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medical essays-第8章

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 them。  The silver rims alone will sell for double the money。〃

But it is an undeniable fact; that many persons of considerable standing; and in some instances holding the most elevated positions in society; openly patronized the new practice。  In a translation of a work entitled 〃Experiments with the Metallic Tractors;〃 originally published in Danish; thence rendered successively into German and English; Mr。 Benjamin Perkins; who edited the English edition; has given a copious enumeration of the distinguished individuals; both in America and Europe; whose patronage he enjoyed。  He goes so far as to signify that ROYALTY itself was to be included among the number。 When the Perkinean Institution was founded; no less a person than Lord Rivers was elected President; and eleven other individuals of distinction; among them Governor Franklin; son of Dr。 Franklin; figured as Vice…Presidents。  Lord Henniker; a member of the Royal Society; who is spoken of as a man of judgment and talents; condescended to patronize the astonishing discovery; and at different times bought three pairs of Tractors。  When the Tractors were introduced into Europe; a large number of testimonials accompanied them from various distinguished characters in America; the list of whom is given in the translation of the Danish work referred to as follows:

〃Those who have individually stated cases; or who have presented their names to the public as men who approved of this remedy; and acknowledged themselves instrumental in circulating the Tractors; are fifty…six in number; thirty…four of whom are physicians and surgeons; and many of them of the first eminence; thirteen clergymen; most of whom are doctors of divinity; and connected with the literary institutions of America; among the remainder are two members of Congress; one professor of natural philosophy in a college; etc。; etc。〃  It seemed to be taken rather hardly by Mr。 Perkins that the translators of the work which he edited; in citing the names of the advocates of the Metallic Practice; frequently omitted the honorary titles which should have been annexed。  The testimonials were obtained by the Danish writer; from a pamphlet published in America; in which these titles were given in full。  Thus one of these testimonials is from 〃 John Tyler; Esq。; a magistrate in the county of New London; and late Brigadier…General of the militia in that State。〃  The 〃omission of the General's title〃 is the subject of complaint; as if this title were sufficient evidence of the commanding powers of one of the patrons of tractoration。  A similar complaint is made when 〃Calvin Goddard; Esq。; of Plainfield; Attorney at Law; and a member of the Legislature of the State of Connecticut;〃 is mentioned without his titular honors; and even on account of the omission of the proper official titles belonging to 〃Nathan Pierce; Esq。; Governor and Manager of the Almshouse of Newburyport。〃  These instances show the great importance to be attached to civil and military dignities; in qualifying their holders to judge of scientific subjects; a truth which has not been overlooked by the legitimate successors of the Perkinists。  In Great Britain; the Tractors were not less honored than in America; by the learned and the illustrious。  The 〃Perkinistic Committee〃 made this statement in their report: 〃Mr。 Perkins has annually laid before the public a large collection of new cases communicated to him for that purpose by disinterested and intelligent characters; from almost every quarter of Great Britain。  In regard to the competency of these vouchers; it will be sufficient simply to state that; amongst others whose names have been attached to their communications; are eight professors; in four different universities; twenty…one regular Physicians; nineteen Surgeons; thirty Clergymen; twelve of whom are Doctors of Divinity; and numerous other characters of equal respectability。〃

It cannot but excite our notice and surprise that the number of clergymen both in America and Great Britain who thrust forward their evidence on this medical topic was singularly large in proportion to that of the members of the medical profession。  Whole pages are contributed by such worthies as the Rev。 Dr。 Trotter of Hans Place; the Rear。  Waring Willett; Chaplain to the Earl of Dunmore; the Rev。 Dr。 Clarke; Chaplain to the Prince of Wales。  The style of these theologico…medical communications may be seen in the following from a divine who was also professor in one of the colleges of New England。 〃I have used the Tractors with success in several other cases in my own family; and although; like Naaman the Syrian; I cannot tell why the waters of Jordan should be better than Abana and Pharpar; rivers of Damascus; yet since experience has proved them so; no reasoning can change the opinion。  Indeed; the causes of all common facts are; we think; perfectly well known to us; and it is very probable; fifty or a hundred years hence; we shall as well know why the Metallic Tractors should in a few minutes remove violent pains; as we now know why cantharides and opium will produce opposite effects; namely; we shall know very little about either excepting facts。〃  Fifty or a hundred years hence! if he could have looked forward forty years; he would have seen the descendants of the 〃Perkinistic〃 philosophers swallowing infinitesimal globules; and knowing and caring as much about the Tractors as the people at Saratoga Springs do about the waters of Abana and Pharpar。

I trust it will not be thought in any degree disrespectful to a profession which we all honor; that I have mentioned the great zeal of many clergymen in the cause of Perkinism。  I hope; too; that I may without offence suggest the causes which have often led them out of their own province into one to which their education has no special reference。  The members of that profession ought to be; and commonly are; persons of benevolent character。  Their duties carry them into the midst of families; and particularly at times when the members of them are suffering from bodily illness。  It is natural enough that a strong desire should be excited to alleviate sufferings which may have defied the efforts of professional skill; as natural that any remedy which recommends itself to the belief or the fancy of the spiritual physician should be applied with the hope of benefit; and perfectly certain that the weakness of human nature; from which no profession is exempt; will lead him to take the most flattering view of its effects upon the patient; his own sagacity and judgment being staked upon the success of the trial。  The inventor of the Tractors was aware of these truths。  He therefore sent the Tractors gratuitously to many clergymen; accompanied with a formal certificate that the holder had become entitled to their possession by the payment of five guineas。  This was practised in our own neighborhood; and I remember finding one of these certificates; so presented; which proved that amongst the risks of infancy I had to encounter Perkins's Tractors。  Two clergymen of Boston and the vicinity; both well known to local fame; gave in their testimony to the value of the instruments thus presented to them; an unusually moderate proportion; when it is remembered that to the common motives of which I have spoken was added the seduction of a gift for which the profane public was expected to pay so largely。

It was remarkable; also; that Perkinism; which had so little success with the medical and scientific part of the community; found great favor in the eyes of its more lovely and less obstinate portion。 〃The lady of Major Oxholin;〃I quote from Mr。 Perkins's volume; 〃having been lately in America; had seen and heard much of the great effects of Perkinism。  Influenced by a most benevolent disposition; she brought these Tractors and the pamphlet with her to Europe; with a laudable desire of extending their utility to her suffering countrymen。〃  Such was the channel by which the Tractors were conveyed to Denmark; where they soon became the ruling passion。 The workmen; says a French writer; could not manufacture them fast enough。  Women carried them about their persons; and delighted in bringing them into general use。  To what extent the Tractors 

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