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betty zane-第24章

小说: betty zane 字数: 每页4000字

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 Wyandot tribes; and a warrior renowned for his daring and for his ability to make his way in a straight line through the wilderness。 Crow was a short; heavy Indian and his frame denoted great strength He had a broad forehead; high cheek bones; prominent nose and his face would have been handsome and intelligent but for the scar which ran across his cheek; giving him a sinister look。

〃Hugh!〃 said Crow; as he looked up and saw Isaac staring at him。 The other Indians immediately gave vent to a like exclamation。

〃Crow; you caught me again;〃 said Isaac; in the Wyandot tongue; which he spoke fluently。

〃The white chief is sure of eye and swift of foot; but he cannot escape the Huron。 Crow has been five times on his trail since the moon was bright。 The white chief's eyes were shut and his ears were deaf;〃 answered the Indian loftily。

〃How long have you been near the fort?〃

〃Two moons have the warriors of Myeerah hunted the pale face。〃

〃Have you any more Indians with you?〃

The chief nodded and said a party of nine Wyandots had been in the vicinity of Wheeling for a month。 He named some of the warriors。

Isaac was surprised to learn of the renowned chiefs who had been sent to recapture him。 Not to mention Crow; the Delaware chiefs Son…of…Wingenund and Wapatomeka were among the most cunning and sagacious Indians of the west。 Isaac reflected that his year's absence from Myeerah had not caused her to forget him。

Crow untied Isaac's hands and gave him water and venison。 Then he picked up his rifle and with a word to the Indians he stepped into the underbrush that skirted the little dale; and was lost to view。

Isaac's head ached and throbbed so that after he had satisfied his thirst and hunger he was glad to close his eyes and lean back against the tree。 Engrossed in thoughts of the home he might never see again; he had lain there an hour without moving; when he was aroused from his meditations by low guttural exclamations from the Indians。 Opening his eyes he saw Crow and another Indian enter the glade; leading and half supporting a third savage。

They helped this Indian to the log; where he sat down slowly and wearily; holding one hand over his breast。 He was a magnificent specimen of Indian manhood; almost a giant in stature; with broad shoulders in proportion to his height。 His head…dress and the gold rings which encircled his bare muscular arms indicated that he was a chief high in power。 The seven eagle plumes in his scalp…lock represented seven warriors that he had killed in battle。 Little sticks of wood plaited in his coal black hair and painted different colors showed to an Indian eye how many times this chief had been wounded by bullet; knife; or tomahawk。

His face was calm。 If he suffered he allowed no sign of it to escape him。 He gazed thoughtfully into the fire; slowly the while untying the belt which contained his knife and tomahawk。 The weapons were raised and held before him; one in each hand; and then waved on high。 The action was repeated three times。 Then slowly and reluctantly the Indian lowered them as if he knew their work on earth was done。

It was growing dark and the bright blaze from the camp fire lighted up the glade; thus enabling Isaac to see the drooping figure on the log; and in the background Crow; holding a whispered consultation with the other Indians。 Isaac heard enough of the colloquy to guess the facts。 The chief had been desperately rounded; the palefaces were on their trail; and a march must be commenced at once。

Isaac knew the wounded chief。 He was the Delaware Son…of…Wingenund。 He married a Wyandot squaw; had spent much of his time in the Wyandot village and on warring expeditions which the two friendly nations made on other tribes。 Isaac had hunted with him; slept under the same blanket with him; and had grown to like him。

As Isaac moved slightly in his position the chief saw him。 He straightened up; threw back the hunting shirt and pointed to a small hole in his broad breast。 A slender stream of blood issued from the wound and flowed down his chest

〃Wind…of…Death is a great white chief。 His gun is always loaded;〃 he said calmly; and a look of pride gleamed across his dark face; as though he gloried in the wound made by such a warrior。

〃Deathwind〃 was one of the many names given to Wetzel by the savages; and a thrill of hope shot through Isaac's heart when he saw the Indians feared Wetzel was on their track。 This hope was short lived; however; for when he considered the probabilities of the thing he knew that pursuit would only result in his death before the settlers could come up with the Indians; and he concluded that Wetzel; familiar with every trick of the redmen; would be the first to think of the hopelessness of rescuing him and so would not attempt it。

The four Indians now returned to the fire and stood beside the chief。 It was evident to them that his end was imminent。 He sang in a low; not unmusical tone the death…chant of the Hurons。 His companions silently bowed their heads。 When he had finished singing he slowly rose to his great height; showing a commanding figure。 Slowly his features lost their stern pride; his face softened; and his dark eyes; gazing straight into the gloom of the forest; bespoke a superhuman vision。

〃Wingenund has been a great chief。 He has crossed his last trail。 The deeds of Wingenund will be told in the wigwams of the Lenape;〃 said the chief in a loud voice; and then sank back into the arms of his comrades。 They laid him gently down。

A convulsive shudder shook the stricken warrior's frame。 Then; starting up he straightened out his long arm and clutched wildly at the air with his sinewy fingers as if to grasp and hold the life that was escaping him。

Isaac could see the fixed; sombre light in the eyes; and the pallor of death stealing over the face of the chief。 He turned his eyes away from the sad spectacle; and when he looked again the majestic figure lay still。

The moon sailed out from behind a cloud and shed its mellow light down on the little glade。 It showed the four Indians digging a grave beneath the oak tree。 No word was spoken。 They worked with their tomahawks on the soft duff and soon their task was completed。 A bed of moss and ferns lined the last resting place of the chief。 His weapons were placed beside him; to go with him to the Happy Hunting Ground; the eternal home of the redmen; where the redmen believe the sun will always shine; and where they will be free from their cruel white foes。

When the grave had been filled and the log rolled on it the Indians stood by it a moment; each speaking a few words in a low tone; while the night wind moaned the dead chief's requiem through the tree tops。

Accustomed as Isaac was to the bloody conflicts common to the Indians; and to the tragedy that surrounded the life of a borderman; the ghastly sight had unnerved him。 The last glimpse of that stern; dark face; of that powerful form; as the moon brightened up the spot in seeming pity; he felt he could never forget。 His thoughts were interrupted by the harsh voice of Crow bidding him get up。 He was told that the slightest inclination on his part to lag behind on the march before them; or in any way to make their trail plainer; would be the signal for his death。 With that Crow cut the thongs which bound Isaac's legs and placing him between two of the Indians; led the way into the forest。

Moving like spectres in the moonlight they marched on and on for hours。 Crow was well named。 He led them up the stony ridges where their footsteps left no mark; and where even a dog could not find their trail; down into the valleys and into the shallow streams where the running water would soon wash away all trace of their tracks; then out on the open plain; where the soft; springy grass retained little impress of their moccasins。

Single file they marched in the leader's tracks as he led them onward through the dark forests; out under the shining moon; never slacking his rapid pace; ever in a straight line; and yet avoiding the roughest going with that unerring instinct。 which was this Indian's gift。 Toward dawn the moon went down; leaving them in darkness; but this made no difference; for; guided by the stars; Crow k

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