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an inland voyage-第19章

小说: an inland voyage 字数: 每页4000字

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ack with a white veil; came from  behind the altar; and began to descend the nave; the four first  carrying a Virgin and child upon a table。  The priests and  choristers arose from their knees and followed after; singing 'Ave  Mary' as they went。  In this order they made the circuit of the  cathedral; passing twice before me where I leaned against a pillar。   The priest who seemed of most consequence was a strange; down… looking old man。  He kept mumbling prayers with his lips; but as he  looked upon me darkling; it did not seem as if prayer were  uppermost in his heart。  Two others; who bore the burthen of the  chaunt; were stout; brutal; military…looking men of forty; with  bold; over…fed eyes; they sang with some lustiness; and trolled  forth 'Ave Mary' like a garrison catch。  The little girls were  timid and grave。  As they footed slowly up the aisle; each one took  a moment's glance at the Englishman; and the big nun who played  marshal fairly stared him out of countenance。  As for the  choristers; from first to last they misbehaved as only boys can  misbehave; and cruelly marred the performance with their antics。

I understood a great deal of the spirit of what went on。  Indeed it  would be difficult not to understand the MISERERE; which I take to  be the composition of an atheist。  If it ever be a good thing to  take such despondency to heart; the MISERERE is the right music;  and a cathedral a fit scene。  So far I am at one with the  Catholics:… an odd name for them; after all?  But why; in God's  name; these holiday choristers? why these priests who steal  wandering looks about the congregation while they feign to be at  prayer? why this fat nun; who rudely arranges her procession and  shakes delinquent virgins by the elbow? why this spitting; and  snuffing; and forgetting of keys; and the thousand and one little  misadventures that disturb a frame of mind laboriously edified with  chaunts and organings?  In any play…house reverend fathers may see  what can be done with a little art; and how; to move high  sentiments; it is necessary to drill the supernumeraries and have  every stool in its proper place。

One other circumstance distressed me。  I could bear a MISERERE  myself; having had a good deal of open…air exercise of late; but I  wished the old people somewhere else。  It was neither the right  sort of music nor the right sort of divinity for men and women who  have come through most accidents by this time; and probably have an  opinion of their own upon the tragic element in life。  A person up  in years can generally do his own MISERERE for himself; although I  notice that such an one often prefers JUBILATE DEO for his ordinary  singing。  On the whole; the most religious exercise for the aged is  probably to recall their own experience; so many friends dead; so  many hopes disappointed; so many slips and stumbles; and withal so  many bright days and smiling providences; there is surely the  matter of a very eloquent sermon in all this。

On the whole; I was greatly solemnised。  In the little pictorial  map of our whole Inland Voyage; which my fancy still preserves; and  sometimes unrolls for the amusement of odd moments; Noyon cathedral  figures on a most preposterous scale; and must be nearly as large  as a department。  I can still see the faces of the priests as if  they were at my elbow; and hear AVE MARIA; ORA PRO NOBIS; sounding  through the church。  All Noyon is blotted out for me by these  superior memories; and I do not care to say more about the place。   It was but a stack of brown roofs at the best; where I believe  people live very reputably in a quiet way; but the shadow of the  church falls upon it when the sun is low; and the five bells are  heard in all quarters; telling that the organ has begun。  If ever I  join the Church of Rome; I shall stipulate to be Bishop of Noyon on  the Oise。



THE most patient people grow weary at last with being continually  wetted with rain; except of course in the Scottish Highlands; where  there are not enough fine intervals to point the difference。  That  was like to be our case; the day we left Noyon。  I remember nothing  of the voyage; it was nothing but clay banks and willows; and rain;  incessant; pitiless; beating rain; until we stopped to lunch at a  little inn at Pimprez; where the canal ran very near the river。  We  were so sadly drenched that the landlady lit a few sticks in the  chimney for our comfort; there we sat in a steam of vapour;  lamenting our concerns。  The husband donned a game…bag and strode  out to shoot; the wife sat in a far corner watching us。  I think we  were worth looking at。  We grumbled over the misfortune of La Fere;  we forecast other La Feres in the future; … although things went  better with the CIGARETTE for spokesman; he had more aplomb  altogether than I; and a dull; positive way of approaching a  landlady that carried off the india…rubber bags。  Talking of La  Fere put us talking of the reservists。

'Reservery;' said he; 'seems a pretty mean way to spend ones autumn  holiday。'

'About as mean;' returned I dejectedly; 'as canoeing。'

'These gentlemen travel for their pleasure?' asked the landlady;  with unconscious irony。

It was too much。  The scales fell from our eyes。  Another wet day;  it was determined; and we put the boats into the train。

The weather took the hint。  That was our last wetting。  The  afternoon faired up:  grand clouds still voyaged in the sky; but  now singly; and with a depth of blue around their path; and a  sunset in the daintiest rose and gold inaugurated a thick night of  stars and a month of unbroken weather。  At the same time; the river  began to give us a better outlook into the country。  The banks were  not so high; the willows disappeared from along the margin; and  pleasant hills stood all along its course and marked their profile  on the sky。

In a little while the canal; coming to its last lock; began to  discharge its water…houses on the Oise; so that we had no lack of  company to fear。  Here were all our old friends; the DEO GRATIAS of  Conde and the FOUR SONS OF AYMON journeyed cheerily down stream  along with us; we exchanged waterside pleasantries with the  steersman perched among the lumber; or the driver hoarse with  bawling to his horses; and the children came and looked over the  side as we paddled by。  We had never known all this while how much  we missed them; but it gave us a fillip to see the smoke from their  chimneys。

A little below this junction we made another meeting of yet more  account。  For there we were joined by the Aisne; already a far… travelled river and fresh out of Champagne。  Here ended the  adolescence of the Oise; this was his marriage day; thenceforward  he had a stately; brimming march; conscious of his own dignity and  sundry dams。  He became a tranquil feature in the scene。  The trees  and towns saw themselves in him; as in a mirror。  He carried the  canoes lightly on his broad breast; there was no need to work hard  against an eddy:  but idleness became the order of the day; and  mere straightforward dipping of the paddle; now on this side; now  on that; without intelligence or effort。  Truly we were coming into  halcyon weather upon all accounts; and were floated towards the sea  like gentlemen。

We made Compiegne as the sun was going down:  a fine profile of a  town above the river。  Over the bridge; a regiment was parading to  the drum。  People loitered on the quay; some fishing; some looking  idly at the stream。  And as the two boats shot in along the water;  we could see them pointing them out and speaking one to another。   We landed at a floating lavatory; where the washer…women were still  beating the clothes。


WE put up at a big; bustling hotel in Compiegne; where nobody  observed our presence。

Reservery and general MILITARISMUS (as the Germans call it) were  rampant。  A camp of conical white tents without the town looked  like a leaf out of a picture Bible; sword…belts decorated the walls  of the CAFES; and the streets kept sounding all day long with  military music。  It was not possible to be an Englishman and avoid  a feeling of elation; for the men who followed 

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