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second treatise of government-第32章

小说: second treatise of government 字数: 每页4000字

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annot be  taken from him;      Sec。 194。  Their persons are free by a native right; and  their properties; be they more or less; are their own; and at  their own dispose; and not at his; or else it is no property。   Supposing the conqueror gives to one man a thousand acres; to him  and his heirs for ever; to another he lets a thousand acres for  his life; under the rent of 501。  or 5001。  per arm。  has not the  one of these a right to his thousand acres for ever; and the  other; during his life; paying the said rent? and hath not the  tenant for life a property in all that he gets over and above his  rent; by his labour and industry during the said term; supposing  it be double the rent?  Can any one say; the king; or conqueror;  after his grant; may by his power of conqueror take away all; or  part of the land from the heirs of one; or from the other during  his life; he paying the rent? or can he take away from either the  goods or money they have got upon the said land; at his pleasure?   If he can; then all free and voluntary contracts cease; and are  void in the world; there needs nothing to dissolve them at any 

time; but power enough: and all the grants and promises of men in  power are but mockery and collusion: for can there be any thing  more ridiculous than to say; I give you and your's this for ever;  and that in the surest and most solemn way of conveyance can be  devised; and yet it is to be understood; that I have right; if I  please; to take it away from you again to morrow?      Sec。 195。  1 will not dispute now whether princes are exempt  from the laws of their country; but this I am sure; they owe  subjection to the laws of God and nature。  No body; no power; can  exempt them from the obligations of that eternal law。  Those are  so great; and so strong; in the case of promises; that  omnipotency itself can be tied by them。  Grants; promises; and  oaths; are bonds that hold the Almighty: whatever some flatterers  say to princes of the world; who all together; with all their  people joined to them; are; in comparison of the great God; but  as a drop of the bucket; or a dust on the balance;  inconsiderable; nothing!      Sec。 196。  The short of the case in conquest is this: the  conqueror; if he have a just cause; has a despotical right over  the persons of all; that actually aided; and concurred in the war  against him; and a right to make up his damage and cost out of  their labour and estates; so he injure not the right of any  other。  Over the rest of the people; if there were any that  consented not to the war; and over the children of the captives  themselves; or the possessions of either; he has no power; and so  can have; by virtue of conquest; no lawful title himself to  dominion over them; or derive it to his posterity; but is an  aggressor; if he attempts upon their properties; and thereby puts  himself in a state of war against them; and has no better a right  of principality; he; nor any of his successors; than Hingar; or  Hubba; the Danes; had here in England; or Spartacus; had he  conquered Italy; would have had; which is to have their yoke cast  off; as soon as God shall give those under their subjection  courage and opportunity to do it。  Thus; notwithstanding whatever  title the kings of Assyria had over Judah; by the sword; God  assisted Hezekiah to throw off the dominion of that conquering  empire。  And the lord was with Hezekiah; and he prospered;  wherefore he went forth; and he rebelled against the king of  Assyria; and served him not; 2 Kings xviii。  7。  Whence it is  plain; that shaking off a power; which force; and not right; hath  set over any one; though it hath the name of rebellion; yet is no  offence before God; but is that which he allows and countenances;  though even promises and covenants; when obtained by force; have  intervened: for it is very probable; to any one that reads the  story of Ahaz and Hezekiah attentively; that the Assyrians  subdued Ahaz; and deposed him; and made Hezekiah king in his  father's lifetime; and that Hezekiah by agreement had done him  homage; and paid him tribute all this time。

                      CHAP。  XVII。

                     Of USURPATION。

     Sec。 197。  AS conquest may be called a foreign usurpation;  so usurpation is a kind of domestic conquest; with this  difference; that an usurper can never have right on his side; it  being no usurpation; but where one is got into the possession of  what another has right to。   This; so far as it is usurpation; is  a change only of persons; but not of the forms and rules of the  government: for if the usurper extend his power beyond what of  right belonged to the lawful princes; or governors of the  commonwealth; it is tyranny added to usurpation。      Sec。 198。  In all lawful governments; the designation of the  persons; who are to bear rule; is as natural and necessary a part 

as the form of the government itself; and is that which had its  establishment originally from the people; the anarchy being much  alike; to have no form of government at all; or to agree; that it  shall be monarchical; but to appoint no way to design the person  that shall have the power; and be the monarch。  Hence all  commonwealths; with the form of government established; have  rules also of appointing those who are to have any share in the  public authority; and settled methods of conveying the right to  them: for the anarchy is much alike; to have no form of  government at all; or to agree that it shall be monarchical; but  to appoint no way to know or design the person that shall have  the power; and be the monarch。  Whoever gets into the exercise of  any part of the power; by other ways than what the laws of the  community have prescribed; hath no right to be obeyed; though the  form of the commonwealth be still preserved; since he is not the  person the laws have appointed; and consequently not the person  the people have consented to。  Nor can such an usurper; or any  deriving from him; ever have a title; till the people are both at  liberty to consent; and have actually consented to allow; and  confirm in him the power he hath till then usurped。

                     CHAP。  XVIII。

                      Of TYRANNY。

     Sec。 199。  AS usurpation is the exercise of power; which  another hath a right to; so tyranny is the exercise of power  beyond right; which no body can have a right to。  And this is  making use of the power any one has in his hands; not for the  good of those who are under it; but for his own private separate  advantage。  When the governor; however intitled; makes not the  law; but his will; the rule; and his commands and actions are not  directed to the preservation of the properties of his people; but  the satisfaction of his own ambition; revenge; covetousness; or  any other irregular passion。      Sec。 200。  If one can doubt this to be truth; or reason;  because it comes from the obscure hand of a subject; I hope the  authority of a king will make it pass with him。  King James the  first; in his speech to the parliament; 1603; tells them thus; I  will ever prefer the weal of the public; and of the whole  commonwealth; in making of good laws and constitutions; to any  particular and private ends of mine; thinking ever the wealth and  weal of the commonwealth to be my greatest weal and worldly  felicity; a point wherein a lawful king doth directly differ from  a tyrant: for I do acknowledge; that the special and greatest  point of difference that is between a rightful king and an  usurping tyrant; is this; that whereas the proud and ambitious  tyrant doth think his kingdom and people are only ordained for  satisfaction of his desires and unreasonable appetites; the  righteous and just king doth by the contrary acknowledge himself  to be ordained for the procuring of the wealth and property of  his people; And again; in his speech to the parliament; 1609; he  hath these words; The king binds himself by a double oath; to the  observation of the fundamental laws of his kingdom; tacitly; as  by being a king; and so bound to protect as well the people; as  the laws of his kingdom; and expressly; by his oath at his  coronation; so as every just king; in a settled kingdom; is bound 

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