贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > betty zane >


betty zane-第29章

小说: betty zane 字数: 每页4000字

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Before the autumn evenings grew too cold the Indian held their courting dances。 All unmarried maidens and braves in the village were expected to take part in these dances。 In the bright light of huge fires; and watched by the chiefs; the old men; the squaws; and the children; the maidens and the braves; arrayed in their gaudiest apparel; marched into the circle。 They formed two lines a few paces apart。 Each held in the right hand a dry gourd which contained pebbles。 Advancing toward one another they sang the courting song; keeping time to the tune with the rattling of the pebbles。 When they met in the center the braves bent forward and whispered a word to the maidens。 At a certain point in the song; which was indicated by a louder note; the maidens would change their positions; and this was continued until every brave had whispered to every maiden; when the dance ended。

Isaac took part in all these pleasures; he entered into every phase of the Indian's life; he hunted; worked; played; danced; and sang with faithfulness。 But when the long; dreary winter days came with their ice…laden breezes; enforcing idleness on the Indians; he became restless。 Sometimes for days he would be morose and gloomy; keeping beside his own tent and not mingling with the Indians。 At such times Myeerah did not question him。

Even in his happier hours his diversions were not many。 He never tired of watching and studying the Indian children。 When he had an opportunity without being observed; which was seldom; he amused himself with the papooses。 The Indian baby was strapped to a flat piece of wood and covered with a broad flap of buckskin。 The squaws hung these primitive baby carriages up on the pole of a tepee; on a branch of a tree; or threw them round anywhere。 Isaac never heard a papoose cry。 He often pulled down the flap of buckskin and looked at the solemn little fellow; who would stare up at him with big; wondering eyes。

Isaac's most intimate friend was a six…year…old Indian boy; whom he called Captain Jack。 He was the son of Thundercloud; the war…chief of the Hurons。 Jack made a brave picture in his buckskin hunting suit and his war bonnet。 Already he could stick tenaciously on the back of a racing mustang and with his little bow he could place arrow after arrow in the center of the target。 Knowing Captain Jack would some day be a mighty chief; Isaac taught him to speak English。 He endeavored to make Jack love him; so that when the lad should grow to be a man he would remember his white brother and show mercy to the prisoners who fell into his power。

Another of Isaac's favorites was a half…breed Ottawa Indian; a distant relative of Tarhe's。 This Indian was very old; no one knew how old; his face was seamed and scarred and wrinkled。 Bent and shrunken was his form。 He slept most of the time; but at long intervals he would brighten up and tell of his prowess when a warrior。

One of his favorite stories was of the part he had taken in the events of that fatal and memorable July 2; 1755; when Gen。 Braddock and his English army were massacred by the French and Indians near Fort Duquesne。

The old chief told how Beaujeu with his Frenchmen and his five hundred Indians ambushed Braddock's army; surrounded the soldiers; fired from the ravines; the trees; the long grass; poured a pitiless hail of bullets on the bewildered British soldiers; who; unaccustomed to this deadly and unseen foe; huddled under the trees like herds of frightened sheep; and were shot down with hardly an effort to defend themselves。

The old chief related that fifteen years after that battle he went to the Kanawha settlement to see the Big Chief; Gen。 George Washington; who was travelling on the Kanawha。 He told Gen。 Washington how he had fought in the battle of Braddock's Fields; how he had shot and killed Gen。 Braddock; how he had fired repeatedly at Washington; and had killed two horses under him; and how at last he came to the conclusion that Washington was protected by the Great Spirit who destined him for a great future。

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Myeerah was the Indian name for a rare and beautiful birdthe white cranecommonly called by the Indians; Walk…in…the…Water。 It had been the name of Tarhe's mother and grandmother。 The present Myeerah was the daughter of a French woman; who had been taken captive at a very early age; adopted into the Huron tribe; and married to Tarhe。 The only child of this union was Myeerah。 She grew to be beautiful woman and was known in Detroit and the Canadian forts as Tarhe's white daughter。 The old chief often visited the towns along the lake shore; and so proud was he of Myeeah that he always had her accompany him。 White men travelled far to look at the Indian beauty。 Many French soldiers wooed her in vain。 Once; while Tarhe was in Detroit; a noted French family tried in every way to get possession of Myeerah。

The head of this family believed he saw in Myeerah the child of his long lost daughter。 Tarhe hurried away from the city and never returned to the white settlement。

Myeerah was only five years old at the time of the capture of the Zane brothers and it was at this early age that she formed the attachment for Isaac Zane which clung to her all her life。 She was seven when the men came from Detroit to ransom the brothers; and she showed such grief when she learned that Isaac was to be returned to his people that Tarhe refused to accept any ransom for Isaac。 As Myeerah grew older her childish fancy for the white boy deepened into an intense love。

But while this love tendered her inexorable to Isaac on the question of giving him his freedom; it undoubtedly saved his life as well as the lives of other white prisoners; on more than one occasion。

To the white captives who fell into the hands of the Hurons; she was kind and merciful; many of the wounded she had tended with her own hands; and many poor wretches she had saved from the gauntlet and the stake。 When her efforts to persuade her father to save any one were unavailing she would retire in sorrow to her lodge and remain there。

Her infatuation for the White Eagle; the Huron name for Isaac; was an old story; it was known to all the tribes and had long ceased to be questioned。 At first some of the Delawares and the Shawnee braves; who had failed to win Myeerah's love; had openly scorned her for her love for the pale face。 The Wyandot warriors to a man worshipped her; they would have marched straight into the jaws of death at her command; they resented the insults which had been cast on their princess; and they had wiped them out in blood: now none dared taunt her。

In the spring following Isaac's recapture a very serious accident befell him。 He had become expert in the Indian game of ball; which is a game resembling the Canadian lacrosse; and from which; in fact; it had been adopted。 Goals were placed at both ends of a level plain。 Each party of Indians chose a goal which they endeavored to defend and at the same time would try to carry the ball over their opponent's line。

A well contested game of Indian ball presented a scene of wonderful effort and excitement。 Hundreds of strong and supple braves could be seen running over the plain; darting this way and that; or struggling in a yelling; kicking; fighting mass; all in a mad scramble to get the ball。

As Isaac had his share of the Zane swiftness of foot; at times his really remarkable fleetness enabled him to get control of the ball。 In front of the band of yelling savages he would carry it down the field; and evading the guards at the goal; would throw it between the posts。 This was a feat of which any brave could be proud。

During one of these games Red Fox; a Wyandot brave; who had long been hopelessly in love with Myeerah; and who cordially hated Isaac; used this opportunity for revenge。 Red Fox; who was a swift runner; had vied with Isaac for the honors; but being defeated in the end; he had yielded to his jealous frenzy and had struck Isaac a terrible blow on the head with his bat。

It happened to be a glancing blow or Isaac's life would have been ended then and there。 As it was he had a deep gash in his head。 The Indians carried him to his lodge and the medicine men of the tribe were summo

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