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medical essays-第89章

小说: medical essays 字数: 每页4000字

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strict regard to those laws; threatens the welfare; if not the existence of institutions for medical instruction wherever it is not held in check by enlightened intelligence。  And on the other hand the profession has just been startled by a verdict against a physician; ruinous in its amount;enough to drive many a hard… working young practitioner out of house and home;a verdict which leads to the fear that suits for malpractice may take the place of the panel game and child…stealing as a means of extorting money。  If the profession in this State; which claims a high standard of civilization; is to be crushed and ground beneath the upper millstone of the dearth of educational advantages and the lower millstone of ruinous penalties for what the ignorant ignorantly shall decide to be ignorance; all I can say is

God save the Commonhealth of Massachusetts!

Once more; we cannot fail to see that just as astrology has given place to astronomy; so theology; the science of Him whom by searching no man can find out; is fast being replaced by what we may not improperly call theonomy; or the science of the laws according to which the Creator acts。  And since these laws find their fullest manifestations for us; at least; in rational human natures; the study of anthropology is largely replacing that of scholastic divinity。  We must contemplate our Maker indirectly in human attributes as we talk of Him in human parts of speech。  And this gives a sacredness to the study of man in his physical; mental; moral; social; and religious nature which elevates the faithful students of anthropology to the dignity of a priesthood; and sheds a holy light on the recorded results of their labors; brought together as they are in such a collection as this which is now spread out before us。

Thus; then; our library is a temple as truly as the dome…crowned cathedral hallowed by the breath of prayer and praise; where the dead repose and the living worship。  May it; with all its treasures; be consecrated like that to the glory of God; through the contributions it shall make to the advancement of sound knowledge; to the relief of human suffering; to the promotion of harmonious relations between the members of the two noble professions which deal with the diseases of the soul and with those of the body; and to the common cause in which all good men are working; the furtherance of the well…being of their fellow…creatures!

NOTE。As an illustration of the statement in the last paragraph but one; I take the following notice from the 〃Boston Daily Advertiser;〃 of December 4th; the day after the delivery of the address: 〃Prince Lucien Bonaparte is now living in London; and is devoting himself to the work of collecting the creeds of all religions and sects; with a view to their classification;his object being simply scientific or anthropological。〃

Since delivering the address; also; I find a leading article in the 〃Cincinnati Lancet and Clinic〃 of November 30th; headed 〃The Decadence of Homoeopathy;〃 abundantly illustrated by extracts from the 〃Homoeopathic Times;〃 the leading American organ of that sect。

In the New York 〃Medical Record〃 of the same date; which I had not seen before the delivery of my address; is an account of the action of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Northern New York; in which Hahnemann's theory of 〃dynamization〃 is characterized in a formal resolve as 〃unworthy the confidence of the Homoeopathic profession。〃

It will be a disappointment to the German Homoeopathists to read in the 〃Homoeopathic Times〃 such a statement as the following: 〃Whatever the influences have been which have checked the outward development of Homoeopathy; it is plainly evident that the Homoeopathic school; as regards the number of its openly avowed representatives; has attained its majority; and has begun to decline both in this country and in England。〃

All which is an additional reason for making a collection of the incredibly curious literature of Homoeopathy before that pseudological inanity has faded out like so many other delusions。


'A Farewell Address to the Medical School of Harvard University; November 28; 1882。'

I had intended that the recitation of Friday last should be followed by a few parting words to my class and any friends who might happen to be in the lecture…room。  But I learned on the preceding evening that there was an expectation; a desire; that my farewell should take a somewhat different form; and not to disappoint the wishes of those whom I was anxious to gratify; I made up my mind to appear before you with such hasty preparation as the scanty time admitted。

There are three occasions upon which a human being has a right to consider himself as a centre of interest to those about him: when he is christened; when he is married; and when he is buried。  Every one is the chief personage; the hero; of his own baptism; his own wedding; and his own funeral。

There are other occasions; less momentous; in which one may make more of himself than under ordinary circumstances he would think it proper to do; when he may talk about himself; and tell his own experiences; in fact; indulge in a more or less egotistic monologue without fear or reproach。

I think I may claim that this is one of those occasions。  I have delivered my last anatomical lecture and heard my class recite for the last time。  They wish to hear from me again in a less scholastic mood than that in which they have known me。  Will you not indulge me in telling you something of my own story?

This is the thirty…sixth Course of Lectures in which I have taken my place and performed my duties as Professor of Anatomy。  For more than half of my term of office I gave instruction in Physiology; after the fashion of my predecessors and in the manner then generally prevalent in our schools; where the physiological laboratory was not a necessary part of the apparatus of instruction。  It was with my hearty approval that the teaching of Physiology was constituted a separate department and made an independent Professorship。  Before my time; Dr。 Warren had taught Anatomy; Physiology; and Surgery in the same course of Lectures; lasting only three or four months。  As the boundaries of science are enlarged; new divisions and subdivisions of its territories become necessary。  In the place of six Professors in 1847; when I first became a member of the Faculty; I count twelve upon the Catalogue before me; and I find the whole number engaged in the work of instruction in the Medical School amounts to no less than fifty。

Since I began teaching in this school; the aspect of many branches of science has undergone a very remarkable transformation。  Chemistry and Physiology are no longer what they were; as taught by the instructors of that time。  We are looking forward to the synthesis of new organic compounds; our artificial madder is already in the market; and the indigo…raisers are now fearing that their crop will be supplanted by the manufactured article。  In the living body we talk of fuel supplied and work done; in movement; in heat; just as if we were dealing with a machine of our own contrivance。

A physiological laboratory of to…day is equipped with instruments of research of such ingenious contrivance; such elaborate construction; that one might suppose himself in a workshop where some exquisite fabric was to be wrought; such as Queens love to wear; and Kings do not always love to pay for。  They are; indeed; weaving a charmed web; for these are the looms from which comes the knowledge that clothes the nakedness of the intellect。  Here are the mills that grind food for its hunger; and 〃is not the life more than meat; and the body than raiment?〃

But while many of the sciences have so changed that the teachers of the past would hardly know them; it has not been so with the branch I teach; or; rather; with that division of it which is chiefly taught in this amphitheatre。  General anatomy; or histology; on the other hand; is almost all new; it has grown up; mainly; since I began my medical studies。  I never saw a compound microscope during my years of study in Paris。  Individuals had begun to use the instrument; but I never heard it alluded to by e

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