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betty zane-第28章

小说: betty zane 字数: 每页4000字

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ite men。 Think of the beautiful poetry and legends left by these silent men: men who were a part of the woods; men whose music was the sighing of the wind; the rustling of the leaf; the murmur of the brook; men whose simple joys were the chase of the stag; and the light in the dark eye of a maiden。

If we wish to find the highest type of the American Indian we must look for him before he was driven west by the land…seeking pioneer and before he was degraded by the rum…selling French trader。

The French claimed all the land watered by the Mississippi River and its tributaries。 The French Canadian was a restless; roaming adventurer and he found his vocation in the fur…trade。 This fur…trade engendered a strange class of menbush…rangers they were calledwhose work was to paddle the canoe along the lakes and streams and exchange their cheap rum for the valuable furs of the Indians。 To these men the Indians of the west owe their degradation。 These bush…rangers or coureurs…des…bois; perverted the Indians and sank into barbarism with them。

The few travellers there in those days were often surprised to find in the wigwams of the Indians men who acknowledged the blood of France; yet who had lost all semblance to the white man。 They lived in their tepee with their Indian squaws and lolled on their blankets while the squaws cooked their venison and did all the work。 They let their hair grow long and wore feathers in it; they painted their faces hideously with ochre and vermilion。

These were the worthless traders and adventurers who; from the year 1748 to 1783; encroached on the hunting grounds of the Indians and explored the wilderness; seeking out the remote tribes and trading the villainous rum for the rare pelts。 In 1784 the French authorities; realizing that these vagrants were demoralizing the Indians; warned them to get off the soil。 Finding this course ineffectual they arrested those that could be apprehended and sent them to Canada。 But it was too late: the harm had been done: the poor; ignorant savage had tasted of the terrible 〃fire…water;〃 as he called the rum and his ruin was inevitable。

It was a singular fact that almost every Indian who had once tasted strong drink; was unable to resist the desire for more。 When a trader came to one of the Indian hamlets the braves purchased a keg of rum and then they held a council to see who was to get drunk and who was to keep sober。 It was necessary to have some sober Indians in camp; otherwise the drunken braves would kill one another。 The weapons would have to be concealed。 When the Indians had finished one keg of rum they would buy another; and so on until not a beaver…skin was left。 Then the trader would move or when the Indians sobered up they would be much dejected; for invariably they would find that some had been wounded; others crippled; and often several had been killed。

Logan; using all his eloquence; travelled from village to village visiting the different tribes and making speeches。 He urged the Indians to shun the dreaded 〃fire…water。〃 He exclaimed against the whites for introducing liquor to the Indians and thus debasing them。 At the same time Logan admitted his own fondness for rum。 This intelligent and noble Indian was murdered in a drunken fight shortly after sending his address to Lord Dunmore。

Thus it was that the poor Indians had no chance to avert their downfall; the steadily increasing tide of land…stealing settlers rolling westward; and the insiduous; debasing; soul…destroying liquor were the noble redman's doom。

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Isaac Zane dropped back not altogether unhappily into his old place in the wigwam; in the hunting parties; and in the Indian games。

When the braves were in camp; the greatest part of the day was spent in shooting and running matches; in canoe races; in wrestling; and in the game of ball。 The chiefs and the older braves who had won their laurels and the maidens of the tribe looked on and applauded。

Isaac entered into all these pastimes; partly because he had a natural love for them; and partly because he wished to win the regard of the Indians。 In wrestling; and in those sports which required weight and endurance; he usually suffered defeat。 In a foot race there was not a brave in the entire tribe who could keep even with him。 But it was with the rifle that Isaac won his greatest distinction。 The Indians never learned the finer shooting with the ride。 Some few of them could shoot well; but for the most part they were poor marksmen。

Accordingly; Isaac was always taken on the fall hunt。 Every autumn there were three parties sent out to bring in the supply of meat for the winter。 Because of Isaac's fine marksmanship he was always taken with the bear hunters。 Bear hunting was exciting and dangerous work。 Before the weather got very cold and winter actually set in the bears crawled into a hole in a tree or a cave in the rocks; where they hibernated。 A favorite place for them was in hollow trees。 When the Indians found a tree with the scratches of a bear on it and a hole large enough to admit the body of a bear; an Indian climbed up the tree and with a long pole tried to punch Bruin out of his den。 Often this was a hazardous undertaking; for the bear would get angry on being disturbed in his winter sleep and would rush out before the Indian could reach a place of safety。 At times there were even two or three bears in one den。 Sometimes the bear would refuse to come out; and on these occasions; which were rare; the hunters would resort to fire。 A piece of dry; rotten wood was fastened to a long pole and was set on fire。 When this was pushed in on the bear he would give a sniff and a growl and come out in a hurry。

The buffalo and elk were hunted with the bow and arrow。 This effective weapon did not make a noise and frighten the game。 The wary Indian crawled through the high grass until within easy range and sometimes killed several buffalo or elk before the herd became alarmed。 The meat was then jerked。 This consisted in cutting it into thin strips and drying it in the sun。 Afterwards it was hung up in the lodges。 The skins were stretched on poles to dry; and when cured they served as robes; clothing and wigwam…coverings。

The Indians were fond of honey and maple sugar。 The finding of a hive of bees; or a good run of maple syrup was an occasion for general rejoicing。 They found the honey in hollow trees; and they obtained the maple sugar in two ways。 When the sap came up in the maple trees a hole was bored in the trees about a foot from the ground and a small tube; usually made from a piece of alder; was inserted in the hole。 Through this the sap was carried into a vessel which was placed under the tree。 This sap was boiled down in kettles。 If the Indians had no kettles they made the frost take the place of heat in preparing the sugar。 They used shallow vessels made of bark; and these were filled with water and the maple sap。 It was left to freeze over night and in the morning the ice was broken and thrown away。 The sugar did not freeze。 When this process had been repeated several times the residue was very good maple sugar。

Isaac did more than his share toward the work of provisioning the village for the winter。 But he enjoyed it。 He was particularly fond of fishing by moonlight。 Early November was the best season for this sport; and the Indians caught large numbers of fish。 They placed a torch in the bow of a canoe and paddled noiselessly over the stream。 In the clear water a bright light would so attract and fascinate the fish that they would lie motionless near the bottom of the shallow stream。

One cold night Isaac was in the bow of the canoe。 Seeing a large fish he whispered to the Indians with him to exercise caution。 His guides paddled noiselessly through the water。 Isaac stood up and raised the spear; ready to strike。 In another second Isaac had cast the iron; but in his eagerness he overbalanced himself and plunged head first into the icy current; making a great splash and spoiling any further fishing。 Incidents like this were a source of infinite amusement to the Indians。

Before the autumn evenings grew too cold the Indian held their courting dances。 All unmarried maidens and brav

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