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an inland voyage-第11章

小说: an inland voyage 字数: 每页4000字

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。  There should  be a flageolet; whence the CIGARETTE; with cunning touch; should  draw melting music under the stars; or perhaps; laying that aside;  upraise his voice … somewhat thinner than of yore; and with here  and there a quaver; or call it a natural grace…note … in rich and  solemn psalmody。

All this; simmering in my mind; set me wishing to go aboard one of  these ideal houses of lounging。  I had plenty to choose from; as I  coasted one after another; and the dogs bayed at me for a vagrant。   At last I saw a nice old man and his wife looking at me with some  interest; so I gave them good…day and pulled up alongside。  I began  with a remark upon their dog; which had somewhat the look of a  pointer; thence I slid into a compliment on Madame's flowers; and  thence into a word in praise of their way of life。

If you ventured on such an experiment in England you would get a  slap in the face at once。  The life would be shown to be a vile  one; not without a side shot at your better fortune。  Now; what I  like so much in France is the clear unflinching recognition by  everybody of his own luck。  They all know on which side their bread  is buttered; and take a pleasure in showing it to others; which is  surely the better part of religion。  And they scorn to make a poor  mouth over their poverty; which I take to be the better part of  manliness。  I have heard a woman in quite a better position at  home; with a good bit of money in hand; refer to her own child with  a horrid whine as 'a poor man's child。'  I would not say such a  thing to the Duke of Westminster。  And the French are full of this  spirit of independence。  Perhaps it is the result of republican  institutions; as they call them。  Much more likely it is because  there are so few people really poor; that the whiners are not  enough to keep each other in countenance。

The people on the barge were delighted to hear that I admired their  state。  They understood perfectly well; they told me; how Monsieur  envied them。  Without doubt Monsieur was rich; and in that case he  might make a canal boat as pretty as a villa … JOLI COMME UN  CHATEAU。  And with that they invited me on board their own water  villa。  They apologised for their cabin; they had not been rich  enough to make it as it ought to be。

'The fire should have been here; at this side。' explained the  husband。  'Then one might have a writing…table in the middle …  books … and' (comprehensively) 'all。  It would be quite coquettish  … CA SERAIT TOUT…A…FAIT COQUET。'  And he looked about him as though  the improvements were already made。  It was plainly not the first  time that he had thus beautified his cabin in imagination; and when  next he makes a bit; I should expect to see the writing…table in  the middle。

Madame had three birds in a cage。  They were no great thing; she  explained。  Fine birds were so dear。  They had sought to get a  HOLLANDAIS last winter in Rouen (Rouen? thought I; and is this  whole mansion; with its dogs and birds and smoking chimneys; so far  a traveller as that? and as homely an object among the cliffs and  orchards of the Seine as on the green plains of Sambre?) … they had  sought to get a HOLLANDAIS last winter in Rouen; but these cost  fifteen francs apiece … picture it … fifteen francs!

'POUR UN TOUT PETIT OISEAU … For quite a little bird;' added the  husband。

As I continued to admire; the apologetics died away; and the good  people began to brag of their barge; and their happy condition in  life; as if they had been Emperor and Empress of the Indies。  It  was; in the Scots phrase; a good hearing; and put me in good humour  with the world。  If people knew what an inspiriting thing it is to  hear a man boasting; so long as he boasts of what he really has; I  believe they would do it more freely and with a better grace。

They began to ask about our voyage。  You should have seen how they  sympathised。  They seemed half ready to give up their barge and  follow us。  But these CANALETTI are only gypsies semi…domesticated。   The semi…domestication came out in rather a pretty form。  Suddenly  Madam's brow darkened。  'CEPENDANT;' she began; and then stopped;  and then began again by asking me if I were single?

'Yes;' said I。

'And your friend who went by just now?'

He also was unmarried。

O then … all was well。  She could not have wives left alone at  home; but since there were no wives in the question; we were doing  the best we could。

'To see about one in the world;' said the husband; 'IL N'Y A QUE CA  … there is nothing else worth while。  A man; look you; who sticks  in his own village like a bear;' he went on; ' … very well; he sees  nothing。  And then death is the end of all。  And he has seen  nothing。'

Madame reminded her husband of an Englishman who had come up this  canal in a steamer。

'Perhaps Mr。 Moens in the YTENE;' I suggested。

'That's it;' assented the husband。  'He had his wife and family  with him; and servants。  He came ashore at all the locks and asked  the name of the villages; whether from boatmen or lock…keepers; and  then he wrote; wrote them down。  Oh; he wrote enormously!  I  suppose it was a wager。'

A wager was a common enough explanation for our own exploits; but  it seemed an original reason for taking notes。


BEFORE nine next morning the two canoes were installed on a light  country cart at Etreux:  and we were soon following them along the  side of a pleasant valley full of hop…gardens and poplars。   Agreeable villages lay here and there on the slope of the hill;  notably; Tupigny; with the hop…poles hanging their garlands in the  very street; and the houses clustered with grapes。  There was a  faint enthusiasm on our passage; weavers put their heads to the  windows; children cried out in ecstasy at sight of the two  'boaties' … BARGUETTES:  and bloused pedestrians; who were  acquainted with our charioteer; jested with him on the nature of  his freight。

We had a shower or two; but light and flying。  The air was clean  and sweet among all these green fields and green things growing。   There was not a touch of autumn in the weather。  And when; at  Vadencourt; we launched from a little lawn opposite a mill; the sun  broke forth and set all the leaves shining in the valley of the  Oise。

The river was swollen with the long rains。  From Vadencourt all the  way to Origny; it ran with ever…quickening speed; taking fresh  heart at each mile; and racing as though it already smelt the sea。   The water was yellow and turbulent; swung with an angry eddy among  half…submerged willows; and made an angry clatter along stony  shores。  The course kept turning and turning in a narrow and well… timbered valley。  Now the river would approach the side; and run  griding along the chalky base of the hill; and show us a few open  colza…fields among the trees。  Now it would skirt the garden…walls  of houses; where we might catch a glimpse through a doorway; and  see a priest pacing in the chequered sunlight。  Again; the foliage  closed so thickly in front; that there seemed to be no issue; only  a thicket of willows; overtopped by elms and poplars; under which  the river ran flush and fleet; and where a kingfisher flew past  like a piece of the blue sky。  On these different manifestations  the sun poured its clear and catholic looks。  The shadows lay as  solid on the swift surface of the stream as on the stable meadows。   The light sparkled golden in the dancing poplar leaves; and brought  the hills into communion with our eyes。  And all the while the  river never stopped running or took breath; and the reeds along the  whole valley stood shivering from top to toe。

There should be some myth (but if there is; I know it not) founded  on the shivering of the reeds。  There are not many things in nature  more striking to man's eye。  It is such an eloquent pantomime of  terror; and to see such a number of terrified creatures taking  sanctuary in every nook along the shore; is enough to infect a  silly human with alarm。  Perhaps they are only a…cold; and no  wonder; standing waist…deep in the stream。  Or perhaps they have  never got accustomed to the speed and fury of the river's flux; or  the miracle of its continuous b

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