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an inland voyage-第18章

小说: an inland voyage 字数: 每页4000字

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。  And  there was yet another item unchanged。  For these people's  politeness really set us up again in our own esteem。  We had a  thirst for consideration; the sense of insult was still hot in our  spirits; and civil usage seemed to restore us to our position in  the world。

How little we pay our way in life!  Although we have our purses  continually in our hand; the better part of service goes still  unrewarded。  But I like to fancy that a grateful spirit gives as  good as it gets。  Perhaps the Bazins knew how much I liked them?  perhaps they also were healed of some slights by the thanks that I  gave them in my manner?



BELOW La Fere the river runs through a piece of open pastoral  country; green; opulent; loved by breeders; called the Golden  Valley。  In wide sweeps; and with a swift and equable gallop; the  ceaseless stream of water visits and makes green the fields。  Kine;  and horses; and little humorous donkeys; browse together in the  meadows; and come down in troops to the river…side to drink。  They  make a strange feature in the landscape; above all when they are  startled; and you see them galloping to and fro with their  incongruous forms and faces。  It gives a feeling as of great;  unfenced pampas; and the herds of wandering nations。  There were  hills in the distance upon either hand; and on one side; the river  sometimes bordered on the wooded spurs of Coucy and St。 Gobain。

The artillery were practising at La Fere; and soon the cannon of  heaven joined in that loud play。  Two continents of cloud met and  exchanged salvos overhead; while all round the horizon we could see  sunshine and clear air upon the hills。  What with the guns and the  thunder; the herds were all frightened in the Golden Valley。  We  could see them tossing their heads; and running to and fro in  timorous indecision; and when they had made up their minds; and the  donkey followed the horse; and the cow was after the donkey; we  could hear their hooves thundering abroad over the meadows。  It had  a martial sound; like cavalry charges。  And altogether; as far as  the ears are concerned; we had a very rousing battle…piece  performed for our amusement。

At last the guns and the thunder dropped off; the sun shone on the  wet meadows; the air was scented with the breath of rejoicing trees  and grass; and the river kept unweariedly carrying us on at its  best pace。  There was a manufacturing district about Chauny; and  after that the banks grew so high that they hid the adjacent  country; and we could see nothing but clay sides; and one willow  after another。  Only; here and there; we passed by a village or a  ferry; and some wondering child upon the bank would stare after us  until we turned the corner。  I daresay we continued to paddle in  that child's dreams for many a night after。

Sun and shower alternated like day and night; making the hours  longer by their variety。  When the showers were heavy; I could feel  each drop striking through my jersey to my warm skin; and the  accumulation of small shocks put me nearly beside myself。  I  decided I should buy a mackintosh at Noyon。  It is nothing to get  wet; but the misery of these individual pricks of cold all over my  body at the same instant of time made me flail the water with my  paddle like a madman。  The CIGARETTE was greatly amused by these  ebullitions。  It gave him something else to look at besides clay  banks and willows。

All the time; the river stole away like a thief in straight places;  or swung round corners with an eddy; the willows nodded; and were  undermined all day long; the clay banks tumbled in; the Oise; which  had been so many centuries making the Golden Valley; seemed to have  changed its fancy; and be bent upon undoing its performance。  What  a number of things a river does; by simply following Gravity in the  innocence of its heart!


NOYON stands about a mile from the river; in a little plain  surrounded by wooded hills; and entirely covers an eminence with  its tile roofs; surmounted by a long; straight…backed cathedral  with two stiff towers。  As we got into the town; the tile roofs  seemed to tumble uphill one upon another; in the oddest disorder;  but for all their scrambling; they did not attain above the knees  of the cathedral; which stood; upright and solemn; over all。  As  the streets drew near to this presiding genius; through the market… place under the Hotel de Ville; they grew emptier and more  composed。  Blank walls and shuttered windows were turned to the  great edifice; and grass grew on the white causeway。  'Put off thy  shoes from off thy feet; for the place whereon thou standest is  holy ground。'  The Hotel du Nord; nevertheless; lights its secular  tapers within a stone…cast of the church; and we had the superb  east…end before our eyes all morning from the window of our  bedroom。  I have seldom looked on the east…end of a church with  more complete sympathy。  As it flanges out in three wide terraces  and settles down broadly on the earth; it looks like the poop of  some great old battle…ship。  Hollow…backed buttresses carry vases;  which figure for the stern lanterns。  There is a roll in the  ground; and the towers just appear above the pitch of the roof; as  though the good ship were bowing lazily over an Atlantic swell。  At  any moment it might be a hundred feet away from you; climbing the  next billow。  At any moment a window might open; and some old  admiral thrust forth a cocked hat; and proceed to take an  observation。  The old admirals sail the sea no longer; the old  ships of battle are all broken up; and live only in pictures; but  this; that was a church before ever they were thought upon; is  still a church; and makes as brave an appearance by the Oise。  The  cathedral and the river are probably the two oldest things for  miles around; and certainly they have both a grand old age。

The Sacristan took us to the top of one of the towers; and showed  us the five bells hanging in their loft。  From above; the town was  a tesselated pavement of roofs and gardens; the old line of rampart  was plainly traceable; and the Sacristan pointed out to us; far  across the plain; in a bit of gleaming sky between two clouds; the  towers of Chateau Coucy。

I find I never weary of great churches。  It is my favourite kind of  mountain scenery。  Mankind was never so happily inspired as when it  made a cathedral:  a thing as single and specious as a statue to  the first glance; and yet; on examination; as lively and  interesting as a forest in detail。  The height of spires cannot be  taken by trigonometry; they measure absurdly short; but how tall  they are to the admiring eye!  And where we have so many elegant  proportions; growing one out of the other; and all together into  one; it seems as if proportion transcended itself; and became  something different and more imposing。  I could never fathom how a  man dares to lift up his voice to preach in a cathedral。  What is  he to say that will not be an anti…climax?  For though I have heard  a considerable variety of sermons; I never yet heard one that was  so expressive as a cathedral。  'Tis the best preacher itself; and  preaches day and night; not only telling you of man's art and  aspirations in the past; but convicting your own soul of ardent  sympathies; or rather; like all good preachers; it sets you  preaching to yourself; … and every man is his own doctor of  divinity in the last resort。

As I sat outside of the hotel in the course of the afternoon; the  sweet groaning thunder of the organ floated out of the church like  a summons。  I was not averse; liking the theatre so well; to sit  out an act or two of the play; but I could never rightly make out  the nature of the service I beheld。  Four or five priests and as  many choristers were singing MISERERE before the high altar when I  went in。  There was no congregation but a few old women on chairs  and old men kneeling on the pavement。  After a while a long train  of young girls; walking two and two; each with a lighted taper in  her hand; and all dressed in black with a white veil; came from  behind the altar; and began to descend the nave; the four first  c

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