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address ourselves to that most carefully and most religiously。  If

my brother is short…sighted I must not abuse him or speak against

him; I must pity him; and if possible try to improve his sight; or

to make things that he is to look at so bright that he cannot help

seeing。  But never let us think evil of men who do not see as we

do。  From the bottom of our hearts let us pity them; and let us take

them by the hand and spend time and thought over them; and try to

lead them to the true light。

What has been

The church's treatment of doubt

in the past?  It has been very simple。  〃There is a heretic。  Burn

him!〃  That is all。  〃There is a man who has gone off the road。

Bring him back and torture him!〃

We have got past that physically; have we got past it morally?  What

does the modern Church say to a man who is skeptical?  Not 〃Burn

him!〃 but 〃Brand him!〃 〃Brand him!〃call him a bad name。  And

in many countries at the present time; a man who is branded as a

heretic is despised; tabooed and put out of religious society; much

more than if he had gone wrong in morals。  I think I am speaking

within the facts when I say that a man who is unsound is looked

upon in many communities with more suspicion and with more pious

horror than a man who now and then gets drunk。  〃Burn him!〃  〃Brand

him!〃  〃Excommunicate him!〃  That has been the Church's treatment

of doubt; and that is perhaps to some extent the treatment which

we ourselves are inclined to give to the men who cannot see the

truths of Christianity as we see them。


Christ's treatment

of doubt。  I have spoken already of His strange partiality for the

outsidersfor the scattered heretics up and down the country; of

the care with which He loved to deal with them; and of the respect

in which He held their intellectual difficulties。  Christ never

failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief。  Doubt is 〃CAN'T

BELIEVE〃; unbelief is 〃WON'T BELIEVE。〃  Doubt is honesty; unbelief

is obstinacy。  Doubt is looking for light; unbelief is content with

darkness。  Loving darkness rather than lightthat is what Christ

attacked; and attacked unsparingly。  But for the intellectual

questioning of Thomas; and Philip; and Nicodemus; and the many

others who came to Him to have their great problems solved; He was

respectful and generous and tolerant。

And how did He meet their doubts?  The Church; as I have said;

says; 〃Brand him!〃  Christ said; 〃Teach him。〃  He destroyed by

fulfilling。  When Thomas came to Him and denied His very resurrection;

and stood before Him waiting for the scathing words and lashing

for his unbelief; they never came。  They never came!  Christ gave

him factsfacts!  No men can go around facts。  Christ said; 〃Behold

My hands and My feet。〃  The great god of science at the present

time is a fact。  It words with facts。  Its cry is; 〃Give me facts。

Found anything you like upon facts and we will believe it。〃  The

spirit of Christ was the scientific spirit。  He founded His religion

upon facts; and He asked all men to found their religion upon facts。

Now; get up the facts of Christianity; and take men to the facts。

Theologiesand I am not speaking disrespectfully of theology;

theology is as scientific a thing as any other science of factsbut

theologies are

Human versions

of Divine truths; and hence the varieties of the versions and the

inconsistencies of them。  I would allow a man to select whichever

version of this truth he liked AFTERWARDS; but I would ask him

to begin with no version; but go back to the facts and base his

Christian life upon these。

That is the great lesson of the New Testament way of looking at

doubtof Christ's treatment of doubt。  It is not 〃Brand him!〃but

lovingly; wisely and tenderly to teach him。  Faith is never opposed

to reason in the New Testament; it is opposed to sight。  You will

find that a principle worth thinking over。  FAITH IS NEVER OPPOSED


With these principles in mind as to the origin of doubt; as to

Christ's treatment of it; how are we ourselves to deal with those

who are in intellectual difficulty?

In the first place; I think WE MUST MAKE ALL THE CONCESSIONS TO


When a doubter first encounters you; he pours out a deluge of abuse

of churches; and ministers; and creeds; and Christians。  Nine…tenths

of what he says is probably true。  Make concessions。  Agree with

him。  It does him good to unburden himself of these things。  He has

been cherishing them for yearslaying them up against Christians;

against the Church; and against Christianity; and now he is startled

to find the first Christian with whom he has talked over the thing

almost entirely agrees with him。  We are; of course; not responsible

for everything that is said in the name of Christianity; and now

he is startled to find the first Christian with whom he has talked

over the thing almost entirely agrees with him。  We are; of

course; not responsible for everything that is said in the name

of Christianity; but a man does not give up medicine because there

are quack doctors; and no man has a right to give up his Christianity

because there are spurious or inconsistent Christians。  Then; as I

already said; creeds are human versions of Divine truths; and we

do not ask a man to accept all the creeds; any more than we ask

him to accept all the Christians。  We ask him to accept Christ;

and the facts about Christ and the words of Christ。  You will find

the battle is half won when you have endorsed the man's objections;

and possibly added a great many more to the charges which he has

against ourselves。  These men are

In revolt

against the kind of religion which we exhibit to the worldagainst

the cant that is taught in the name of Christianity。  And if the

men that have never seen the real thingif you could show them

that; they would receive it as eagerly as you do。  They are merely

in revolt against the imperfections and inconsistencies of those

who represent Christ to the world。


PROBLEMS:  such as the problem of the origin of evil; the problem

of the Trinity; the problem of the relation of human will and

predestination; and so onproblems which have been investigated for

thousands of years without resultask them to set those problems

aside as insoluble。  In the meantime; just as a man who is studying

mathematics may be asked to set aside the problem of squaring the

circle; let him go on with what can be done; and what has been

done; and leave out of sight the impossible。

You will find that will relieve the skeptic's mind of a great deal


Unnecessary cargo

that has been in his way。



Entire satisfaction to the intellect is unattainable about any of

the greater problems; and if you try to get to the bottom of them

by argument; there is no bottom there; and therefore you make

the matter worse。  But I would say what is known; and what can be

honestly and philosophically and scientifically said about one or

two of the difficulties that the doubter raises; just to show him

that you can do itto show him that you are not a foolthat you

are not merely groping in the dark yourself; but you have found

whatever basis is possible。  But I would not go around all the

doctrines。  I would simply do that with one or two; because the

moment you cut off one; a hundred other heads will grow in its

place。  It would be a pity if all these problems could be solved。

The joy of the intellectual life would be largely gone。  I would

not rob a man of his problems; nor would I have another man rob

me of my problems。  They are the delight of life; and the whole

intellectual world would be stale and unprofitable if we knew


Fourthlyand thi

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