贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > betty zane >


betty zane-第58章

小说: betty zane 字数: 每页4000字

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se he knows we are to be attacked; and because there must have been great doubt of his getting back to tell us。 And Tige has been shot on his way home。〃

This called the attention to the dog; which had been momentarily forgotten。 His head rolled from Betty's knee; a quiver shook his frame; he struggled to rise to his feet; but his strength was too far spent; he crawled close to Betty's feet; his eyes looked up at her with almost human affection; then they closed; and he lay still。 Tige was dead。

〃It is all over; Betty。 Tige will romp no more。 He will never be forgotten; for he was faithful to the end。 Jonathan; tell the Major of Wetzel's warning; and both of you go back to your posts on the river。 Silas; send Capt。 Boggs to me。〃

An hour after the death of Tige the settlers were waiting for the ring of the meeting…house bell to summon them to the Fort。

Supper at Col。 Zane's that night was not the occasion of good…humored jest and pleasant conversation。 Mrs。 Zane's face wore a distressed and troubled look; Betty was pale and quiet; even the Colonel was gloomy; and the children; missing the usual cheerfulness of the evening meal; shrank close to their mother。

Darkness slowly settled down; and with it came a feeling of relief; at least for the night; for the Indians rarely attacked the settlements after dark。 Capt。 Boggs came over and he and Col。 Zane conversed in low tones。

〃The first thing in the morning I want you to ride over to Short Creek for reinforcements。 I'll send the Major also and by a different route。 I expect to hear tonight from Wetzel。 Twelve times has he crossed that threshold with the information which made an Indian surprise impossible。 And I feel sure he will come again。〃

〃What was that?〃 said Betty; who was sitting on the doorstep。

〃Sh…h!〃 whispered Col。 Zane; holding up his finger。

The night was warm and still。 In the perfect quiet which followed the Colonel's whispered exclamation the listeners heard the beating of their hearts。 Then from the river bank came the cry of an owl; low but clear it came floating to their ears; its single melancholy note thrilling them。 Faint and far off in the direction of the island sounded the answer。

〃I knew it。 I told you。 We shall know all presently;〃 said Col。 Zane。 〃The first call was Jonathan's; and it was answered。〃

The moments dragged away。 The children had fallen asleep on the bearskin rug。 Mrs。 Zane and Betty had heard the Colonel's voice; and sat with white faces; waiting; waiting for they knew not what。

A familiar; light…moccasined tread sounded on the path; a tall figure loomed up from the darkness; it came up the path; passed up the steps; and crossed the threshold。

〃Wetzel!〃 exclaimed Col。 Zane and Capt。 Boggs。 It was indeed the hunter。 How startling was his appearance! The buckskin hunting coat and leggins were wet; torn and bespattered with mud; the water ran and dripped from him to form little muddy pools on the floor; only his rifle and powder horn were dry。 His face was ghastly white except where a bullet wound appeared on his temple; from which the blood had oozed down over his cheek。 An unearthly light gleamed from his eyes。 In that moment Wetzel was an appalling sight。

〃Col。 Zane; I'd been here days before; but I run into some Shawnees; and they gave me a hard chase。 I have to report that Girty; with four hundred Injuns and two hundred Britishers; are on the way to Ft。 Henry。〃

〃My God!〃 exclaimed Col。 Zane。 Strong man as he was the hunter's words had unnerved him。

The loud and clear tone of the church…bell rang out on the still night air。 Only once it sounded; but it reverberated among the hills; and its single deep…toned ring was like a knell。 The listeners almost expected to hear it followed by the fearful war…cry; that cry which betokened for many desolation and deaths。


Morning found the settlers; with the exception of Col。 Zane; his brother Jonathan; the negro Sam; and Martin Wetzel; all within the Fort。 Col。 Zane had determined; long before; that in the event of another siege; he would use his house as an outpost。 Twice it had been destroyed by fire at the hands of the Indians。 Therefore; surrounding himself by these men; who were all expert marksmen; Col。 Zane resolved to protect his property and at the same time render valuable aid to the Fort。

Early that morning a pirogue loaded with cannon balls; from Ft。 Pitt and bound for Louisville; had arrived and Captain Sullivan; with his crew of three men; had demanded admittance。 In the absence of Capt。 Boggs and Major McColloch; both of whom had been dispatched for reinforcements; Col。 Zane had placed his brother Silas in command of the Fort。 Sullivan informed Silas that he and his men had been fired on by Indians and that they sought the protection of the Fort。 The services of himself and men; which he volunteered; were gratefully accepted。

All told; the little force in the block…house did not exceed forty…two; and that counting the boys and the women who could handle rifles。 The few preparations had been completed and now the settlers were awaiting the appearance of the enemy。 Few words were spoken。 The children were secured where they would be out of the way of flying bullets。 They were huddled together silent and frightened; pale…faced but resolute women passed up and down the length of the block…house; some carried buckets of water and baskets of food; others were tearing bandages; grim…faced men peered from the portholes; all were listening for the war…cry。 They had not long to wait。 Before noon the well…known whoop came from the wooded shore of the river; and it was soon by the appearance of hundreds of Indians。 The river; which was low; at once became a scene of great animation。 From a placid; smoothly flowing stream it was turned into a muddy; splashing; turbulent torrent。 The mounted warriors urged their steeds down the bank and into the water; the unmounted improvised rafts and placed their weapons and ammunition upon them; then they swam and pushed; kicked and yelled their way across; other Indians swam; holding the bridles of the pack…horses。 A detachment of British soldiers followed the Indians。 In an hour the entire army appeared on the river bluff not three hundred yards from the Fort。 They were in no hurry to begin the attack。 Especially did the Indians seem to enjoy the lull before the storm; and as they stalked to and fro in plain sight of the garrison; or stood in groups watching the Fort; they were seen in all their hideous war…paint and formidable battle…array。 They were exultant。 Their plumes and eagle feathers waved proudly in the morning breeze。 Now and then the long; peculiarly broken yell of the Shawnees rang out clear and strong。 The soldiers were drawn off to one side and well out of range of the settlers' guns。 Their red coats and flashing bayonets were new to most of the little band of men in the block…house。

〃Ho; the Fort!〃

It was a strong; authoritative voice and came from a man mounted on a black horse。

〃Well; Girty; what is it?〃 shouted Silas Zane。

〃We demand unconditional surrender;〃 was the answer。

〃You will never get it;〃 replied Silas。

〃Take more time to think it over。 You see we have a force here large enough to take the Fort in an hour。〃

〃That remains to be seen;〃 shouted some one through porthole。

An hour passed。 The soldiers and the Indians lounged around on the grass and walked to and fro on the bluff。 At intervals a taunting Indian yell; horrible in its suggestiveness came floating on the air。 When the hour was up three mounted men rode out in advance of the waiting Indians。 One was clad in buckskin; another in the uniform of a British officer; and the third was an Indian chief whose powerful form was naked except for his buckskin belt and legging。

〃Will you surrender?〃 came in the harsh and arrogant voice of the renegade。

〃Never! Go back to your squaws!〃 yelled Sullivan。

〃I am Capt。 Pratt of the Queen's Rangers。 If you surrender I will give you the best protection King George affords;〃 shouted the officer。

〃To hell with lying George! Go back to your hair…buying Hamilton and tell him the whole British army could not make us surrender;〃 roared Hugh Bennet。

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