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phyllis of philistia-第29章

小说: phyllis of philistia 字数: 每页4000字

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Her heart felt for him。 Surely the sweetest reward that can come to a man who has toiled and fought and conquered was denied to the man who had just parted from her。 He had toiled and conquered; but not for him was the joy of seeing pride on the face of those who claimed him as their kin。 His father had been killed when he had charged with a brigade through the lines of a stubborn enemyeveryone knew the story。 His mother and sister had died when he was beginning to make a name for himself。 He had gone forth from the loneliness of his home to the loneliness of the tropical forest; and he had returned to the loneliness of London。

She felt that she had done well to repeat to him the words of his mother's friend。 Those words had affected him deeply。 They could not but be a source of comfort to him when he was overwhelmed with the thought of his loneliness。 They would make him feel that his position was understood by some people who were able to think of him apart from the great work which he had accomplished。

Thus the maiden sat musing in the silent room after she had dried her tears of pity for the man who an hour before had sauntered up to her door thinking; not of the melancholy isolation of his position in the world; but simply that two hours of the longest day of his life must pass before he could kiss the lips of the woman who had given herself up to him。

Her maid found her still seated on the sofa; and ventured to remind her that time was fugitive; and that if mademoiselle still retained her intention of going to Lady Earlscourt's dinner party;Lady Earlscourt was giving a dinner party apparently for the purpose of celebrating her husband's departure for a cruise in Norwegian fjords in his yacht;it would be absolutely necessary for mademoiselle to permit herself to be dressed without delay。

Phyllis sprang up with a little laugh that sounded like a large sigh; and said if Fidele would have the kindness to switch on the lights in the dressing room; she would not be kept waiting a moment。

The maid hurried upstairs; and mademoiselle repaired to an apartment where she could remove; so far as was possible; the footmarks left by those tears which she had shed when she had reflected upon the loneliness to which Mr。 Herbert Courtland was doomed for (probably) the remainder of his life。

Mademoiselle had a dread of the acuteness of vision with which her maid was endowed。 She was not altogether sure that Fidele would be capable of understanding the emotion that had forced those tears to her eyes。

But that was just where she was wrong。 Fidele was capable of understanding that particular emotion a good deal better than mademoiselle understood it。



When Lord Earlscourt was at home the only two topics that were debarred from the dinner table were religion and politics; but when Lord Earlscourt was absent these were the only two topics admitted at the dinner table。 Lady Earlscourt had views; well…defined; clearly outlined; on both religion and politics; and she greatly regretted that there still remained some people in the world who held other views on both subjects; it was very sadfor them; and she felt that it was clearly her duty to endeavor by all the legitimate means in her powersay; dinner parties for eightto reduce the number of these persons。 It was rumored that in the country she had shown herself ready to effect her excellent object by illegitimate meanssay; jelly and flannel petticoatsas well。

She wore distinctly evangelical boots; though; in the absence of her husband; she had expressed her willingness to discuss the advantages of the confessional。 She had; however; declined; in the presence of her husband; to entertain the dogma of infallibility: though she admitted that the cardinals were showy; she would have liked one about her house; say; as a footman。 She thought there was a great deal in Buddhism (she had read 〃The Light of Asia〃 nearly through); and she believed that the Rev。 George Holland had been badly treated by Phyllis Ayrton。 She admitted having been young onceonly once; but no one seemed to remember it against her; so she was obliged to talk about it herself; which she did with the lightness of a serious woman of thirty…two。 When a man had assured her that she was still handsome; she had shaken her head deprecatingly; and had ignored his existence ever after。 She had her doubts regarding the justice of eternal punishment for temporary lapses in the West End; but she sympathized with the missionary who said: 〃Thank God we have still got our hell in the East End。〃 She knew that all men are alike in the sight of Heaven; but she thought that the licensing justices should be more particular。

She believed that there were some good men。

She had more than once talked seriously to Phyllis on the subject of George Holland。 Of course; George Holland had been indiscreet; the views expressed in his book had shocked his best friends; but think how famous that book had made him; in spite of the publication of Mr。 Courtland's 〃Quest of the Meteor…Bird。〃 Was Phyllis not acting unkindly; not to say indiscreetly; in throwing over a man who; it was rumored; was about to start a new religion? She herself; Lady Earlscourt admitted; had been very angry with George Holland for writing something that the newspapers found it to their advantage to abuse so heartily; and Lord Earlscourt; being a singularly sensitive man; had been greatly worried by the comments which had been passed upon his discrimination in intrusting to a clergyman who could bring himself to write 〃Revised Versions〃 a cure of such important souls as were to be found at St。 Chad's。 He had; in fact; been so harassedhe was a singularly sensitive manthat he had found it absolutely necessary to run across to Paris from time to time for a change of scene。 (This was perfectly true。 Lord Earlscourt had gone more than once to Paris for a change of scene; and had found it; Lady Earlscourt was thirty…two; and wore evangelical boots。) But; of course; since George Holland's enterprise had turned out so well socially; people who entertained could not be hard on him。 There was the new religion to be counted upon。 It was just as likely as not that he would actually start a new religion; and you can't be hard upon a man who starts a new religion。 There was Buddha; for instance;that was a long time ago; to be sure; but still there he was; the most important factor to be considered in attempting to solve the great question of the reconcilement of the religions of the East;Buddha; and Wesley; and Edward Irving; and Confucius; and General Booth; if you took them all seriously where would you be?

〃Oh; no; my dear Phyllis!〃 continued Lady Earlscourt; 〃you must not persist in your ill…treatment of Mr。 Holland。 If you do he may marry someone else。〃

Phyllis shook her head。

〃I hope he will; indeed;〃 said she。 〃He certainly will never marry me。〃

〃Do not be obdurate;〃 said Lady Earlscourt。 〃He may not really believe in all that he put into that book。〃

〃Then there is no excuse for his publishing it;〃 said Phyllis promptly。

〃But if he doesn't actually hold the views which he has formulated in that book; you cannot consistently reject him on the plea that he is not quitewell; not quite what you and I call orthodox。〃

This contention was too plain to be combated by the girl。 She did not for a moment see her way out of the amazing logic of the lady。 Quite a minute had passed before she said:

〃If he propounds such views without having a firm conviction that they are true; he has acted a contemptible part; Lady Earlscourt。 I think far too highly of him to entertain for a single moment the idea that he is not sincere。〃

〃But if you believe that he is sincere; why should you say that you will not marry him?〃

〃I would not marry an atheist; however sincere he might be。〃

〃An atheist! But Mr。 Holland is not an atheist; on the contrary; he actually believes that there are two Gods; one worshiped of the Jews long ago; the other by us nowadays。 An atheist! Oh; no!〃

〃I'm afraid that I can't explain to you; dear Lady Earlscourt。〃

Once more Phyllis shook her head with some degree of sadness。 She felt that i

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