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小说: stanislaus(圣·斯坦斯洛斯·科斯卡传) 字数: 每页4000字

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himself    such   lowly   tasks;   and  he   knew;   therefore;   that  he  was   really 


     Then he called the boy to him。 He said: 

     〃If I admit you into the Society here; your father may still annoy you。 

It is better you should go to Rome and become a novice there。 I shall give 

you a letter to the Father General; Francis Borgia。 In a few days two of 

ours are to go to Rome。 You can go with them。〃 

     Stanislaus was delighted。 He was come into quiet waters at last。 But 

Canisius spoke further: 

     〃First; however; you must get some decent clothes。 Your old tunic;〃 he 

said; with a twinkle in his eye; 〃might do well enough for a noble; but not 

for a future Jesuit。〃 

     So   the   college   tailor   made   Stanislaus   a   simple;   neat   suit   of   clothes。 

And   about   September   20th   he   set   out   for   Rome。   He   went   on   foot;   of 

course;   in   the   company   of   Jacopo   Levanzio;   a   Genoese;   and   Fabricius 

Reiner; of Li 間 e。 

     They struck south through Bavaria to the Tyrolese Alps。 By what pass 

they crossed the Alps we do not know。 But Stanislaus saw first from afar 

the white peaks; with their everlasting snows; shining in the sun。 Then he 

went up and up; into cooler and rarer air; where one's lungs expand and 

one's step is light and buoyant; but where one gets tired more easily than 

in the plains。 High up in the passes he felt the cold of Winter; although it 

was as yet early Autumn。 

     Then   he   came   down   the   southern   slopes   of   the   great   mountain…wall 

that locks in Italy; and with him came the headwaters of great rivers。 He 

came down through bare rocks; then through twisted mountain…pines; then 

through green and lovely valleys; and so into the plains of northern Italy。 


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He saw the mountain torrents leap and flash; and grow always bigger and 

stronger。 He saw them slack their speed and widen their beds in the upland 

valleys。 He saw them grow sluggish; tawny with mud; in the plain。 

     He saw the many spires of Milan's wonderful cathedral as they drew 

near the city。 And when they tarried there a little while for rest; he saw the 

famous armor made there; hung up for show in little shop… windows。 He 

passed   great   cavalcades   of   nobles   and   soldiers;   and   marvelled   at   their 

straight; slim rapiers; so different from the heavy Polish saber。 He heard 

Italian speech for the first time; and tried to get at its meaning through his 


     But   he   and   his   companions   had   not   over…much   time   for   observing。 

They were traveling pretty swiftly。 From Dillingen to Rome is a matter of 

about     eight   hundred     miles。   They    left  Dillingen    September      20th;    they 

reached   Rome   October   25th。   That   figures   out   to   an   average   of   about 

twenty…two miles each day。 Then; if you remember that they had to climb 

mountains the first part of the way; that there were delays entering towns; 

delays   of   devotion   when   they   came   to   great   churches;   you   can   see   that 

many a day they must have equaled or surpassed Stanislaus' thirty miles a 

day from Vienna。 

     But it was pleasanter。 for Stanislaus than his first great tramp。 Now he 

had     two   good     companions;      with    whom      he   could    speak    easily   and 

familiarly of the things nearest his heart。 He had none of the uncertainty 

about the result of this journey which he had had about his former journey。 

He found shelter and friendship in many Jesuit houses on the way。 

     As   the   three   went   on   they  lightened   the   road   with pious   songs;   they 

heard   Mass   and   received   Holy   Communion   whenever   occasion   offered; 

they   knelt   by   many   a   wayside   shrine;   a   crucifix;   or   statue   of   our   Lady; 

scattered everywhere through Catholic Italy。 

     It did not take the two Jesuits long to appreciate Stanislaus and delight 

in his company。 He was so light…hearted; so merry in all the discomforts 

and   hardships   of   the   long   road;   so   thoroughly   and   simply   good。   They 

wondered at his physical endurance; at the ease and buoyancy with which 

the lad of seventeen kept up that hard march; day after day。 

     The   grasses   of   the   Campagna   were   brown   and   brittle;   the   trees   sere 


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and yellow in the Autumn; when they came to the Eternal City; the center 

of the world then as now。 The saintly General Francis Borgia; busy as he 

was with the cares of the widespread Society; found time to welcome the 

three travelers; and to hear Stanislaus' wonderful story in full。 

     And this time there was no hesitation or delay。 Stanislaus entered his 

name   in   the  book   containing the  register of   the novices;  on   October   25; 

1567。 Three days later he received his cassock and entered at once upon 

his noviceship。 

     There were so many novices in Rome then that no single house of the 

Jesuits   there   could   hold   them   all。   So   they   were   scattered   through   three 

houses; each one spending a part of his two years' noviceship successively 

in   each   house。   Stanislaus   went   first   to   the   Professed   House;   then   called 

Santa Maria della Strada; and afterward the site of the famous Gesu; one 

of   the   notable   churches   of   Rome。   From   there   he   passed   in   time   to   the 

Roman College; then to the Noviciate proper at Sant' Andrea。 

     The Society of Jesus was then in its early youth; in the midst of that 

first brilliant charge against   the ranks of heresy  without; and against   the 

huge sluggish inertia so striking within the Church itself。 

     He was fellow…novice with Claude Acquaviva; son of the Duke of Atri; 

and afterwards one of the greatest Generals of the Society; which he ruled 

for thirty years。 With him were also Claude's nephew; Rudolph Acquaviva; 

who died a martyr; Torres; a great theologian; Prando; the first philosopher 

at the University of Bologna; Fabio de' Fabii; who traced his descent from 

the   great   Roman   family   of   that   name;   the   Pole;   Warscewiski;   formerly 

ambassador to the Sultan and Secretary of State in Poland; who first wrote 

a   life   of   Stanislaus;   and   many   more;   distinguished   for   birth;   learning; 


     Most of   these   were   a great   deal older;  too; than   Stanislaus。  Many  of 

them   had     already    made    their  names     familiar   to  men。    Yet  the   boy   of 

seventeen; who came quietly and modestly amongst them; was somehow 

soon looked up to by all。 They felt the force of something in him which 

made him their superior。 Heaven was wonderfully near him。 He was not 

old…fashioned; he was always a boy; unconscious of anything unusual in 

himself; not solemn nor impressive nor austere in manner。 All that he did; 


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he   did   with   perfect   naturalness;   for  to   him  the   supernatural   had   become 

almost natural。 


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                FOR GREATER THINGS: The story of Saint Stanislaus Kostka 

                             CHAPTER XIII 

                                   THE NOVICESHIP 

     Most   of   us;   perhaps;    think   of   the   saints  as   men   and   women    who 

accomplished        visibly   great   things。   Saint   Paul;   Saint   Augustine;      Saint 

Patrick; Saint Theresa; Saint Philip Neri; Saint Francis Xavier: such na

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