贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > betty zane >


betty zane-第55章

小说: betty zane 字数: 每页4000字

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mselves; and others dancing war…dances。 Packs were being strapped on the backs of ponies。 Everywhere was the hurry and bustle of the preparation for war。 The dancing and the singing were kept up half the night。

At daybreak Wetzel was at his post。 A little after sunrise he heard a long yell which he believed announced the arrival of an important party。 And so it turned out。 Amid thrill yelling and whooping; the like of which Wetzel had never before heard; Simon Girty rode into Wingenund's camp at the head of one hundred Shawnee warriors and two hundred British Rangers from Detroit。 Wetzel recoiled when he saw the red uniforms of the Britishers and their bayonets。 Including Fipe's and Wingenund's braves the total force which was going to march against the Fort exceeded six hundred。 An impotent frenzy possessed Wetzel as he watched the orderly marching of the Rangers and the proud bearing of the Indian warriors。 Miller had spoken the truth。 Ft。 Henry vas doomed。

〃Tige; there's one of them struttin' turkey cocks as won't see the Ohio;〃 said Wetzel to the dog。

Hurriedly slipping from round his neck the bullet…pouch that Betty had given him; he shook out a bullet and with the point of his knife he scratched deep in the soft lead the letter W。 Then he cut the bullet half through。 This done he detached the pouch from the cord and running the cord through the cut in the bullet he bit the lead。 He tied the string round the neck of the dog and pointing eastward he said: 〃Home。〃

The intelligent animal understood perfectly。 His duty was to get that warning home。 His clear brown eyes as much as said: 〃I will not fail。〃 He wagged his tail; licked the hunter's hand; bounded away and disappeared in the forest。

Wetzel rested easier in mind。 He knew the dog would stop for nothing; and that he stood a far better chance of reaching the Fort in safety than did he himself。

With a lurid light in his eyes Wetzel now turned to the Indians。 He would never leave that spot without sending a leaden messenger into the heart of someone in that camp。 Glancing on all sides he at length selected a place where it was possible he might approach near enough to the camp to get a shot。 He carefully studied the lay of the ground; the trees; rocks; bushes; grass;everything that could help screen him from the keen eye of savage scouts。 When he had marked his course he commenced his perilous descent。 In an hour he had reached the bottom of the cliff。 Dropping flat on the ground; he once more started his snail…like crawl。 A stretch of swampy ground; luxuriant with rushes and saw…grass; made a part of the way easy for him; though it led through mud; and slime; and stagnant water。 Frogs and turtles warming their backs in the sunshine scampered in alarm from their logs。 Lizards blinked at him。 Moccasin snakes darted wicked forked tongues at him and then glided out of reach of his tomahawk。 The frogs had stopped their deep bass notes。 A swamp…blackbird rose in fright from her nest in the saw…grass; and twittering plaintively fluttered round and round over the pond。 The flight of the bird worried Wetzel。 Such little things as these might attract the attention of some Indian scout。 But he hoped that in the excitement of the war preparations these unusual disturbances would escape notice。 At last he gained the other side of the swamp。 At the end of the cornfield before him was the clump of laurel which he had marked from the cliff as his objective point。 The Indian corn was now about five feet high。 Wetzel passed through this field unseen。 He reached the laurel bushes; where he dropped to the ground and lay quiet a few minutes。 In the dash which he would soon make to the forest he needed all his breath and all his fleetness。 He looked to the right to see how far the woods was from where he lay。 Not more than one hundred feet。 He was safe。 Once in the dark shade of those trees; and with his foes behind him; he could defy the whole race of Delawares。 He looked to his rifle; freshened the powder in the pan; carefully adjusted the flint; and then rose quietly to his feet。

Wetzel's keen gaze; as he swept it from left to right; took in every detail of the camp。 He was almost in the village。 A tepee stood not twenty feet from his hiding…place。 He could have tossed a stone in the midst of squaws; and braves; and chiefs。 The main body of Indians was in the center of the camp。 The British were lined up further on。 Both Indians and soldiers were resting on their arms and waiting。 Suddenly Wetzel started and his heart leaped。 Under a maple tree not one hundred and fifty yards distant stood four men in earnest consultation。 One was an Indian。 Wetzel recognized the fierce; stern face; the haughty; erect figure。 He knew that long; trailing war…bonnet。 It could have adorned the head of but one chiefWingenund; the sachem of the Delawares。 A British officer; girdled and epauletted; stood next to Wingenund。 Simon Girty; the renegade; and Miller; the traitor; completed the group。

Wetzel sank to his knees。 The perspiration poured from his face。 The mighty hunter trembled; but it was from eagerness。 Was not Girty; the white savage; the bane of the poor settlers; within range of a weapon that never failed? Was not the murderous chieftain; who had once whipped and tortured him; who had burned Crawford alive; there in plain sight? Wetzel revelled a moment in fiendish glee。 He passed his hands tenderly over the long barrel of his rifle。 In that moment as never before he gloried in his powera power which enabled him to put a bullet in the eye of a squirrel at the distance these men were from him。 But only for an instant did the hunter yield to this feeling。 He knew too well the value of time and opportunity。

He rose again to his feet and peered out from under the shading laurel branches。 As he did so the dark face of Miller turned full toward him。 A tremor; like the intense thrill of a tiger when he is about to spring; ran over Wetzel's frame。 In his mad gladness at being within rifle…shot of his great Indian foe; Wetzel had forgotten the man he had trailed for two days。 He had forgotten Miller。 He had only one shotand Betty was to be avenged。 He gritted his teeth。 The Delaware chief was as safe as though he were a thousand miles away。 This opportunity for which Wetzel had waited so many years; and the successful issue of which would have gone so far toward the fulfillment of a life's purpose; was worse than useless。 A great temptation assailed the hunter。

Wetzel's face was white when he raised the rifle; his dark eye; gleaming vengefully; ran along the barrel。 The little bead on the front sight first covered the British officer; and then the broad breast of Girty。 It moved reluctantly and searched out the heart of Wingenund; where it lingered for a fleeting instant。 At last it rested upon the swarthy face of Miller。

〃Fer Betty;〃 muttered the hunter; between his clenched teeth as he pressed the trigger。

The spiteful report awoke a thousand echoes。 When the shot broke the stillness Miller was talking and gesticulating。 His hand dropped inertly; he stood upright for a second; his head slowly bowing and his body swaying perceptibly。 Then he plunged forward like a log; his face striking the sand。 He never moved again。 He was dead even before he struck the ground。

Blank silence followed this tragic denouement。 Wingenund; a cruel and relentless Indian; but never a traitor; pointed to the small bloody hole in the middle of Miller's forehead; and then nodded his head solemnly。 The wondering Indians stood aghast。 Then with loud yells the braves ran to the cornfield; they searched the laurel bushes。 But they only discovered several moccasin prints in the sand; and a puff of white smoke wafting away upon the summer breeze。


Alfred Clarke lay between life and death。 Miller's knife…thrust; although it had made a deep and dangerous wound; had not pierced any vital part; the amount of blood lost made Alfred's condition precarious。 Indeed; he would not have lived through that first day but for a wonderful vitality。 Col。 Zane's wife; to whom had been consigned the delicate task of dressing the wound; shook her head when she first saw the direction of the cut。 She found

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