贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > phyllis of philistia >


phyllis of philistia-第53章

小说: phyllis of philistia 字数: 每页4000字

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 that her newly made plans might also be deranged? Was this a fresh visitor arriving by a fly from Maidenheadshe saw that the vehicle was a fly。

There was no one in the room to hear the cry of delight that she gave when she saw Herbert at the porch of the house; the driver having deposited his portmanteau and Gladstone bag at his feet。

He had returned to herhe; whom she fancied to be far away; he who had forsaken her; as she thought; as she feared; as she (at times) hoped; forever。 He had returned to her。 There was no one now to stand between them。 He was all her own。

She flung off the dress which she was wearing;it was her plainest evening gown;and had actually got on another; a lovely one that she had never yet worn; before her maid arrived at her dressing room。

〃Louise;〃 she said; 〃send a message downstairs to show Mr。 Courtland to his room; and mention that he will dine with me。 Come back at once。 I have got so far in my dressing without you; I can't go much further; however。〃

In a quarter of an hour she was surveying herself in her mirror just as Phyllis had been doing an hour sooner; only on her face was a very different expression from that which Phyllis had worn。 Her eyes were brilliant as they never had been before; except once; her face was not pale; but full of soft color; as if she were standing beneath the shadow of a mighty rose…leaf with the sunlight above。 Her neck and arms were of the same delicate tinge。 Her smile she gave as she surveyed herself was a smile of triumph; very different from the expression on poor Phyllis' features as she flung her hat across the room。

〃Mine; mine; mine!〃 she whispered; nodding with a smile at the lovely thing so full of warm life that faced her with a smile。 〃He is mine he has come back to me; I will keep him。 I shall be able to keep him; I think。〃

She had scarcely entered the drawing room before he was beside her; and he had scarcely entered before a servant announced that dinner was served。 They were seated at the dinner table before they had exchanged half a dozen wordsbefore she had time to ask him why he had returned。

And at the table; with a servant at each end; what could they say?

Well; she gave in detail; with the accuracy of a railway time…table; the hours of the departure of the various guests; down to the last departed guest; who chanced to be Miss Ayrton。 Yes; she was obliged to go up to town to be present at that important function which was to be given in the presence of Royalty; though; she; Mrs。 Linton; was convinced that Phyllis would much prefer remaining in the midst of that exquisite quietude which seemed to be found only up the river。 She had wanted her dear Phyllis to stay until the morrow; but poor Phyllis' sense of duty had been; as unfortunately it always was; too great for her inclination。

〃Unfortunately?〃 said Herbert。

〃Did I say unfortunately?〃 she cried。 〃How funny! I meant of course; unfortunately for her friendsfor myself in this particular case。 But; after all; we had a delightful week together。 It has done us all goodeven you。〃

〃Why the 'even'?〃 he asked; with a laugh。

〃Oh; well; because you are not expected to feel the fatigues of a London season。 And then you must remember that you had a yachting cruise which must have done you a world of good;〃 she added; with a smile born of the mood which was on hera mood of joy and laughter and daring。 She felt that she could say anything she pleased to say to him now; she could have referred with a laugh to his running away on that strange cruise of his。

〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃it did me a great deal of good。〃

He spoke slowly; and her quick ear detected a tone of gravity in his voice。 What could he mean? Oh; yes。

〃I hope that that last phase of the mine will soon be settled;〃 said she。 〃It was that which curtailed your cruise; you will remember。〃

〃I certainly do remember。〃

〃I hope the business will soon be settled one way or another。 I don't think this running to Paris so frequently is good for Stephen。 Haven't you noticed how poorly he has been looking of late?〃

〃He didn't seem to me to be particularly robust。 But I think that he pulled himself together while he was here。 Oh; yes! another week will see us free from this business。〃

〃And with an extra million or so in your pockets。〃

〃Well; something in that way。〃

That was how they talked while the servants were presentabout business and money and matters that may be discussed in the presence of servants。

Then they went together into the drawing room。 It was not yet dark enough for the candles to be lighted。 The exquisite summer twilight was hanging over the river and the banks opposite; wooded from the water's edge to the summit。 It was the hour of delicate blue touched with pink about the borders。 The hour of purple and silver stars had not yet come。

She threw open one of the windows on its hinges; and in a moment the room was flooded with the perfume of the roses of the garden。 She stood in the opening of the window and seemed to drink in the garden scents before they floated into the room。 Then from some secret nestling place in the dark depths of the clipped hedge there came the even…song of a blackbird。 It was replied to from the distance; and the silence that followed only seemed to be silence。 It was a silence made vocal by the bending of a thousand notesall musical。 The blackbirds; the thrushes; the robins made up a chorus of harmony as soothing to the soul as silence。 Then came the cooings of the wood pigeons。 The occasional shriek of a peacock was the only note out of harmony with the feeling breathed by the twilight。

She stood at the open window; her back turned to him; for some time。 He felt slightly embarrassed。 Her attitude somehow suggested to him an imprisonment; he was captured; she was standing between him and the open air; she was barring his passage。

Suddenly she turned。 With her movement there seemed to float into the room a great breath of rose…scent。 It was only that the light showed him more clearly at that moment the glowing whiteness of her neck and shoulders and arms。

〃Why have you come back?〃 she cried; almost piteously。

〃Surely you know why; Ella;〃 said he。

〃I know nothing: a man is one thing one day and quite the opposite the next day。 How can I know anything of what is in your mind to…dayin your heart to…day?〃

〃I came back thinking to find her here stillI fancied that you said she would stay until you were returning to…morrow。〃

〃You came back for her?〃

〃I came back to see herI find that I cannot live without seeing her。〃

〃You have only found that out since you left here yesterday morning?〃

〃Only since I left here。 I told you that I was not sure of myself。 That is why I went away。〃

〃You went away to make sure of yourself; and now you return to make sure of her?〃

〃Ah; if I could but think that! If I could only be as sure of her as I am of myself。 But what am I that I should dare to hope? Oh; she is above all womankinda crown of girlhood! What am I that I should ask to wear this crown of girlhood?〃

〃You are a king of men; Bertie。 Only for the king of men is such a crown。〃

She laughed as she stood looking at him as she leaned against the half open door of the window; one hand being on the framework above her head。

〃Ella; you know her!〃 he cried; facing her。 She began to swing gently to the extent of an inch or two; still leaning on the edge of the hinged window。 She was looking at him through half…closed; curious eyes。 〃Ella; you know hershe has always been your friend; tell me if I should speak to her or if I should go back to the work that I have begun in New Guinea。〃

〃Would you be guided by me; Bertie?〃 she asked; suddenly ceasing her movement with the window and going very close to him indeedso close that he could feel the gracious warmth of her face and bare neck and shoulders。 〃Would you be guided by me; I wonder?〃

〃Have I not been guided by you up to the present; Ella?〃 said he。 〃Should I be here to…night if it were not for your goodness? I laughed some time agohow long ago it seems!when you told meyou said it was your dearest wishI did not then believe it possible〃

〃And do you fancy that I believed it possible?

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