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phyllis of philistia-第41章

小说: phyllis of philistia 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Yes; it has its meaning。 You think that it may be safely applied to the wearing of an effective toilet。 I wonder if you would think of applying it to the words you said to me on the last evening I was here?〃

It was in a very low tone; and after a long pause; that she said:

〃I hope if what I told you Mrs。 Haddon said was an inspiration; it was a good one。 I felt that I must tell you; Mr。 Courtland; though I fear that I gave you some paingreat pain。 I know what it is to be reminded of an irreparable loss。〃

〃Painpain?〃 said he。 Then he raised his eyes to hers。 〃I wonder if you will ever know what effect your words had upon me; Miss Ayrton?〃 he added。 〃I don't suppose that you will ever know; but I tell you that it would be impossible for me ever to cease to think of you as my good angel。〃

She flushed slightly; very slightly; before saying:

〃How odd that Ella should call me her good angel; too; on that same night!〃

〃And she spoke the truth; if ever truth was spoken;〃 he cried。

Her face was very serious as she said:

〃Of course I don't understand anything of this; Mr。 Courtland。〃

〃No;〃 he said; 〃it would be impossible for you to understand anything of it。 It would be impossible for you to understand how I feel toward youhow I have felt toward you since you spoke those words in this room; those words that came to me as the light from heaven came to Saul of Tarsus; words of salvation。 Believe me; I shall never forget them。〃

〃I am so glad;〃 said she。 〃I am glad; though; as I say; I understand nothing。〃

Then there had been a long interval of silence before she had asked him something further regarding the yachting party。

And now she was lying on her bed trying to recall every word that he had spoken; and with a dread over her that what he had said would bear out that terrible suspicion which she had prayed to God to forgive her for entertaining on that night when Ella had gone home with her husband。

No rumor had reached her ears regarding the closeness of the intimacy existing between Mr。 Courtland and Mrs。 Linton; and thus it was that when that suspicion had come upon her; after Ella had left her; she felt that she was guilty of something akin to a crimea horrible breach of friendship; only to be expiated by tears and prayers。

That terrible thought had been borne upon her as a suggestion to account for much that she could not understand in the words and the behavior of Ella during that remarkable evening; and; in spite of her remorse and her prayers; she could not rid herself of it。 It left its impression upon her mind; upon her heart。 Hitherto she had only heard about the way an unlawful passion sweeps over two people; causing them to fling to the winds all considerations of home; of husband; of religion; of honor; and she felt it to be very terrible to be brought face to face with such a power; it seemed to her as terrible as to be brought face to face with that personal Satan in whom she believed。

It only required such a hint as that which had come from George Holland to set her smoldering suspicionsuspicion of a suspicionin a flame。 It had flamed up before him in those words which she had spoken to him。 If Ella were guilty; he; George Holland; was to be held responsible for her guilt。

But Ella was not guilty; Herbert Courtland was not guilty。

〃No; no; no!〃 she cried; in the solitude of her chamber。 〃She did not talk as a guilty woman would talk; and hehe went straight out of the room where I had told him what Mrs。 Haddon said about his mother; his sisterstraight aboard the yacht; and she〃

All at once the truth flashed upon her; the truthshe felt that it was the truth; and both of them were guiltless。 It was for Herbert Courtland that Ella had put on that lovely dress; but she was guiltless; he was guiltless。 (Curiously enough; she felt quite as happy in the thought that he was guiltless。) Yes; Ella had come to her wearing that dress instead of waiting for him; and he Ah; she now knew what he had meant when he had called her his good angel。 She had saved him。

She flung herself on her knees in a passion of thanksgiving to God for having made her the means of saving a soul from hellyes; for the time being。

And then she began to think what she should do in order that that soul should be saved forever。

It was time for her to dress for dinner before she had finished working out that great question; possibly the greatest question that ever engrossed the attention of a young woman: how to save the soul of a man; not temporarily; but eternally。

And all the time that she was in her room alone she had not a single thought regarding the scene through which she had passed with the Rev。 George Holland。 She had utterly forgotten him and his wickednesshis vain sophistries。 She had forgotten all that he had said to herhis monstrous calumny leveled against her dearest friend; she even forgot her unjust treatment of George Holland and her rudenessher unparalleled rudeness toward him。 She was thinking over something very much more important。 What was a question of mere etiquette compared to the question of saving a man's soul alive?

But when she dined opposite to her father it was to the visit of George Holland she referred rather than to the visit of Herbert Courtland。

〃What had George Holland got to say that was calculated to interest you?〃 her father inquired。 The peaches were on the table and the servant had; of course; left the room。

〃He had nothing to say of interest to me;〃 she replied。

〃Nothing; except; of course; that his respectful aspiration to marry you〃 suggested Mr。 Ayrton。

〃You need not put the 'except' before that; my papa;〃 said she。

〃And yet I have for some years been under the impression that even when a man whom she recoils from marrying talks to a young woman about his aspirations in the direction of marriage; she is more interested than she would be when the man whom she wishes to marry talks on some other topic。〃

〃At any rate; George Holland didn't interest me so long as he talked of his aspirations。 Then he talked ofwell; of something else; and I'm afraid that I was rude to him。 I don't think that he will come here again。 I know that I shall never go to St。 Chad's again。〃

〃Heavens above! This is a pretty story to tell a father。 How were you rude to him? I should like to have a story of your rudeness; merely to hold up against you for a future emergency。〃

〃I pointed to the door in the attitude of the heroine of one of the old plays; and when he didn't leave at once; I left the room。〃

〃You mean to say that you left him standing in the middle of the room while you went away?〃

〃I told you that I was rude。〃

〃Rude; yes; but it's one thing to omit to leave cards upon a hostess; and quite another to stare her in the face when she bows to you in the street。 It's one thing to omit sending a man a piece of your bridescake; and quite another to knock off his hat in the street。 Rude; oh; my dear Phyllis!〃

〃If you knew what he said aboutabout someone whom I loveif you knew how angry I was; you would not say that I acted so atrociously; after all。〃

〃Oh! Did he say something more about Ruth?〃

〃He said too muchfar too much; I cannot tell you。 If any other man said so much I would treat him in the same way。 You must not ask me anything further; please。〃

〃Rude and unrepentant; shocking and not ashamed。 This is terrible。 But perhaps it's better that you should be rude when you're young and beautiful; later on; when you're no longer young; it will not be permitted in you。 I'll question you no further。 Only how about Sunday?〃

〃I have promised Ella to go with her party to The Mooring for a week。〃

〃That will get over the matter of the church; but only for one Sunday。 How about the next Sundaysuntil the prorogation? Now; don't say the obvious 'sufficient unto the Sunday is the sermon thereof。' 〃

〃I certainly will not。 I have done forever with St。 Chad's; unless the bishop interferes and we get a new rector。〃

〃Then that's settled。 And so we can drink our coffee in the drawing room with easy minds。 Rude! Great Heavens!〃



She had prayed to God that he might be ke

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