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titus andronicus(泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯)-第18章

小说: titus andronicus(泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯) 字数: 每页4000字

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Flourish within The trumpets show the Emperor is at hand。 

       Sound     trumpets。     Enter    SATURNINUS           and    TAMORA;         with 


       SATURNINUS。         What;    hath   the  firmament     more    suns  than   one? 

LUCIUS。   What   boots   it   thee   to   can   thyself   a   sun?   MARCUS。   Rome's 

Emperor;   and   nephew;   break   the   parle;   These   quarrels   must   be   quietly 

debated。   The   feast   is   ready   which   the   careful   Titus   Hath   ordain'd   to   an 

honourable end; For peace; for love; for league; and good to Rome。 Please 

you; therefore; draw nigh and take your places。 SATURNINUS。 Marcus; 

we will。 'A table brought in。 The company sit down' 

       Trumpets sounding; enter TITUS like a cook; placing the dishes; and 

LAVINIA with a veil over her face; also YOUNG LUCIUS; and others 

       TITUS。   Welcome;   my   lord;   welcome;   dread   Queen;   Welcome;   ye 

warlike Goths; welcome; Lucius; And welcome all。 Although the cheer be 

poor; 'Twill fill your stomachs; please you eat of it。 SATURNINUS。 Why 

art thou thus attir'd; Andronicus? TITUS。 Because I would be sure to have 

all well To entertain your Highness and your Empress。 TAMORA。 We are 

beholding to you; good Andronicus。 TITUS。 An if your Highness knew my 

heart; you were。 My lord the Emperor; resolve me this: Was it well done of 

rash Virginius To slay his daughter with his own right hand; Because she 


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                                   TITUS ANDRONICUS 

was enforc'd; stain'd; and deflower'd? SATURNINUS。 It was; Andronicus。 

TITUS。 Your reason; mighty lord。 SATURNINUS。 Because the girl should 

not   survive    her   shame;    And    by   her  presence    still  renew   his  sorrows。 

TITUS。 A reason mighty; strong; and effectual; A pattern; precedent; and 

lively    warrant    For   me;   most   wretched;     to  perform    the   like。  Die;  die; 

Lavinia; and thy shame with thee; 'He kills her' And with thy shame thy 

father's sorrow die! SATURNINUS。 What hast thou done; unnatural and 

unkind? TITUS。 Kill'd her for whom my tears have made me blind。 I am 

as woeful as Virginius was; And have a thousand times more cause than he 

To   do   this   outrage;   and   it   now   is   done。   SATURNINUS。   What;   was   she 

ravish'd? Tell who did the deed。 TITUS。 Will't please you eat? Will't please 

your Highness feed? TAMORA。 Why hast thou slain thine only daughter 

thus? TITUS。 Not I; 'twas Chiron and Demetrius。 They ravish'd her; and 

cut   away   her   tongue;   And   they;   'twas   they;   that   did   her   all   this   wrong。 

SATURNINUS。 Go; fetch them hither to us presently。 TITUS。 Why; there 

they are; both   baked in  this pie; Whereof   their mother daintily hath fed; 

Eating the flesh that she herself hath bred。 'Tis true; 'tis true: witness my 

knife's sharp point。 'He stabs the EMPRESS' SATURNINUS。 Die; frantic 

wretch; for this accursed deed! 'He stabs TITUS' LUCIUS。 Can the son's 

eye   behold   his   father   bleed? There's   meed   for   meed;   death   for   a   deadly 

deed。 'He stabs SATURNINUS。 A great tumult。 LUCIUS; MARCUS; and 

their friends go up into the balcony' MARCUS。 You sad…fac'd men; people 

and   sons   of   Rome;   By   uproars   sever'd;   as   a   flight   of   fowl   Scatter'd   by 

winds and high tempestuous gusts? O; let me teach you how to knit again 

This scattered corn into one mutual sheaf; These broken limbs again into 

one body; Lest Rome herself be bane unto herself; And she whom mighty 

kingdoms curtsy to; Like a forlorn and desperate castaway; Do shameful 

execution   on   herself。   But   if   my   frosty   signs   and   chaps   of   age;   Grave 

witnesses of true experience; Cannot induce you to attend my words; 'To 

Lucius' Speak; Rome's dear friend; as erst our ancestor; 

       When   with   his solemn   tongue he   did   discourse To love…sick   Dido's 

sad   attending   ear   The   story   of   that   baleful   burning   night;   When   subtle 

Greeks surpris'd King Priam's Troy。 Tell us what Sinon hath bewitch'd our 

ears;   Or   who   hath   brought   the   fatal   engine   in   That   gives   our   Troy;   our 


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                                    TITUS ANDRONICUS 

Rome; the civil wound。 My heart is not compact of flint nor steel; Nor can 

I utter all our bitter grief; But floods of tears will drown my oratory And 

break my utt'rance; even in the time When it should move ye to attend me 

most; And force you to commiseration。 Here's Rome's young Captain; let 

him tell the tale; While I stand by and weep to hear him speak。 LUCIUS。 

Then; gracious auditory; be it known to you That Chiron and the damn'd 

Demetrius   Were   they   that   murd'red   our   Emperor's   brother;   And   they   it 

were     that   ravished    our   sister。  For   their   fell  faults   our   brothers    were 

beheaded; Our father's tears despis'd; and basely cozen'd Of that true hand 

that fought Rome's quarrel out And sent her enemies unto the grave。 Lastly; 

myself unkindly banished; The gates shut on me; and turn'd weeping out; 

To   beg   relief   among   Rome's   enemies;   Who   drown'd   their   enmity   in   my 

true tears; And op'd their arms to embrace me as a friend。 I am the turned 

forth;  be   it   known   to   you;  That   have   preserv'd   her   welfare   in   my   blood 

And   from   her   bosom   took   the   enemy's   point;   Sheathing   the   steel   in   my 

advent'rous body。 Alas! you know I am no vaunter; I; My scars can witness; 

dumb although they are; That my report is just and full of truth。 But; soft! 

methinks I do digress too much; Citing my worthless praise。 O; pardon me! 

For when no friends are by; men praise themselves。 MARCUS。 Now is my 

turn to speak。 Behold the child。 'Pointing to the CHILD in an attendant's 

arms'   Of   this   was   Tamora   delivered;   The   issue   of   an   irreligious   Moor; 

Chief   architect   and   plotter   of   these   woes。   The   villain   is   alive   in   Titus' 

house; Damn'd as he is; to witness this is true。 Now judge what cause had 

Titus to revenge These wrongs unspeakable; past patience; Or more than 

any living man could bear。 Now have you heard the truth: what say you; 

Romans?   Have   we   done   aught   amiss;   show   us   wherein;  And;   from   the 

place   where   you   behold   us   pleading;   The   poor   remainder   of   Andronici 

Will; hand in hand; all headlong hurl ourselves; And on the ragged stones 

beat   forth   our   souls;   And   make   a   mutual   closure   of   our   house。   Speak; 

Romans; speak; and if you say we shall; Lo; hand in hand; Lucius and I 

will   fall。   AEMILIUS。   Come;   come;   thou   reverend   man   of   Rome;   And 

bring   our   Emperor   gently   in   thy   hand;   Lucius   our   Emperor;   for   well   I 

know   The   common   voice   do   cry   it   shall   be   so。   ALL。   Lucius;   all   hail; 

Rome's royal Emperor! MARCUS。 Go; go into old Titus' sorrowful house; 


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                                   TITUS ANDRONICUS 

And     hither   hale   that  misbelieving      Moor     To  be   adjudg'd    some    direful 

slaught'ring death; As punishment for his most wicked life。 Exeunt some 

attendants。 LUCIUS; MARCUS; and the others descend ALL。 Lucius; all 

hail; Rome's gracious governor! LUCIUS。 Thanks; gentle Romans! May I 

govern   so   To   heal   Rome's   harms   and   wipe   away   her   woe!   But;   gentle 

people; give me aim awhile; For nature puts me to a heavy task。 Stand all 

aloof; but; uncle; draw you near To shed obsequious tears upon this trunk。 

O;    take   this  warm    kiss   on   thy   pale  cold   lips。  'Kisses    TITUS'     These 

sorrowful   drops   upon   thy   blood…stain'd   fac

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