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medical essays-第18章

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We must look for facts as to the actual working of Homoeopathy to three sources。

1。  The statements of the unprofessional public。

2。  The assertions of Homoeopathic practitioners。

3。  The results of trials by competent and honest physicians; not pledged to the system。

I think; after what we have seen of medical facts; as they are represented by incompetent persons; we are disposed to attribute little value to all statements of wonderful cures; coming from those who have never been accustomed to watch the caprices of disease; and have not cooled down their young enthusiasm by the habit of tranquil observation。  Those who know nothing of the natural progress of a malady; of its ordinary duration; of its various modes of terminating; of its liability to accidental complications; of the signs which mark its insignificance or severity; of what is to be expected of it when left to itself; of how much or how little is to be anticipated from remedies; those who know nothing or next to nothing of all these things; and who are in a great state of excitement from benevolence; sympathy; or zeal for a new medical discovery; can hardly be expected to be sound judges of facts which have misled so many sagacious men; who have spent their lives in the daily study and observation of them。  I believe that; after having drawn the portrait of defunct Perkinism; with its five thousand printed cures; and its million and a half computed ones; its miracles blazoned about through America; Denmark; and England; after relating that forty years ago women carried the Tractors about in their pockets; and workmen could not make them fast enough for the public demand; and then showing you; as a curiosity; a single one of these instruments; an odd one of a pair; which I obtained only by a lucky accident; so utterly lost is the memory of all their wonderful achievements; I believe; after all this; I need not waste time in showing that medical accuracy is not to be looked for in the florid reports of benevolent associations; the assertions of illustrious patrons; the lax effusions of daily journals; or the effervescent gossip of the tea…table。

Dr。 Hering; whose name is somewhat familiar to the champions of Homoeopathy; has said that 〃the new healing art is not to be judged by its success in isolated cases only; but according to its success in general; its innate truth; and the incontrovertible nature of its innate principles。〃

We have seen something of 〃the incontrovertible nature of its innate principles;〃 and it seems probable; on the whole; that its success in general must be made up of its success in isolated cases。  Some attempts have been made; however; to finish the whole matter by sweeping statistical documents; which are intended to prove its triumphant success over the common practice。

It is well known to those who have had the good fortune to see the 〃Homoeopathic Examiner;〃 that this journal led off; in its first number; with a grand display of everything the newly imported doctrine had to show for itself。  It is well remarked; on the twenty… third page of this article; that 〃the comparison of bills of mortality among an equal number of sick; treated by divers methods; is a most poor and lame way to get at conclusions touching principles of the healing art。〃  In confirmation of which; the author proceeds upon the twenty…fifth page to prove the superiority of the Homoeopathic treatment of cholera; by precisely these very bills of mortality。  Now; every intelligent physician is aware that the poison of cholera differed so much in its activity at different times and; places; that it was next to impossible to form any opinion as to the results of treatment; unless every precaution was taken to secure the most perfectly corresponding conditions in the patients treated; and hardly even then。  Of course; then; a Russian Admiral; by the name of Mordvinov; backed by a number of so…called physicians practising in Russian villages; is singularly competent to the task of settling the whole question of the utility of this or that kind of treatment; to prove that; if not more than eight and a half per cent。 of those attacked with the disease perished; the rest owed their immunity to Hahnemann。  I can remember when more than a hundred patients in a public institution were attacked with what; I doubt not; many Homoeopathic physicians (to say nothing of Homoeopathic admirals) would have called cholera; and not one of them died; though treated in the common way; and it is my firm belief that; if such a result had followed the administration of the omnipotent globules; it would have been in the mouth of every adept in Europe; from Quin of London to Spohr of Gandersheim。  No longer ago than yesterday; in one of the most widely circulated papers of this city; there was published an assertion that the mortality in several Homoeopathic Hospitals was not quite five in a hundred; whereas; in what are called by the writer Allopathic Hospitals; it is said to be eleven in a hundred。 An honest man should be ashamed of such an argumentum ad ignorantiam。 The mortality of a hospital depends not merely on the treatment of the patients; but on the class of diseases it is in the habit of receiving; on the place where it is; on the season; and many other circumstances。  For instance; there are many hospitals in the great cities of Europe that receive few diseases of a nature to endanger life; and; on the other hand; there are others where dangerous diseases are accumulated out of the common proportion。  Thus; in the wards of Louis; at the Hospital of La Pitie; a vast number of patients in the last stages of consumption were constantly entering; to swell the mortality of that hospital。  It was because he was known to pay particular attention to the diseases of the chest that patients laboring under those fatal affections to an incurable extent were so constantly coming in upon him。  It is always a miserable appeal to the thoughtlessness of the vulgar; to allege the naked fact of the less comparative mortality in the practice of one hospital or of one physician than another; as an evidence of the superiority of their treatment。  Other things being equal; it must always be expected that those institutions and individuals enjoying to the highest degree the confidence of the community will lose the largest proportion of their patients; for the simple reason that they will naturally be looked to by those suffering from the gravest class of diseases; that many; who know that they are affected with mortal disease; will choose to die under their care or shelter; while the subjects of trifling maladies; and merely troublesome symptoms; amuse themselves to any extent among the fancy practitioners。  When; therefore; Dr。 Mublenbein; as stated in the 〃Homoeopathic Examiner;〃 and quoted in yesterday's 〃Daily Advertiser;〃 asserts that the mortality among his patients is only one per cent。 since he has practised Homoeopathy; whereas it was six per cent。 when he employed the common mode of practice; I am convinced by this; his own statement; that the citizens of Brunswick; whenever they are seriously sick; take good care not to send for Dr。 Muhlenbein!

It is evidently impossible that I should attempt; within the compass of a single lecture; any detailed examination of the very numerous cases reported in the Homoeopathic Treatises and Journals。  Having been in the habit of receiving the French 〃Archives of Homoeopathic Medicine〃 until the premature decease of that Journal; I have had the opportunity of becoming acquainted somewhat with the style of these documents; and experiencing whatever degree of conviction they were calculated to produce。  Although of course I do not wish any value to be assumed for my opinion; such as it is; I consider that you are entitled to hear it。  So far; then; as I am acquainted with the general character of the cases reported by the Homoeopathic physicians; they would for the most part be considered as wholly undeserving a place in any English; French; or American periodical of high standing; if; instead of favoring the doctrine they were intended to support; they were brought forward to prove the efficacy of any common remedy administered by any common pr

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