with marionnettes announcing a  performance for that evening。

He had set up his caravan and lighted his candles on another part  of the girls' croquet…green; under one of those open sheds which  are so common in France to shelter markets; and he and his wife; by  the time we strolled up there; were trying to keep order with the  audience。

It was the most absurd contention。  The show…people had set out a  certain number of benches; and all who sat upon them were to pay a  couple of SOUS for the accommodation。  They were always quite full  … a bumper house … as long as nothing was going forward; but let  the show…woman appear with an eye to a collection; and at the first  rattle of her tambourine the audience slipped off the seats; and  stood round on the outside with their hands in their pockets。  It  certainly would have tried an angel's temper。  The showman roared  from the proscenium; he had been all over France; and nowhere;  nowhere; 'not even on the borders of Germany;' had he met with such  misconduct。  Such thieves and rogues and rascals; as he called  them!  And every now and again; the wife issued on another round;  and added her shrill quota to the tirade。  I remarked here; as  elsewhere; how far more copious is the female mind in the material  of insult。  The audience laughed in high good…humour over the man's  declamations; but they bridled and cried aloud under the woman's  pungent sallies。  She picked out the sore points。  She had the  honour of the village at her mercy。  Voices answered her angrily  out of the crowd; and received a smarting retort for their trouble。   A couple of old ladies beside me; who had duly paid for their  seats; waxed very red and indignant; and discoursed t

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