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medical essays-第9章

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 about their persons; and delighted in bringing them into general use。  To what extent the Tractors were favored with the patronage of English and American ladies; it is of course not easy to say; except on general principles; as their names were not brought before the public。  But one of Dr。 Haygarth's stories may lead us to conjecture that there was a class of female practitioners who went about doing good with the Tractors in England as well as in Denmark。  A certain lady had the misfortune to have a spot as big as a silver penny at the corner of her eye; caused by a bruise; or some such injury。  Another lady; who was a friend of hers; and a strong believer in Perkinism; was very anxious to try the effects of tractoration upon this unfortunate blemish。  The patient consented; the lady 〃produced the instruments; and; after drawing them four or five times over the spot; declared that it changed to a paler color; and on repeating the use of them a few minutes longer; that it had almost vanished; and was scarcely visible; and departed in high triumph at her success。〃  The lady who underwent the operation assured the narrator 〃that she looked in the glass immediately after; and that not the least visible alteration had taken place。〃

It would be a very interesting question; what was the intellectual character of those persons most conspicuous in behalf of the Perkinistic delusion?  Such an inquiry might bring to light some principles which we could hereafter apply to the study of other popular errors。  But the obscurity into which nearly all these enthusiasts have subsided renders the question easier to ask than to answer。  I believe it would have been found that most of these persons were of ardent temperament and of considerable imagination; and that their history would show that Perkinism was not the first nor the last hobby…horse they rode furiously。  Many of them may very probably have been persons of more than common talent; of active and ingenious minds; of versatile powers and various acquirements。  Such; for instance; was the estimable man to whom I have repeatedly referred as a warm defender of tractoration; and a bitter assailant of its enemies。  The story tells itself in the biographical preface to his poem。  He went to London with the view of introducing a hydraulic machine; which he and his Vermont friends regarded as a very important invention。  He found; however; that the machine was already in common use in that metropolis。  A brother Yankee; then in London; had started the project of a mill; which was to be carried by the water of the Thames。  He was sanguine enough to purchase one fifth of this concern; which also proved a failure。  At about the same period he wrote the work which proved the great excitement of his mind upon the subject of the transient folly then before the public。  Originally a lawyer; he was in succession a mechanician; a poet; and an editor; meeting with far less success in each of these departments than usually attends men of less varied gifts; but of more tranquil and phlegmatic composition。  But who is ignorant that there is a class of minds characterized by qualities like those I have mentioned; minds with many bright and even beautiful traits; but aimless and fickle as the butterfly; that settle upon every gayly… colored illusion as it opens into flower; and flutter away to another when the first has dropped its leaves; and stands naked in the icy air of truth!

Let us now look at the general tenor of the arguments addressed by believers to sceptics and opponents。  Foremost of all; emblazoned at the head of every column; loudest shouted by every triumphant disputant; held up as paramount to all other considerations; stretched like an impenetrable shield to protect the weakest advocate of the great cause against the weapons of the adversary; was that omnipotent monosyllable which has been the patrimony of cheats and the currency of dupes from time immemorial;Facts! Facts ! Facts! First came the published cases of the American clergymen; brigadier… generals; almshouse governors; representatives; attorneys; and esquires。  Then came the published cases of the surgeons of Copenhagen。  Then followed reports of about one hundred and fifty cases published in England; 〃demonstrating the efficacy of the metallic practice in a variety of complaints both upon the human body and on horses; etc。〃  But the progress of facts in Great Britain did not stop here。  Let those who rely upon the numbers of their testimonials; as being alone sufficient to prove the soundness and stability of a medical novelty; digest the following from the report of the Perkinistic Committee。  〃The cases published 'in Great Britain' amounted; in March last; the date of Mr。 Perkins's last publication; to about five thousand。  Supposing that not more than one cure in three hundred which the Tractors have performed has been published; and the proportion is probably much greater; it will be seen that the number; to March last; will have exceeded one million five hundred thousand!〃

Next in order after the appeal to what were called facts; came a series of arguments; which have been so long bruised and battered

round in the cause of every doctrine or pretension; new; monstrous; or deliriously impossible; that each of them is as odiously familiar to the scientific scholar as the faces of so many old acquaintances; among the less reputable classes; to the officers of police。

No doubt many of my hearers will recognize; in the following passages; arguments they may have heard brought forward with triumphant confidence in behalf of some doctrine not yet extinct。  No doubt some may have honestly thought they proved something; may have used them with the purpose of convincing their friends; or of silencing the opponents of their favorite doctrine; whatever that might be。  But any train of arguments which was contrived for Perkinism; which was just as applicable to it as to any other new doctrine in the same branch of science; and which was fully employed against its adversaries forty years since; might; in common charity; be suffered to slumber in the grave of Perkinism。  Whether or not the following sentences; taken literally from the work of Mr。 Perkins; were the originals of some of the idle propositions we hear bandied about from time to time; let those who listen judge。

The following is the test assumed for the new practice : 〃If diseases are really removed; as those persons who have practised extensively with the Tractors declare; it should seem there would be but little doubt of their being generally adopted; but if the numerous reports of their efficacy which have been published are forgeries; or are unfounded; the practice ought to be crushed。〃  To this I merely add; it has been crushed。

The following sentence applies to that a priori judging and uncandid class of individuals who buy their dinners without tasting all the food there is in the market。  〃On all discoveries there are persons who; without descending to any inquiry into the truth; pretend to know; as it were by intuition; that newly asserted facts are founded in the grossest errors。  These were those who knew that Harvey's report of the circulation of the blood was a preposterous and ridiculous suggestion; and in latter later days there were others who knew that Franklin deserved reproach for declaring that points were preferable to balls for protecting buildings from lightning。〃

Again: 〃This unwarrantable mode of offering assertion for proof; so unauthorized and even unprecedented except in the condemnation of a Galileo; the persecution of a Copernicus; and a few other acts of inquisitorial authority; in the times of ignorance and superstition; affords but a lamentable instance of one of his remarks; that this is far from being the Age of Reason。〃

〃The most valuable medicines in the Materia Medica act on principles of which we are totally ignorant。  None have ever yet been able to explain how opium produces sleep; or how bark cures intermittent fevers; and yet few; it is hoped; will be so absurd as to desist from the use of these important articles because they know nothing of the principle of their operations。〃  Or if the argument is preferred; in t

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